Research Projects
Bolsa de Produtividade em Pesquisa - PQ-2, “Desenvolvimento e adaptação de métodos de aprendizado de máquina e aprendizado profundo para predição genômica” (March 2023 – February 2026), supported by the CNPq, Brazil, grant number 309359/2022-8
CAPES PrInt UFBA - Senior Visiting Professor, “Desenvolvimento de modelos híbridos e modelos hierarquicos para previsão de séries temporais e modelagem espaço-temporal” (December 2023 – May 2024), supported by the CAPES, Brazil, grant number 88887.888773/2023-00.
Researcher/Co-Supervisor, Scholarship - “Robust statistical modelling in breeding and genetics” (July 2020 – June 2024), supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal, grant number SFRH/BD/148293/2019. Jointly with Mota, I., Lourenço, V.M. and Piepho, H.-P.
Bolsa de Produtividade em Pesquisa - PQ-2, “Modelos de crescimento de culturas genótipo-afenótipo: Metodologia, implementação, desafios e análise” (March 2020 – February 2023), supported by the CNPq, Brazil, grant number 305852/2019-1.
Principal Investigator of the project CAPES PrInt n. 88887.374271/2019-00 – “Aplicações modernas em séries temporais multivariadas e ciência de dados” (“Modern applications in multivariate time series and data science”), supported by the CAPES, Brazil (11/2019-10/2020). Team members: P.C. Rodrigues (PI) and O. Awe. One-year post-doctoral fellow.
Principal Investigator of the project CHAMADA UNIVERSAL MCTIC/CNPq no 28/2018 – 421580/2018-6 – “Desenvolvimento de métodos estatísticos clássicos e robustos em melhoramento de plantas e genética quantitativa” (“Development of classical and robust statistical methods in plant breeding and quantitative genetics”), supported by the CNPq, Brazil (01/02/2019-31/01/2022). Team members: P.C. Rodrigues (PI), C.T.S. Dias, S. Arciniegas-Alarcon, M. García-Peña, V. Lourenço, D.A. Sarti, T. Assis, W.Y.Hirai. Three-years research project.
Principal Investigator of the project PAEP 88881.358518/2019-01 - “2nd Conference on Statistics and Data Science (CSDS 2019)”, supported by CAPES, Brazil. November 18-20 2019. Team members: P.C. Rodrigues (PI).
Principal Investigator of the project 01095/2019-3 - “2nd Conference on Statistics and Data Science (CSDS 2019)”, supported by CNPq, Brazil. November 18-20 2019. Team members: P.C. Rodrigues (PI).
Principal Investigator of the project PAEP 4499/201678 - “61a Reunião Anual da Região Brasileira da Sociedade Internacional de Biometria (RBras)”, supported by CAPES, Brazil. May 23-25 2016. Team members: P.C. Rodrigues (PI). 67.200,00 BRL.
Principal Investigator of the project PERMANECER 2015 number 7891- “61a Reunião Anual da Região Brasileira da Sociedade Internacional de Biometria (RBras)”, supported by the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. August 1 2015 – July 31 2016. Team members: P.C. Rodrigues (PI). Two one-year grants for undergraduate students, 9.600,00 BRL.
Principal Investigator of the project PROPCI/UFBA 01/2015 – PIBIC - “Análise Espetral Singular e Análise Espetral Singular Multivariada” (“Singular Spetrum Analysis and Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis”), supported by the Federal University of Bahia, FAPESB and CNPq, Brazil. August 1 2015 – July 31 2016. Team members: P.C. Rodrigues (PI). Two one-year grants for undergraduate students, 9.600,00 BRL.
Principal Investigator of the project CHAMADA UNIVERSAL–MCTI/CNPq No 14/2014 – “Novos métodos estatísticos para analisar e estruturar interação entre genótipo e ambiente e interação entre QTL e ambiente” (“’New statistical methods to analyse and structure genotype-by-environment interaction and QTL-by-environment interaction”), supported by the CNPq, Brazil. Team members: P.C. Rodrigues (PI), C.T.S. Dias, S. Arciniegas-Alarcon, M. García-Peña, J.A.A. Pereira, T. Assis. Four-years research project. 29.500,00 BRL.
Principal Investigator of the project Atração de Jovens Talentos MEC/MCTI/CAPES/CNPq/FAPs 08/2014 - “Análise Espetral Singular e Análise Espetral Singular Multivariada”(“Singular Spectrum Analysis and Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis”), supported by the Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – CAPES, Brazil. Team members: P.C. Rodrigues (PI), T. Franco, R. Mahmoudvand. Four-years grant for Visiting Researcher/Professor
Principal Investigator of the project PROPCI/UFBA 01-2014 - PIBIC e PIBIC-AF - “Interação entre QTL e ambiente” (“QTL by environment interaction”), supported by the Federal University of Bahia and CNPq, Brazil. July 1 2014 – June 30 2015. Team members: P.C. Rodrigues (PI), J.A.A. Pereira. One-year grant for undergraduate student, 4.800,00 BRL.
Principal Investigator of the project PROPCI-PROPG/UFBA 04/2013 – PRODOC/UFBA - “Big data em Estatística Genética” (“Big data in statistical genetics”), supported by Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa, Criação e Inovação da Universidade Federal da Bahia (Federal University of Bahia), Brazil. June 1 2014 – May 31 2016. Team members: P.C. Rodrigues (PI). 15.000,00 BRL.
Principal Investigator of the project PTDC/AGR-PRO/2335/2012 - “STATinGEN - STrategies to Analyze and To detect INconsistent Genotypic responses to ENvironmental factors”, supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portuguese Science Foundation), Portugal. March 1 2013 – February 28 2015. Team members: P.C. Rodrigues (PI). Success rate: 12% (635/5126). 32.283,00 Euro.
Researcher of the project PTDC/MAT-STA/0568/2012 - “ROBSTATGEN - Robust methods in statistical genetics”, supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portuguese Science Foundation), Portugal. March 1 2013 – February 28 2015. Team Members: V. Lourenço (PI), P.C. Rodrigues and A.M. Pires. Success rate: 12% (635/5126). 40.000,00 Euro.
Researcher of the project PEst-OE/MAT/UI0297/2011 - “Strategic Project - UI 297 - 2011-2012 (CE-MAT/IST/UTL)”, supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portuguese Science Foundation), Portugal. Project Leader: Professor Luísa Mascarenhas. January 1 2011 – December 31 2012.
Researcher of the project PEst-OE/MAT/UI0822/2011 - “Strategic Project - UI 822 - 2011-2012”, supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portuguese Science Foundation), Portugal. Project Leader: Professor António Pacheco Pires. January 1 2011 – December 31 2012.
Member/Researcher of the project N N310 447838 - “Research on Genotype x Environment interaction”, supported by Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland. May 2010 – May 2013. Team Members: S. Mejza (PI), W. Pilarczyk, P.C. Rodrigues and I. Mejza.
Project Leader of a cooperation protocol between Nova University of Lisbon (FCT), Portugal, and Prio Agriculture SRL, Romania. Design and analysis of experiments, analysis of genotype by environment data, spacial analysis. August 2010 – August 2011.
Researcher of the SPICY (Smart tools for Prediction (and) Improvement of Crop Yield) project. SPICY is supported by the European Community and funded by the KBBE FP7 programme (Grant agreement number KBBE-2008-211347) - Project Leader: Professor Fred van Eeuwijk. September 2009 - January 2012.
Member/Researcher of the project PTDCMAT698502006 - “Modelos Lineares Mistos” (Mixed Linear Models), supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portuguese Science Foundation), Portugal. May 2007 – May 2010. Team members: J.T. Mexia (PI), M. Fonseca, P.C. Rodrigues, M.M. Oliveira, C. Nunes, P.C. Real, D. Ferreira, S. Ferreira, R. Covas, R. Zmyslony, F. Carvalho, P. Ramos, C. Fernandes and S. Oliveira.