3. Validation and Authentication

Create an alert page in view/admin/users/ with the name alert.blade.php

@if ($errors->any())

<div class="alert alert-danger">


@foreach ($errors->all() as $error)

<li>{{ $error }}</li>





Include file file in the login page

Edit function store in the controller to validate the form

public function store(Request $request)




$validated = $request->validate([

'email' => 'required',

'password' => 'required',



The result of validation


After validation, we do the authentication

public function store(Request $request)




//$remmeber = isset($request->input('rememeber'))? true: false;





if (Auth::attempt(





return redirect()->route('admin');


return redirect()->back();


In the authentication, we verify the email, password by using the information saved in the DB. The remember field is taken into account.

If it is correct, we redirect to route admin/main.

Add the route in the web.php file

Route::get('/admin/main',[MainController::class, 'main'])->name('admin');

This route point to the main class in the MainController class. So we create a class MainController in Admin by

php artisan make:controller Admin\MainControlle

Create a main function

class MainController extends Controller



public function main(){

echo "Welcome Admin";



So we have the result