Detailed CV

Curriculum Vitae


Nov 2011 - Feb 2015           


thesis title    

thesis description    

PhD program     coursework       

PhD in Computer Science and Networks,
Mobile Communication Dept., EURECOM (Telecom ParisTech), Sophia-Antipolis, France

A/Prof. Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos

"Performance Analysis of Mobile Social Networks with Realistic Mobility and Traffic Patterns"

Analytic modeling, performance evaluation, and optimization of Opportunistic or Mobile Social Networks (MSNs): analysis of Online and Location-Based Social networks datasets using complex network analysis techniques; study and modeling of users’ social, mobility, and traffic characteristics; performance analysis and design of routing protocols, content-centric mechanisms; analysis and optimization of mobile data offloading algorithms and power consumption policies.

EURECOM’s Master program courses: network modeling, internetworking architectures and protocols, security applications in networking and distributed systems, project management

Oct 2005 – Mar 2011           



Feb 2010 – Jun 2010           



Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece


Broad curriculum in electrical engineering and computer science:
- mathematics (calculus, linear algebra, probability theory, ...)
- physics (electromagnetic theory, thermodynamics, ...)
- electric circuits and electronics
- signal processing
- computer architecture and programming
- control theory
- power systems

Specialization in telecommunications:
- computer and communication networks
- digital / wireless / mobile / satellite / optical communications
- design and applications of telecommunication systems
- microwaves technology, antennas and propagation.

Erasmus/LLP Exchange Semester
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U.L),Leuven, Belgium

Master Program Courses in Dept. of Electrical Engineering (ESAT) and Dept. of Computer Science

Professional Experience:


Jan 2020present

Sep 2015 – Dec 2019

Nov 2011 – Feb 2015


Sep 2010 – Feb 2011 

Post-doctoral Researcher
Datalab, Informatics Dept,  Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Thessaloniki, Greece

- Topics:  Data science, ML/AI, Web technologies

Post-doctoral Researcher
Institute of Computer Science (ICS), FORTH, Heraklion, Greece

- Topics:  Internet routing and security, software-defined networking (SDN), Internet measurements, network economics.

Research Assistant
Mobile Communications Department, EURECOM, Sophia-Antipolis, France

- Topics:  Analytic modeling, performance evaluation, and optimization of Opportunistic or Mobile Social Networks (MSNs).

Research Assistant
Telecommunications Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Thessaloniki, Greece

- Topics:  Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs), protocol design and implementation, performance evaluation (Diploma Thesis).

                                Research Projects

Sep 2019 - Dec 2019


Mar 2019 - Dec 2019

Jan 2019 - Dec 2019


Jan 2018 - Jun 2019

Sep 2015 - Dec 2018

Nov 2011 – Sep 2013

"Verification and monitoring of BGP prefix hijacking incidents using RIPE Atlas probes in the ARTEMIS open source detection tool"
RIPE NCC Community Project 2019 [community projects link]
Participation in request of funding, and in the project as Post-doctoral researcher. BGP hijacking detection and impact estimation with data-plane measurements.

"RAVEN: Routing Attack Vulnerability Evaluation for Networks"
European Research Council (ERC) - Proof of Concept (PoC) project [link]
Participation in request of funding, and in the project as Post-doctoral researcher. BGP hijacking vulnerability assessment service, employing real-world experimentation, accurate simulations and realistic emulations.

"PHILOS: Real-time Detection and Automated Mitigation of BGP Prefix Hijacking Attacks"
European Research Council (ERC) - Proof of Concept (PoC) project [ARTEMIS website]
Participation in request of funding, and in the project as Post-doctoral researcher. Technology transfer of research results for ARTEMIS, development of prototype, and  business plan for commercialization.

"ARTEMIS: Automatic and Real-Time dEtection and MItigation System for BGP prefix hijacking."
RIPE NCC Community Project 2017.  [ARTEMIS website] [community projects link]
Requested and Awarded grant for building an open source tool for BGP prefix hijacking. (1 out of the 7 funded projects - acceptance rate ~10%). Participation in the project as Post-doctoral researcher.

"NetVolution: Evolving Internet Routing - A Paradigm Shift To Foster Innovation."
European Research Council (ERC) Project.
Participation in the project as Post-doctoral researcher.

"SCAMPI: Service Platform for Social Aware Mobile and Pervasive Computing."
European FP7 FIRE Project
Participation in the project as research assistant (PhD student). Participation in project meetings with European partners and contribution to deliverables.


Sep 2016 – Dec 2019


Sep 2015 – Dec 2019

Nov 2011 – Feb 2015

Jan 2014  &  2015

"Security, Privacy, and Intelligence on the Internet", Teaching Assistant
Master Program,  University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
- Description: seminar course in the area of computer networks (security issues faced by ISPs, research and industrial trends of SDN technologies, data transparency in the Internet), and development of ''soft skills'' (team work, communication, presentation, and writing skills)

"Software-Defined Networks", Teaching Assistant
Undergraduate/Master Programs,  University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
- Description: SDN concepts, technologies, and applications. SDN tools. Internet inter-domain routing

"Network Modeling", Teaching Assistant
Master Program,  EURECOM, Sophia-Antipolis, France
- Description: Structure of large networks and performance of dynamic processes over them.
- Analytic and algorithmic tools: Stochastic processes, Markov Chains, queueing theory, complex network models and analysis, network epidemics, random walks on graphs, sampling.
- Lab: Practical examples of how complex network theory is applied to real networks. Analysis of real networks datasets in order to reveal their structure and characteristics.

"Winter Schools on Complex Networks", Invited Speaker
INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France
- Development of the Practical Session on "Complex Network Analysis for Mobility Modeling": Modeling mobility traces as complex graphs, complex network analysis, routing protocols design.


Feb 2011 – Nov 2011

Greek Army (mandatory service) - Telecommunications Dept.

Professional Activities:

Event organization    

TPC member     


Finance Chair, ACM CoNEXT 2018
International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies, Heraklion, Crete, 2018.

Local Arrangement Chair & Submission System Administrator, PAM 2016
Springer Passive and Active Measurements (PAM) Conference, Heraklion, Crete, 2016.

Publicity Chair, IEEE NetSciCom 2014 Workshop (co-located with INFOCOM)
Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Network Science for Communication, in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM, Toronto, Canada, 2014.

ACM WSDM conference 2024, 2023

ACM CoNEXT GNNet workshop (Graph Neural Networking Workshop 2024) 2024, 2023

IEEE ICC (Cognitive Radio and AI-Enabled Networks Symposium) 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020

IEEE/WIC/ACM WI (International Conference on Web Intelligence) 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019

IEEE GLOBECOM (Mobile and Wireless Networks Symposium) 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017

IEEE 5G WORLD FORUM (WF-5G) 2019, 2018

IEEE Global Internet Symposium (GI) workshop 2021, 2018 (co-located with IEEE INFOCOM)

IEEE ICCCN conference 2018

IEEE VTC conference, Spring 2018

IEEE NetSciCom workshop 2017 (co-located with IEEE INFOCOM)

ACM CHANTS workshop 2016 (co-located with ACM MobiCom)

IEEE AOC workshop 2016 (co-located with IEEE WoWMoM)


ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking (ToN)

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC)

IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOMM)

IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM)

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT)

ACM Computer Communication Review (CCR)

Elsevier Journal on Computer Communications (ComCom)

Elsevier Journal on Computer Networks (ComNet)

Elsevier Journal on Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC)

Springer Wireless Networks Journal


June 2022

June 2015


Nov 2012 - Feb 2015 


June 2014  


Oct 2010 - Feb 2011

SEMANTIC ITN project - PhD summer school, Invited speaker

"Data science for network monitoring: challenges, practical problems, and potential solutions"
Data science and ML/AI have been a success story in many domains. However, in practical operations in communication networks, applying off-the-shelf methods and algorithms may have several challenges. This talk will provide an overview of challenges in applying data science and ML/AI methods for networking, in general, and further focus on network monitoring/measurements use cases. From practical challenges in the collection, cleaning, and aggregation of data from multiple and heterogeneous sources, to challenges in the applicability of ML/AI algorithms (such as Graph ML methods) or their explainability. Moreover, the aspect of bias in network measurement data and its impact will be analyzed, and the use case of AI4NetMon project will be presented.

I-CAN Workshop and Summer School
Workshop and summer school on Information-Centric Access Networks, AUEB, Athens, Greece. [Link]

Research on Information-Centric Networking (ICN) has been gaining momentum. ICN and other Future Internet architectures have already given signs that they can form a solid foundation upon which the future internet can be built. Inspired by the fact that the Internet is increasingly used for the dissemination of information, rather than the pairwise communication between end hosts, ICN betters reflect the current communication needs by promoting information-awareness at the network layer and making content a first class citizen. However, ICN goes beyond serving as a new networking paradigm for content distribution, taking advantage of information-awareness as the means for addressing a series of limitations of the current Internet architecture and requirements of emerging and future services and applications, addressing a series of limitations of the current Internet architecture, shape the development of future mobile and wireless access networks, and satisfy the requirements of emerging and future services and applications

Sophia-networking seminars
Seminars on computer networking and related topics (data, cloud, security, smart grid, etc.) organized in Sophia Antipolis, France. [Link]

Distributed caching in wireless networks
GdR ISIS, Paris. [Link]

Caching, i.e. storing popular content at caches available close to (or at) end users, has received a significant interest both from the industry and the academia as a technique to reduce the peak traffic in wireless networks. Albeit conceptually appealing, the technique calls for a number of challenging inter-disciplinary problems due to limited resource for storage as well as for underlying network links. The scope of this one-day workshop is to present the latest advances in this area and discuss the major challenges related to the design and the analysis of the distributed caching systems both from theoretical and practical points of view.

USE Efficiency, Universities and Students for Energy Efficiency.
A European (10 countries) project on energy efficiency systems in buildings. [Link]
Project work and participation in the courses organized by the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH).

Technical  Specialties:

Mathematics and Analytic Tools    


Mobile Comm. & Networking    

Computer Networks


Probability Theory and Statistics
Machine Learning  / Artificial Intelligence
Stochastic Modeling
Epidemic Processes
Complex Network Analysis
Graph Theory

Internet Routing
Cellular Networks
Ad-Hoc Networks
Online Social Networks

IP/TCP protocols
Internet protocols
Switching and Routing
Software-Defined Networking





Mother language


Basic knowledge