About me

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Swedish House of Finance at Stockholm School of Economics. Between 2020 and 2022 I was a researcher at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics. I received my Ph.D.  in Economics from Uppsala University in May 2020. 

I am a microeconomist interested in both theory and applied work. My main research area is income inequality and its effects on the economic choices of households. My current work concerns household debt and consumption. Another area of interest is entrepreneurship and understanding what policies and institutions best promote innovation. 

Research Interests

Microeconomics, Household Finance, Public Economics, Labor Economics, and more specifically: 


Institute for Micro Data (MiDa)

Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)

Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies (UCFS)

You can find my CV here!


May 2024:  Our paper Severe Health Shocks and Financial Well-being (joint with Kaveh Majlesi and Elin Molin) received the 2nd best paper prize at the Essen Health Conference 2024

May 2024: For our project “Understanding Overindebtness; New Data, Causes, Consequences, and Policy” and our conference on Household Debt Relief,  Marieke Bos, Elin Molin and I received two grants from Handelbanken. 

February 2024: We are organizing a workshop on Household Debt Relief, New data, Micro-Macro Perspectives at the Swedish House of Finance in September. Call for papers. 

January 2024: New WP out on Severe Health Shocks and Financial Well-Being!