
Published Papers (in refereed journals)

"On the identification of the effect of education on health: a comment on Fonseca et al. (2020)”, with Marisa Hidalgo-Hidalgo and Íñigo Iturbe-Ormaetxe. SERIEs (2022), 13, 649–661  (doi: 10.1007/s13209-022-00260-0).

The Psychological Effect of a Math Signal”,  with Marianna Battaglia and Marcello Sartarelli. Economics of Education Review (2022), Vol. 86, 102202 (doi: 10.1016/j.econedurev.2021.102202)

"A multimodal approach for regional GDP prediction using social media activity and historical information", with Javier Ortega-Bastida, Antonio Javier Gallego and Juan Ramón Rico-Juan. Applied Soft Computing (2021), Vol. 111, pp. 107693 (doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2021.107693)

"Education and adult health: Is there a causal effect?", with Marisa Hidalgo-Hidalgo and Iñigo Iturbe-Ormaetxe. Social Science & Medicine (2020), Vol. 258, Pages 113094. (doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.112830)

"Estimation of Dynamic Nonlinear Random Effects Models with Unbalanced Panels", with Raquel Carrasco and Jesus Carro, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (2019), Vol. 81, Issue 6, pp. 1424-1441 (doi: 10.1111/obes.12308)

"GMM Estimation from Incomplete and Rotating Panels" , with Manuel Arellano,  Annals of Economics and Statistics (2019), No. 134, pp. 5-42. (doi: 10.15609/annaeconstat2009.134.0005)

Are Migrants More Productive Than Stayers? Some Evidence From A Set Of Highly Productive Academic Economists”, with Raquel Carrasco And Javier Ruiz-Castillo, Economic Inquiry (2017), Vol. 55, No. 3, 1308–1323. (doi:10.1111/ecin.12430)

The Herrero-Villar approach to citation impact”, with Carmen Herrero, Javier Ruiz-Castillo and Antonio Villar, Journal of Informetrics (2017), Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp. 625-640. (doi: 10.1016/j.joi.2017.04.008) 

"Geographic mobility and research productivity in a selection of top world economics departments", with Raquel Carrasco and Javier Ruiz-Castillo, Scientometrics (2017), Vol 111, Issue 1, pp. 241-265 (doi: 10.1007/s11192-017-2245-x)

Differences In Citation Impact Across Countries”, with Antonio Perianes and Javier Ruiz-Castillo, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (2015), Vol. 66, Issue 3, pages 512–525. (doi:10.1002/asi.23219)

Domestic Transport Cost Reductions and Firms’ Export Behaviour”, with Raquel Carrasco and Aldheid Holl, Small Business Economics (2013), Vol. 40 (4), pp. 879-898 (doi: 10.1007/s11187-011-9393-9 )

The Measurement of Low- and High-impact in Citation Distributions: Technical Results”, with Javier Ruiz-Castillo and Ignacio Ortuño, Journal of Informetrics (2011), Vol. 5(1), pp. 48-63. (doi: 10.1016/j.joi.2010.08.002)

High- and Low-impact Citation Measures: Empirical Applications”, with Javier Ruiz-Castillo and Ignacio Ortuño, Journal of Informetrics (2011), Vol. 5(1), pp. 122-145. (doi: 10.1016/j.joi.2010.10.001)

References Made and Citations Received By Scientific Articles”, with Javier Ruiz-Castillo, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (2011), Vol. 62(1), pp. 40-49. (doi: 10.1002/asi.21448)

The skewness of science in 219 sub-fields and a number of aggregates”, with Joan Crespo, Ignacio Ortuño and Javier Ruiz-Castillo, Scientometrics (2011), Vol. 88(2), pp. 385-397 (doi: 10.1007/s11192-011-0407-9)

Average-based versus High- and Low-impact Indicators for the Evaluation of Scientific Distributions”, with Javier Ruiz-Castillo and Ignacio Ortuño, Research Evaluation (2011), Vol. 20(4), pp. 325-340 (doi: 10.3152/095820211X13164389670310)

A Comparison of the Scientific Performance of the U.S. and the European Union at the Turn of the XXI Century”, with Joan Crespo, Ignacio Ortuño and Javier Ruiz-Castillo, Scientometrics (2010), Vol. 85(1), pp. 329-344. (doi: 10.1007/s11192-010-0223-7)

Inequality for wage earners and self-employed : evidence from panel data”, with Raquel Carrasco and Maite Martinez Granado, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (2009), Vol. 71(4), pp. 491-518. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0084.2009.00549.x)

Limited commitment and crowding out of private transfers. Evidence from a randomized experiment”, with Orazio P. Attanasio, The Economic Journal (2003), Vol. 113 (486) pp. C77-C85. (doi: 10.1111/1468-0297.00112)

Publications in books with anonymous referees

Do public transfers crowd out private transfers? Evidence from a randomized experiment in Mexico”, with Orazio P. Attanasio, in Stefan Dercon (ed.): Insurance against Poverty, 2005, Oxford University Press. 

(for the whole book, doi:10.1093/0199276838.001.0001; for this chapter only, doi:10.1093/0199276838.003.0014)

Submitted Papers and Work in progress

“The Effect of Education on health: A comment on Fonseca et al (2020)”,  with Marisa Hidalgo-Hidalgo and Íñigo Iturbe-Ormaeche, revise and resubmit in SERIEs.

“Estimating Dynamic Correlated Random Effects Probit Models with Unbalanced Panels using Stata”, with Raquel Carrasco and Jesús M. Carro, J. M.,  revise and resubmit in Stata Journal.

“Income Uncertainty and Precautionary Saving: Evidence from Household Rotating Panel Data” 

“On the Estimation of Aggregate and Idiosyncratic Dynamic Processes from Panel Data”

“Labour Market Transitions and Savings: a Structural Estimation using two complementary data sets”.

Pedro Albarran/ FAE-UA/ Updated 21 December, 2023

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