Paul Russell

Professor of Philosophy

Lund University

PR - Hamburg 2017


Contact Information

Address for Correspondence: 

    Email:  [Lund]        University:

Department of Philosophy, Room B521,Helgonavägen 3, Lund,Box 192, Sweden, 221 00 Lund 30                 Telephone: +46 (0)46 222 00 00
Current Position:  
Professor, Lund University                                                             Education:  
Graduate:   Cambridge University   PhD (1987) "Moral Sentiment and the Rationale of Responsibility"/ Supervisor: Bernard Williams
Undergraduate:      Edinburgh University    M.A (Honours) - 1st class (1979)

Date & Place of Birth:      Glasgow, Scotland/  7 September, 1955 
Areas of Specialization:Ethics and Action Theory Early Modern Philosophy        Philosophy of Religion Academic Employment:  
2018 – Professor, Lund University & Director of the Lund |Gothenburg Responsibility Project (half-time appointment)                         [Previous Employment]
1987- 2022 Professor, University of British Columbia [halftime 2015-2022].2015-2017 – Professor, University of Gothenburg (half-time appointment)2005 (Jan-June) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – Visiting Professor (Kenan Distinguished Visitor)                  1996 - 1997     University of Pittsburgh   - Visiting Associate Professor 1989 - 1990     Stanford University - Mellon Fellow & Visiting Assistant Professor                                      1988 (Jan-June) University of Virginia - Visiting Assistant Professor   1984-1985 Invited Lecturer, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge1984-1986    Director of Studies in Philosophy (Cambridge) at Sidney Sussex College (1984-86), Robinson College (1985), Trinity Hall (1984-1985)                                1984 - 1987     Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge - Junior Research Fellow    1983 - 1984     University of Notre Dame - Adjunct Lecturer  (London Program) 

Awards and Distinctions: 
  • 2023 Beaufort Visiting Fellow at St. John's College, Cambridge University: Lent term 2023 
  • 2014  Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), Grants for International Recruitment of Leading Researchers. 
  [Awarded to the University of Gothenburg and Lund University, recruited as researcher. ] Graduate Awards
  • 1980 - 1983   Scottish Education Department Major Scottish Studentship

Undergraduate Awards[Most distinguished graduate in philosophy at Edinburgh University.]

Teaching, Supervision and Professional Activities

Courses Taught: 

 *  Lund University  2021   - Williams and Ethics  (Graduate Seminar)Aspects of Naturalism (Graduate Seminar)

* University of British Columbia 1987 - 2020    - Ethics - Social & Political Philosophy            -  Philosophy of Religion- Philosophy of Law- Hume's Treatise (Graduate Seminar) - Introduction to Philosophy- Contemporary Issues in Free Will (Graduate Seminar)- Moral Luck and Justice (Graduate Seminar)- Free Will and Moral Responsibility- Philosophy of History- Spinoza's Ethics (Graduate Seminar) - Contemporary Moral Theory (Graduate Seminar)- Philosophy of Samuel Clarke- British Moralists 1650-1740 (Graduate Seminar)- Hume's Philosophy of Religion- Moral Theory and Practical Reason (Graduate Seminar)- Metaphysics and Human Existence (Graduate Seminar)- Hobbes’s Leviathan (Graduate Seminar)- Virtue Ethics- Philosophy of Bernard Williams (Graduate Seminar)- Early Modern Philosophy - 18th Century- Nietzsche, Williams and Genealogy (Graduate Seminar)- The Radical Enlightenment and the Critique of Religion
  *  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill   2005
-    Early Modern Philosophy -   British Empiricism  (Graduate Seminar) 
  * University of Pittsburgh 1996-1997 
-   Early Modern Philosophy-   British Empiricism -   Free Will (Contemporary Problems)-   Hume's Moral Philosophy (Graduate Seminar) 
  * Stanford University    1989 - 1990  
 -   Political Philosophy -   Hume's Treatise: Books. II and III 
  * University of Virginia 1988  
-  Political Philosophy   -   Hume and Free Will (Graduate Seminar) 
* Cambridge University   1984-85          
-  Free Will    (faculty lectures)-  Hume's Treatise [Book.I]  (faculty lectures)
University of Notre Dame [London Programme] 1983-84             
- British Moral & Political Philosophy 

Graduate Supervision:
Current PhDS

Robert Pál, 2020 - [Lund] (committee member)Shervin MirzaeiGhazi, 2022-  [Lund] (principal supervisor)      Sarah Koeglsperger, 2023-  [Fribourg] (second supervisor)                     

Previous PhD     Supervision 
- Nick Sleigh, 1991-1994 [UBC] (committee member)  - Diane Whiteley, 1992-1998 [UBC] (supervisor)  - Marilyn Kane, 1996-2003 [UBC] (committee member)  - Johnna Fisher, 1999-2001 [UBC] (committee member)  - Kari Coleman, 1999- 2002 [UBC] (supervisor)  -  James Kelleher, 2005-2010 [UBC] (supervisor; committee member)   - Joseph Topornycky 2005-2012 [UBC] (supervisor)   - Oisin Deery  2007-2013 [UBC] (supervisor)   - Tian Jie  2005 – 2013 [UBC] (supervisor)    - James Hellewell 2006 – 2014 [UBC] (supervisor)    - Irwin Chan 2012 - 2019 [UBC] (supervisor/ committee member)  - Anton Emilsson, 2019-2024  [Lund] (co-supervisor)     

External Supervision: 
-   Filippos Stamatiou, [University of Copenhagen] (committee member) 2019- 2022-   Daniel Telech, University of Chicago (committee member) 2016-2018-   Anna Rez  - Visiting Graduate; Central European University (Budapest) 2012     

External examiner, PhD:
Andras Szigeti; Central European University (Budapest) 2007Benjamin Matheson; Manchester University, 2014Damir Cicic; Central European University (Budapest) 2016Audun Bengtson, KU Leuven - University of Leuven,  2020-  Jo Bervoets, University of Antwerp, 2022 
M.A.      Supervision
- Jon Kalmansson, 1992-1994 [UBC] (supervisor)- Robert Gunnarsson, 1994-96 [UBC] (supervisor)- Andrew Horner, 1997 [UBC] (second reader)- Peter Rabbe, 1997 [UBC] (second reader)- Adam Bradley, 1998 (second reader)- Andrea Scotland, 1999-2001 [UBC] (supervisor)- Mark Campbell 2001 [UBC] (second reader)- Bert Terzian, 1999-2003 [UBC] (supervisor)- Katharine Browne 2003-2005 [UBC] (supervisor) 
Postdoctoral Supervision:   
- Anders Kraal (Uppsala University) – 2011-2013 
Department Administration (Philosophy/UBC):
Graduate Advisor; Majors Advisor; Honours Advisor; Colloquium Organizer; Merit Committee; Appointments Committees (Junior & Senior); Head Search Committee, Spring Colloquium Organizer, Awards Committee, Tenure and Promotion; etc.     
University Service (Recent):        
- Humanities subcommittee, Faculty of Graduate Studies; – SSHRC Awards;            - Curriculum Committee, Arts (2012-2013)
Professional Service: - Editorial Board   Journal of the History of Philosophy 2013 -2019   - Editorial Board:  Hume Studies 2005-2010  

Academic Referee:  

Publishers:  Broadview, Blackwell; Cambridge University Press; Edinburgh University Press;  MIT Press; Oxford University Press (UK and USA); Palgrave Macmillan; Polity; Routledge
American Political Science Review; Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie; Australasian Journal of Philosophy; Canadian Journal of Philosophy; Dialogue; Enlightenment and Dissent; Ethics; History of Philosophy Quarterly; Hume Studies; Inquiry; Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy; Journal of Ethics; Journal of the History of Philosophy; Mind; Modern Intellectual History; Philosophers' Imprint; Philosophical Studies; Philosophical Explorations, Philosophical Quarterly; Political Theory; Polity; South African Journal of Philosophy
Appointments, Tenure & Promotion: 
University of Toronto; Washington State University; University of Portland; University of Virginia; University of Houston; Tulane University; University of California at Riverside ; Trinity College, Cambridge; Oxford Brookes University
Conferences, Grant Agencies etc.:  
British Society for Ethics; Canadian Philosophical Association; Hume Society; NOWAR; Leverhulme Trust, SSHRC (Canada); etc.