
  • Zebari, M., F. Preusser, Ch. Grützner, P. Navabpour, and K. Ustaszewski. The Zagros Mountain Front Flexure in Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Structural style and Late Pleistocene-Holocene Fault Slip Rates Derived from Structural Modeling and Luminescence Dating of River Terraces. GeoKarlsruhe 2021, Karlsruhe, 19–24 September 2021. (virtual talk)

  • Zebari, M., F. Preusser, Ch. Grützner, P. Navabpour, and K. Ustaszewski. Late Pleistocene-Holocene Slip Rates in the Northwestern Zagros Fold-and-Thrust Belt (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) from Structural Modeling and Luminescence Dating. GeoUtrecht 2020, Utrecht, 24–26 August 2020. (virtual talk)

  • Zebari, M., C. Grützner, P. Navabpour and K. Ustaszewski. Relative Timing of Uplift along the Zagros Mountain Front Flexure (Kurdistan Region of Iraq): Constrained by Geomorphic Indices and Landscape Evolution Modeling. AAPG Middle East Region Geoscience Technology Workshop, 2nd Edition Structural Styles of the Middle East. Muscat, 9–11 December 2019. (talk).

  • Zebari, M., P. Navabpour, Ch. Grützner and K. Ustaszewski. Assessing Relative Landscape Maturity of Anticlines along the NW Segment of the Zagros Mountain Front Flexure, Kurdistan Region of Iraq. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 8–13 April 2018. (poster) Abstract

  • Duschl, F., P. Navabpour, I. Dunkl and J. Kley. Fault kinematics in the Thuringian Basin and the Flechtingen-Calvörde Block, Germany – The role of Jurassic extension tectonics in regional deformation patterns. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 8–13 April 2018. (poster) Abstract

  • Navabpour, P., J. Kley and M. Richter. What is the influence of pre-existing structures on regional intraplate tectonic stress fields? A case study of the central German platform. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 8–13 April 2018. (poster) Abstract

  • Zebari, M., P. Navabpour, Ch. Grützner and K. Ustaszewski. Estimating the Relative Uplift Time of Anticlines based on Landscape Maturity and Evolution Modeling: NW Segment of the Zagros Mountain Front Flexure, Kurdistan Region of Iraq. 17th TSK Symposium, Jena, 19–25 March 2018. (talk)

  • Zebari, M., P. Navabpour, Ch. Grützner and K. Ustaszewski. Surface Deformation Related to the 12 November 2017 Iran-Iraq Border Earthquake (Mw 7.3) and its Aftershocks: Insights from InSAR Data. 17th TSK Symposium, Jena, 19–25 March 2018. (poster)

  • Dhansay, T., P. Navabpour, M. de Wit and K. Ustaszewski. Assessing the reactivation potential of pre-existing fractures in the southern Karoo, South Africa: Evaluating the potential for sustainable exploration across its Critical Zone. 17th TSK Symposium, Jena, 19–25 March 2018. (poster)

  • Navabpour, P., M. Richter, J. Kley, Ch. Heubeck and T. Voigt. Post-Triassic succession of fault kinematics along the Lichtenau Graben and the implications within the regional tectonic framework. 17th TSK Symposium, Jena, 19–25 March 2018. (poster)

  • Nováková, L., P. Schnabl, P. Navabpour, Z. Skácelová, Š. Kdýr and G. Nikolopoulos. Drawback of sunburn basalt – case study from the Borska Skalka. Basalt 2017, Kadaň, 18-22 September 2017. (talk) Abstract

  • Navabpour, P., J. Kley, E. Le Breton, D.J.J. van Hinsbergen and K. Ustaszewski. Does intraplate brittle deformation indicate far-field stress signals? A case study of Central Europe. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 23–28 April 2017. (poster) Abstract

  • Navabpour, P. Intraplate deformation and its possible plate-tectonic causes evidenced in the Central European platform. Bilateral symposium "Orogens and Sedimentary Basins along the Alpine-Himalayan chain and their foreland”, University of Isfahan, 06 March 2017. (talk)

  • Navabpour, P., A. Malz, J. Kley, M. Siegburg and K. Ustaszewski. Post-Variscan tectonic events far north of the Alps recorded in brittle structures. GeoTirol - Annual Meeting DGGV, Innsbruck, 25-28 September 2016. (talk)

  • Dhansay, T., P. Navabpour, M. De Wit and K. Ustaszewski. Assessing the reactivation potential of pre-existing fractures in the central Karoo, South Africa: Toward sustainable natural gas exploration. Jahrestagung der Afrikagruppe Deutscher Geowissenschaftler, Freiberg, 01-02 July 2016. (poster)

  • Ustaszewski, K., N. Kasch, Ch. Zinke and P. Navabpour. The reactivation potential of preexisting basement fractures and its role on the design of a hot dry rock geothermal reservoir in the Mid-German Crystalline Rise (central Germany). TSK Meeting, Bonn, 02-06 March 2016. (poster)

  • Ustaszewski, K., N. Kasch, T. Knörrich, P. Navabpour and M. Thieme. The role of preexisting fractures and their reactivation potential on the design of a hot dry rock geothermal reservoir in the Mid-German Crystalline Rise (central Germany). CETEG Meeting, Kadaň, 22-25 April 2015. (poster)

  • Kley, J., P. Navabpour, N. Kasch, M. Siegburg and A. Malz. Fault-slip data analysis and cover versus basement fracture patterns – implications for subsurface technical processes in Thuringia, Germany. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15 - 19 December 2014. (poster)

  • Kasch, N., K. Ustaszewski, M. Siegburg, P. Navabpour and G. Hesse. Estimating the reactivation potential of pre-existing fractures in subsurface granitoids from outcrop analogues and in-situ stress modeling: implications for EGS reservoir stimulation with an example from Thuringia (Central Germany). AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15 - 19 December 2014, doi: 10.13140/2.1.1392.6727. (poster)

  • Siegburg, M., N. Kasch, K. Ustaszewski and P. Navabpour. Evolution of tectonic activity in southwestern foreland of the Thuringian Forest based on the fracture system in the Thüringer Hauptgranit and Muschelkalk – Investigation for geothermal drilling. GeoFrankfurt 2014, Frankfurt a.M., 21 - 24 September 2014. (poster)

  • Malz, A., D. Beyer, S. Donndorf, P. Navabpour, T. Voigt, M. Aehnelt and J. Kley. The evolution of the Thuringian Syncline (Central Germany) - an interdisciplinary approach to basin reconstruction. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 27 April - 02 May 2014. (poster)

  • Ustaszewski, K., N. Kasch, M. Siegburg, P. Navabpour and M. Thieme. Estimating the reactivation potential of existing fractures in subsurface granitoids from outcrop analogues and in-situ stress modeling: implications for EGS reservoir stimulation with an example from Meiningen (Thuringia, Central Germany). EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 27 April - 02 May 2014. (poster)

  • Malz, A., P. Jordan, B. Meier, H. Madritsch, P. Navabpour and J. Kley. Tectonic events predating the formation of the Jura fold-and-thrust belt: Constraints from cross section balancing. Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lausanne, 15-16 November 2013. (poster)

  • Malz, A., H. Madritsch, B. Meier, P. Navabpour, S. Heuberger and J. Kley. The Baden-Irchel-Herdern Lineament: An inherited normal fault controlling the front of the eastern Jura fold-and-thrust belt. Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lausanne, 15-16 November 2013. (talk)

  • Malz, A., H. Madritsch, B. Meier, S. Heuberger, P. Navabpour and J. Kley. To what extent have inherited normal faults influenced thrust propagation at the front of the easternmost Jura fold-and-thrust belt? Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Bern, 16-17 November 2012. (poster)

  • Navabpour, P., J. Kley, T. Voigt, M. Klocke and N. Rajabov. Structural evolution of the Tajik depression, constrained by fault slip data. DARIUS Programme, Milan, 9-10 February 2012. (talk)

  • Navabpour, P. and E. Barrier. Palaeostress review of the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt and tectonic implications. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 3-8 April 2011. (poster) Abstract

  • Dowlat, E., M. Pourkermani, S. Shahriari, P. Navabpour and N. Mozaffari Amiri. Fault slip analysis and paleostress reconstruction in the Aghdarband, Kopet Dagh, northeastern Iran. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 13-18 April 2008. (poster)

  • Navabpour, P., J. Angelier and E. Barrier. Shift of deformation partitioning from active to passive margin in continental collision: a case study of W-Zagros, Iran. MEBE Programme, Paris, 4-5 December 2007. (talk)

  • Mouthereau, F., O. Lacombe, N. Bellahsen, J. Tensi, L. Dissez, Th. De Boisgrollier, P. Navabpour, S. Kargar, S. Khadivi. Style, Sequence and mechanisms of deformation in the Zagros Folded Belt (Fars area). MEBE Programme, Paris, 4-5 December 2007. (talk)

  • Mouthereau, F., O. Lacombe, J. Tensi, N. Bellahsen, Sh. Kargar, P. Navabpour and K. Amrouch. Mechanical constraints on the development of the Zagros Folded Belt (Central Fars). MEBE Programme, Milan, 4-5 December 2006. (talk)

  • Angelier, J., E. Barrier and P. Navabpour. Brittle tectonic analyses near Kermanshah and Shiraz – Neyriz, SW-Zagros, Iran: Mesozoic extension across the Arabian margin. MEBE Programme, Milan, 4-5 December 2006. (talk)

  • Navabpour, P., J. Angelier and E. Barrier. Paleostress and brittle tectonic evolution from continental passive margin to continental collision: a case study of the High Zagros Belt of interior Fars, Iran. MEBE Programme, Milan, 4-5 December 2006. (talk)

  • Navabpour, P., J. Angelier and E. Barrier. Reconstructing a vanished continental margin in a collision zone: the Arabian margin inside the Zagros mountain belt of Iran. Colloque EDSFA, University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis, Nice, 17 May 2006. (poster)

  • Mouthereau, F., P. Navabpour, S. Kargar and O. Lacombe. Propagation of folding and subsidence history in the Zagros Folded Belt. Reunion des Sciences de la Terre, Strasbourg, 20-25 September 2004. (talk)

  • Navabpour, P., Gh. Heidarzadeh, A. Mafi and N. Haghipour. Kopet Dagh deformation pattern and structural zoning. 22nd Symposium on Geosciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, 2004. (talk)

  • Navabpour, P. and M. Faridi. Structural strain partitioning in the Shotori mountain range. 21st Symposium on Geosciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, 2003. (talk)

  • Navabpour, P. and A. Saidi. Morphotectonic features in Tabas plain. 20th Symposium on Geosciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, 2002. (talk)

  • Navabpour, P. and M. Faridi. Escape structures in south of the Shotori Mountain (Tabas area, east Iran). 19th Symposium on Geosciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, 2001. (talk)

  • Navabpour, P. Active tectonic in west of the Shotori Mountain (Tabas area, east Iran). IAGA and IASPEI Joint Scientific Assembly, Hanoi, 20-30 August 2001. (abstract)

  • Navabpour, P. Seismic-geological hazard assessments of Lordegan valley. 3rd International Meeting of Asian Seismological Commission, Tehran, 10-12 October 2000. (poster)

  • Navabpour, P. Active tectonic investigations on Badamestan anticline. 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro, 6-17 August 2000. (abstract)