

[slides for a short course, which can be used as an introduction to the book.]

[An old version on ArXiv

[R code on Harvard Dataverse

[Python code by Apoorva Lal

[purchase on Amazon]

[R code on Harvard Dataverse]

Technical Reports

Refereed Journal Publications

       Ding, P. (2017). Rejoinder. Statistical Science, 32, 362-366.

       VanderWeele, T. J. and Ding, P. (2017). Sensitivity analysis in observational research: introducing the E-value. Annals of Internal Medicine, 167, 268-274. [with editorial comments by Localio et al., critiques by Ioannidis et al, and responses to critiques]

       Mathur, M. B., Ding, P., Riddell, C. A. and VanderWeele, T. J. (2018). Website and R package for computing E-values. Epidemiology, 29, e45-e47.

        VanderWeele, T. J., Ding, P., and Mathur, M. B. (2019). Technical considerations in the use of the E-value. Journal of Causal Inference, 20180007.

        Ding, P. and Miratrix, L. W. (2015). Reply to Professor Pearl's comment. Journal of Causal Inference, 3, 251-252.

Other short papers


        Ding, P. (2015). Response to Cook et al.'s Comment. The American Statistician 69, 255-256.