Professional Experience

Sep 2019-present. Economist at Compass Lexecon.

Sep 2016-2019. Postdoctoral researcher Toulouse School of Economics.


2016. PhD in Econometrics and Empirical Economics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata" and EIEF.

Thesis Committee: Andrea Pozzi (chair), Philipp Schmidt-Dengler, Frank Verboven.

2011. M.A. in International Economics (2-year programme), University of Padua, summa cum laude.

2009. B.A. in Political Sciences and International Relations, University of Padua, summa cum laude.


“Strategic Entry and Potential Competition: Evidence from Compressed Gas Retail.” with Andrea Pozzi and Gabriele Rovigatti (2020) International Journal of Industrial Organization, 69.

“The European Union Emission Trading System and technological change: The case of the Italian pulp and paper industry” with Fulvio Fontini (2014) Energy Policy, 68, 603-607.

Working papers

"The Impact of the European Carbon Market on Firm Productivity: Evidence from Italian Manufacturing Firms" with Sara Calligaris and Filippo Maria D'Arcangelo.

“Green Cars Adoption and the Supply of Alternative Fuels”.

Awards, Scholarships and Visits

Sep 2017 PhD thesis award, “Premio dottorale Andrea Vaona”

Feb 2017 PhD thesis award, “Premio dottorale Fabio Gobbo”

Sep 2014–June 2016. PhD Fellow, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF)

Jan 2014–June 2014. Visiting scholar, KU Leuven. Academic host: prof. Frank Verboven.

Nov 2011 – Oct. 2014. Ph.D. Scholarship, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.

Jan 2011 – May 2011. Visiting student, University of California - Berkeley supervisor: Professor Meredith Fowlie. UCEAP Program, University of Padua Scholarship.

Sep 2008–Jun 2009. Socrates-Erasmus, University of Reading. Socrates, Erasmus Scholarship.

Teaching Experience

Spring 2019. The Public Economics of the Environment. Toulouse School of Economics.

Spring 2018. Data Analytics. Invited lecturer. Toulouse School of Economics.

Fall 2014. Teaching Assistant. (undergraduate) University of Rome “Tor Vergata" Introductory Econometrics, Applied Quantitative Analysis.

Fall 2014, Fall 2013. Teaching Assistant. (undergraduate) LUISS Guido Carli “Time Series and Financial Econometrics".

Fall 2013, Fall 2014. Teaching Assistant (master and PhD) University of Rome “Tor Vergata" Mathematics.

Invited seminars, Conferences & workshops

2019: U. of Vienna, ENSAI (Rennes), IIOC (Boston), The Economics of Energy and Climate Conference (Toulouse).

2018 : TSE Energy and Climate Center Workshop on Energy Economics (Toulouse), TSE Environmental Winter Seminar, VI INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM, Facing the Energy Transition: Markets and Networks (Barcelona), 6th Annual Conference IAERE (Turin), MaCCI Annual Conference (Mannheim), NHH (Bergen), Statistics Norway-CREE (Oslo), Workshop on Environmental Regulation and Industrial Performance (Toulouse), University of Verona, EMEE 2018 International Workshop (FEEM, Milan), CEPR IO (Leuven), Applied Industrial Organizations workshop at the Barcelona GSE Summer Forum, World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists (Gothenburg), Expert workshop on the creation and uses of combined environmental and economic performance datasets at the micro-level (OECD, Paris), 45th EARIE (Athen), XXXIII JEI (Barcelona), SAEe (Madrid).

2017: TSE I.O. Winter Seminar, CREST (France), XV Annual Workshop SIEPI (Palermo), Toulouse Conference on Energy and Climate Change, EAERE 23rd Annual Conference (Athens), Third International Workshop: The Energy Transition in Land Transportation (Paris).

2016: CREST (France), DIW (Berlin), U. of Gothenburg, U. of Groninghen, EARIE (Lisbon), FAERE workshop (Paris).

2015: 16th CEPR-JIE School and Conference on Applied Industrial Organization (Zurich), 3rd Annual Conference IAERE (Padua), IRVAPP Internal Seminar (Trento), 6th Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics (Salerno).

2014: Fourth EIEF-UNIBO Workshop on Industrial Organization(Bologna), VII VPDE Workshop (Torino), EARIE Conference (Milan), CES Internal Seminar (Leuven).

Conference Discussions:

2018, WCERE, Gothenburg; Food and Health Economics Workshop, TSE, Toulouse; MaCCI Annual Conference, ZEW, Mannheim;

2017, 11th Energy and Climate Change Conference, TSE, Toulouse; 10th Conference of the Economics of Intellectual Property Software and the Internet, TSE, Toulouse.

Professional Services

Workshop Organization:

Workshop on Environmental Regulation and Industrial Performance. TSE,Toulouse (May 2018).


Italian: Mother tongue

English: Advanced.

French: Intermediate.

Spanish: Intermediate.

Computer skills

Stata, Matlab, R, LATEX


Andrea Pozzi: Einaudi Institute of Economics and Finance.

Stefan Ambec: Toulouse School of Economics.

Frank Verboven: KU Leuven, Department of economics.

CV (pdf)