Pedone is an UCI chess engine written in C in development since 2013. It has been developed with particular care in code and data structure optimizations.
In this site you can find different releases of my engine, and a didactic engine.
The package includes Pedone executables for Windows, Android and Linux.
Latest release
25/04/2021 Pedone_3.1.7zÂ
10/05/2015 pedonebook.7z
Technical details
- Neural network evaluation
- Board representation QuadBitBoard
- Magic BitBoard
- Multithreaded search
- PV search
- Quiescence search with captures, promotions and checks
- Transposition Table
- Iterative deepening
- Internal iterative deepening
- Aspiration window
- Search extensions and reductions
- Singular extension
- Late move pruning
- Futility and Null Move pruning
- Delta pruning
- History
- Killer moves
- Countermove Heuristic
- Skill levels
- MultiPV
- Chess960
- Syzygy egtb support
- Polyglot book support
Old releases