Read Me

dlinkz Read Me

This document includes following sections:

1. Download.

2. Installation.

3. Terms used.

4. Intro.

5. Setup.

6. Usage.

7. Known issues.

8. Licensing and legal info.

9. Contact information.

1. Download ----------------

2. Installation ---------------

- To install dlinkz you need to unpack all its files into one

directory. Do not delete any of the files unpacked (unless

you are sure).

3. Terms used --------------

dlinkz - a desktop links manager.

Click - means left mouse click. If right-click is meant, so is written.

Link - a tree node or a tree item. An entity that can be executed,

opened or explored through dlinkz.

4. Intro --------------------

- dlinkz is an application designed to save time and

effort by allowing the user to easily and instantly access the

favorites folder.

- Use "Windows"+"Z" or "Ctrl" + "Alt + "Z" button combinations

to activate dlinkz.

- With a singe click you can open a folder, run an application,

navigate the internet or execute any other executable or associated

file (see known issues section).

- dlinkz does not consume constantly any of the valuable desktop or

task-bar space, it is there when you need it.

5. Setup --------------------


- dlinkz takes your favorites folder and displays it on the desktop in

tree view style (see included sample image).

- To get the best of dlinkz you need to reorganize your favorites.

For example, you can create "Apps", "Folders", "Logs", "Internet"

folders under "Favorites" folder. All of your current internet links

you can put into the "Internet" folder. Now you can add new links

to each folder you added by either copying an "lnk" file into it,

or by using explorer's -> "add to favorites" option.


- After clicking the "pointing finger" (Options) button you will be

able to set following dlinkz options.


- Autohide after execution:

When checked - dlinkz will hide after a link was executed.

Otherwise dlinkz will remain visible.

- Show tray icon:

When checked - dlinkz icon will be shown in the system tray.

- Block Screen Saver:

Will block the system screen saver from starting by simulating an

empty mouse event.

6. Usage ----------------------

- dlinkz activation

Show/Hide dlinkz window by pressing "Windows" + "Z" or "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "Z".

After executing a clicked link, dlinkz will either hide or remain

visible, depending on the "autohide after execution" setting.

You can also hide dlinkz by pressing ESC key.

- To resize dlinkz use its border.

- To move dlinkz window drag it using the gray empty space (right of

the hide/show - "glasses" button).

- To execute a link (or open file using associated application) just

click it (once). You can navigate the tree using keyboard (press "Enter"

to execute selected link).

- To expand/collapse subfolders in the tree click "+" or "-", clicking

the folder itself will open (explore) it in a new window.

- To open system shell menu right-click the selected link.

- To refresh dlinkz (synchronize with the favorites), click the

"rotating arrow" button or press F5 key (Refresh).

- To configure dlinkz click the "pointing finger" button (Options).

- To save current dlinkz window view click on "diskette" button

(Save View).

- To check dlinkz version, click the About button.

- To exit dlinkz , click the "X" button (Exit).

- To minimize/restore (in Desktop mode) or hide/show (in Hotkey mode)

dlinkz, click the "glasses" button.

- On exit, dlinkz will save its current position, size, expanded tree

nodes and selected link.

- Only one instance of dlinkz can run at the same time.

7. Known issues ----------------

Some context menu items don't work.

Win+Z system hotkey doesn't work on Windows 10.

8. Licensing and liability --------

- dlinkz is a freeware. Use it in any way you wish except for selling

it or charging for it in any way possible.

- To distribute dlinkz over the internet include a link to

"" on your website. Do not put

a copy of dlinkz on your website or an ftp server.

- The author will not be held responsible for any possible or actual,

direct or indirect damage (loss of data, instability, crashes or else)

caused by dlinkz.

9. Contact information ------------

- You are welcome to contact me if you have any dlinkz related comments or questions.

- Email me at
