
Dr. McQuade’s research is published in academic journals so that other professionals that work with children or individuals with ADHD can learn from her work. Dr. McQuade is also available to present her research in local schools to students, teachers, or parents. For reprints please contact Dr. McQuade.

Photograph by Henry Amistadi-

Lab Publications

* Amherst College undergraduate student co-author

McQuade, J.D., Breaux, R., Cash, A.R., Horton, N.J., Azu, M.A.*, & Delgado, D.* (2023). Differential associations and concordance across measures of parent emotion socialization: The role of parent and adolescent emotion dysregulation. Social Development, 32 (4), 1374 1393. doi:

McQuade, J.D. (2022). ADHD symptoms, peer problems, and emotion dysregulation as longitudinal and concurrent predictors of adolescent borderline personality features. Journal of Attention Disorders, 26 (13), 1711-1724. doi: 10.1177/10870547221098174.

Breaux, R., McQuade, J.D., Musser, E. (2022) Introduction to the special issue: Transdiagnostic implications of parental socialization of child and adolescent emotions. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 50(1), 1-11. doi: 10.1007/s10802-021-00864-3

Breaux, R., Eadeh, H., Swanson, C. S., & McQuade, J. D. (2022). Adolescent emotionality and emotion regulation in the context of parent emotion socialization among adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders: A call to action with pilot data. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 50(1), 77-88. doi: 10.1007/s10802-021-00833-w

McQuade, J.D., Dixon-Gordon, K.L., Breaux, R., & Babinski, D.E. (2022). Interactive effects of parent emotion socialization and child physiological reactivity in predicting adolescent borderline personality disorder features. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 50(1), 89-100, doi: 10.1007/s10802-020-00717-5.

McQuade, J.D., Breaux, R., Mordy, A.*, Taubin, D.* (2021). Childhood ADHD symptoms, parent emotion socialization, and adolescent peer problems: Indirect effects through emotion dysregulation. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50 (12), 2519-2532. doi: 10.1007/s10964-021-01510-3

Fogleman, N.D., McQuade, J.D., Mehari, K.R, & Becker, S.P. (2021) Peer victimization in adolescents with ADHD: Overlap between in-person and cyber victimization and associations with internalizing symptoms and self-esteem. Child: Care, Health, & Development. Advance Online Publication. doi: 10.1111/cch.12888

Babinski, D.E., McQuade, J.D., & Waschbusch, D.A. (2021). A latent profile analysis of borderline personality features and externalizing problems in youth. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 77, 732–744 doi:10.1002/jclp.23053.

Becker, S.P. & McQuade, J.D. (2020). Physiological correlates of sluggish cognitive tempo in children: Differential associations with sympathetic nervous system reactivity during social and cognitive stressor tasks. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 48(7), 923-933. doi:10.1007/s10802-020-00651-6

Dixon-Gordon, K.L., Marsh, N.P.*, Balda, K.E.*, McQuade, J.D. (2020). Parent emotion socialization and child emotional vulnerability as predictors of borderline personality features. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology

McQuade, J.D., Murray-Close, A., Breslend, N.L., Blada, K.E.*, Kim, M.M.*, & Marsh, N.P.* (2019). Emotional underarousal and overarousal and relational aggression: Interactive effects of relational victimization, physiological reactivity, and emotional sensitivity. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10802-019-00544-3

Babinski, D. & McQuade, J.D. (2018). Borderline personality features mediate the association between ADHD, ODD, and relational and physical aggression in girls. Journal of Attention Disorders. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/1087054718797445

McQuade, J.D., Breslend, N.L., & Groff, D.* (2018). Experiences of physical and relational victimization in children with ADHD: The role of social problems and aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 44, 416 – 425. doi:10.1002/ab.21762

Fefer, S. A., McQuade, J.D., Virga, C., Johnson, A., Gordon, K., Santiago-Rosario, M., Reinbergs, E. & Porter, J. (2018). Mother's observations of biased self-perceptions in children with ADHD. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27, 2328-2342. doi:10.1007/s10826-018-1060-1

 Breaux, R.P., McQuade, J.D., Harvey, E.A., & Zakarian, R.J.* (2018). Longitudinal associations of parental emotion socialization and children's emotion regulation: The moderating role of ADHD symptomatology. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 46, 671–683. doi:10.1007/s10802-017-0327-0

 McQuade, J.D., (2017). Peer victimization and changes in physical and relational aggression: The moderating role of executive functioning abilities. Aggressive Behavior, 43, 503-512. doi:10.1002/ab.21708

McQuade, J. D., Penzel, T. E.*, Silk, J. S., & Lee, K. H. (2017). Parasympathetic nervous system reactivity moderates associations between children’s executive functioning and social and academic competence. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 45, 1355-1367. doi:10.1007/s10802-016-0246-5

McQuade, J. D., & Breaux, R. P. (2017). Parent emotion socialization and pre-adolescent’s social and emotional adjustment: Moderating effects of autonomic nervous system reactivity. Biological Psychology, 13067-76. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2017.10.007

McQuade, J. D., & Breaux, R. P. (2017). Are elevations in ADHD symptoms associated with physiological reactivity and emotion dysregulation in children? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 45, 1091-1103. doi:10.1007/s10802-016-0227-8

McQuade, J.D., Breaux, R.P., Miller, R.H.*, & Mathias, L.* (2017). Executive functioning and engagement in physical and relational aggression among children with ADHD. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 45, 899-910. doi:10.1007/s10802-016-0207-z

McQuade, J.D., Mendoza, S.A., Larsen, K.L.*, Breaux, R.P. (2017). The nature of social positive illusory bias: Reflection of social impairment, self-protective motivation, or poor executive functioning? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 45, 289-300. doi:10.1007/s10802-016-0172-6

McQuade, J.D., Breaux, R.P., Gómez, A.F.*, Zakarian, R.J.*, & Weatherly J.A.* (2016).  Biased self-perceived social competence and engagement in subtypes of aggression: Examination of peer rejection, social dominance goals, and the sex of the child as moderators. Aggressive Behavior, 42, 498-509. doi:10.1002/ab.21645

McQuade, J.D., Achufusi, A.K.*, Shoulberg, E.K., & Murray-Close, D. (2014). Biased self-perceptions of social competence and engagement in physical and relational aggression: The moderating role of peer status and sex. Aggressive Behavior, 40, 512-525. doi:10.1002/ab.21552

Marsh, N.*, Balda, K.* & McQuade, J. D (2016, November). Relational Aggression, Is It All Bad? The Role of Emotion Regulation in Child Psychopathology. Poster accepted for presentation at the Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 51st Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.

Kim, M.*, Langhinrichsen-Rohling R.*, Fefer, S., & McQuade, J.D. (2016, October). Parents’ Lack of Awareness of Positive Illusory Bias in Children with ADHD. Poster accepted for presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 50th Annual Convention, New York, NY

Mathias, E.*, Miller, R*, McQuade, J.D. (2015, November). Outsmarting aggression: The Role of Executive Functioning in Determining the Nature of Children’s Aggressive Behavior. Poster accepted for the 49th Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

McQuade, J.D., Breaux, R.P., Gómez, A.F.*, Zakarian, R.J.*, & Weatherly J.A.* (2015, November).  Biased Self-Perceived Social Competence and Engagement in Subtypes of Aggression: Examination of Peer Rejection and Social Dominance Goals as Moderators. Poster accepted for the 49th Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

Zakarian, R.J.*, McQuade, J.D., & Breaux, R. (2014, November). Parental Responses to Children's Negative Emotions: Relations to Social Competence and the Positive Illusory Bias in Children With and Without ADHD. Poster accepted for the 48th Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA.

Gomez, A.F.*, & McQuade, J.D. (2014, November).  Social Technology Use and Psychosocial Adjustment in Children With and Without ADHD. Poster accepted for the 48th Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA.

Student Poster Presentations

Arthur, M.*, Reddy, K.A.*, & McQuade, J.D. (2023, Nov). The relation of child ADHD symptoms and social impairments: The moderating role of positive emotion dysregulation. Poster accepted to the Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 57th Annual Convention, Seattle, WA; Winner of the Clinical Psychology in Liberal Arts Settings student poster award

Cash, A.R., Azu, M.*, Delgado, D.*, Corcoran, R.*, Castellanos, E.*, Breaux, R., & McQuade, J.D. (2021, Nov). Accuracy of parent and adolescent report of parent emotion socialization practices during a conflict discussion task. Poster session presented at the Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 55th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA

Azu, M.A.*, Paul, J.J.*, Meade, C.*, & McQuade, J.D. (2020, Nov). The moderating role of social support and avoidant coping in the relationship between racial-ethnic stress and depression in emerging adults. Poster session presented at the Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 54th Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA

Taubin, D.* & McQuade, J.D. (2020, Nov). The company you keep: A longitudinal analysis of risk factors for deviant peer affiliation in adolescents with ADHD. Poster session presented at the Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 54th Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA

Taubin, D.*, Mordy, A.E*., & McQuade, J.D. (2019, Nov). Childhood ADHD and peer rejection: A moderated mediation model examining parent emotion socialization and child prosocial behavior. Poster session presented at the Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 53rd Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA

McQuade, J.D., Gajewski-Nemes, J.*, Dixon-Gordon, K.L. (2019, June). Parent borderline personality disorder features and emotion socialization: Transactions with child emotional vulnerability and social sensitivity. Poster session presented at the International Society for Child and Adolescent Psychopathology 19th Scientific Meeting, Los Angeles, California

Fogelman, N., McQuade, J.D., Mehari, K., & Becker, S.P. (2019, March). In-Person and cyber victimization among adolescents with ADHD: Links to anxiety, depression, and self-esteem. Poster session presented at the Society for Research on Child Development Bi-Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD.

Marsh, N.* & McQuade, J.D. (2018, November). Parent emotion socialization and pre-adolescent psychopathology: The moderating role of physiological reactivity and gender. Poster accepted for presentation at the Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 52nd Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.

Balda, K.* & McQuade, J.D. (2018, November). Rejection sensitivity as a mediator in the relationship between relational victimization and BPD features in children. Poster accepted for presentation at the Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 52nd Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.

Marsh, N.*, Balda, K.* & McQuade, J. D (2017, November). Relational aggression, is it all bad? The role of emotion regulation in child psychopathology. Poster session presented at the Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 51st Annual Convention, San Diego, CA. 

Breaux, R.P, McQuade, J.D., Harvey, E.A., & Zakarian, R.J.* (2016, October). The role of parental emotion socialization practices in children’s emotion regulation: The moderating role of ADHD symptomatology. Poster session presented at the Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 50th Annual Convention, New York, NY

Kim, M.*, Langhinrichsen-Rohling R.*, Fefer, S., & McQuade, J.D. (2016, October). Parents’ lack of awareness of positive illusory bias in children with ADHD. Poster session presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 50th Annual Convention, New York, NY

Mathias, E.*, Miller, R*, McQuade, J.D. (2015, November). Outsmarting aggression: The role of executive functioning in determining the nature of children’s aggressive behavior. Poster session presented at the 49th Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. [winner of the Clinical Psychology in Liberal Arts Settings student poster award]

McQuade, J.D., Breaux, R.P., Gómez, A.F.*, Zakarian, R.J.*, & Weatherly J.A.* (2015, November).  Biased self-perceived social competence and engagement in subtypes of aggression: Examination of peer rejection and social dominance goals as moderators. Poster session presented at the 49th Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

Zakarian, R.J.*, McQuade, J.D., & Breaux, R. (2014, November). Parental responses to children's negative emotions: Relations to social competence and the positive illusory bias in children with and without ADHD. Poster session presented at the 48th Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA.

Gómez, A.F.*, & McQuade, J.D. (2014, November).  Social technology use and psychosocial adjustment in children with and without ADHD. Poster session presented at the 48th Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA.

McQuade, J.D., Achufusi, A.*, Murray-Close, D., and Shoulberg, E. (2013, November). Biased perceptions of competence and aggressive behaviors: The dangers of overestimating and underestimating social acceptance. Poster session presented at the 47th Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention, Nashville, TN.

Student Theses

Maya Foster, Class of 2023. Examining the Relationship Between Parental Emotion Socialization and Child Externalizing Behaviors Across Diverse Racial/Ethnic Identities

Katherine Redmond, Class of 2023. Parent Positive Emotion Socialization and Child Externalizing Behavior Problems: Examining the Mediating Effects of Child Positive Emotion Regulation

Ray Corcoran, Class of 2023. Positive Emotion Regulation in Children High in ADHD Symptoms: Multiple Pathways to Additional Impairments?

Thariana Pichardo, Class of 2022. The Effect of Childhood Disorder Symptoms and Parent Emotion Socialization on the Development of Borderline Personality Features

Daylin Delgado, Class of 2022. Assessing Bidirectional Relationships Between Parent Emotion Socialization and Youth Internalizing Symptoms Across Childhood and Adolescence

Arianna Mordy, Class of 2020. The Longitudinal Effects of Parent Emotion Socialization and ADHD Symptoms in Childhood on Adolescent Emotion Dysregulation

Daria Taubin, Class of 2020. The Company You Keep: A Longitudinal Analysis of Risk Factors for Deviant Peer Affiliation in Adolescents with ADHD

Silvana Romero, Class of 2019. Fortaleza: The Differential Effects of Stress among Latinx and White Students

Julia Gajewski-Nemes, Class of 2019. Parent Borderline Personality Disorder Features and Emotion Socialization: Transactions with Child Emotional Vulnerability and Social Sensitivity

Nicholas Marsh, Class of 2018. Parent Emotion Socialization and Pre-Adolescent Psychopathology: The Moderating Role of Physiological Reactivity and Gender

Kayla Balda, Class of 2018. Peer Victimization and BPD Features in Children: An Examination of Mediating Variables and Risk Trajectories

Destin Groff, Class of 2017. Investigating the Peer Victimization of Children with ADHD: Are There Additional Social-Emotional Impairments that Increase Susceptibility?

Mindy Kim, Class of 2017. Why do Children become Physically and Relationally Aggressive? A study of Interactive Risk Factors (Haskell R. Coplin Memorial Award Winner)

Kristy Larsen, Class of 2015. Do I know I Don't fit in? Implicit and Explicit Perceptions of Social Acceptance by Children with ADHD (Haskell R. Coplin Memorial Award Winner)

Taylor Penzel, Class of 2015. Investigating the Social Positive Bias in Children with ADHD: Using Physiological Data to Elucidate the Underlying Mechanisms of Overestimation of Competence 

Angelina Gomez, Class of 2014. Social Technology Use and Psychosocial Adjustment in Children

Rebecca Zakarian, Class of 2014. Parental Responses to Children's Negative Emotions: Relations to Social Competence and the Positive Illusory Bias in Children With and Without ADHD (Haskell R. Coplin Memorial Award Winner)

Adaora Achufusi, Class of 2013. Biased Perceptions of Social Competence in Elementary School Children: A Predictor of Aggressive Behavior?

Millicent Gordon, Class of 2013. Do You Really Want To Hurt Me? The Effects of Hostile Attributional Bias and Executive Functioning on Aggression in Emerging Adulthood