

Policy learning in polarized polities: The case of randomized controlled trials. 2023, with Cristina Corduneanu-Huci and Michael Dorsch. 

Journal of Development studies. 

Education, social capital and political participation: Evidence from school construction in Malian villages. 2023, with Pierre André

Economic Development and Cultural Change   

What, where, who, and why? An empirical investigation of positionality in political science field experiments. 2022, with Cristina Corduneanu-Huci and Michael Dorsch. 

PS: Political Science & Politics                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Polarization, Employment and Minimum Wage: Evidence from European Local Labor Markets. 2021, with Elliot Moiteaux

Labour Economics 

The Politics of Experimentation: Political Competition and Randomized Controlled Trials. 2020, with Cristina Corduneanu-Huci and Michael Dorsch. 

Journal of Comparative Economics

Economic Downturns, Inequality and Democratic Improvements. 2020 , with Michael Dorsch 

European Journal of Political Economy

Democratization and the Conditional Dynamics of Income Distribution. 2019, with Michael Dorsch

American Political Science Review

Labor share and Development. 2019, with Elsa Orgiazzi.

World Bank Economic Review

Rent Extraction, Revolutionary Threat and Coups in Non-Democracies. 2018, with Michael Dorsch.

Journal of Comparative Economics

Income  taxation and the diversity of consumer goods: A political economy approach. 2017, with Renaud Bourles and Michael Dorsch.

Scandinavian Journal of Economics

Can the HOS model explain Changes in the Labor Share: A tale of Trade and Wage Rigidities. 2017 , with Bruno Decreuse  

Economic Systems

Rent Sharing and Workers Bargaining Power: An empirical Cross Country/Cross Industry Panel Analysis. 2017, with Philippe Askenazy and Gilbert Cette.

Scandinavian Journal of Economics

Development and Regulation Under the Threat of Revolution. 2016, with Michael Dorsch and Karl Dunz . 

 Journal of Comparative Economics

FDI and the labor share in developing countries: A theory and some evidence. 2015, with Bruno Decreuse.  

Annals of Economics and Statistics   

Macro Shocks and Costly Political Actions in Non-Democracies. 2015, with Michael Dorsch and Karl Dunz.  

Public Choice 

Inefficient Predation and Political Transitions. 2014, with Michael Dorsch.  

European Journal of Political Economy   

A note on Economic Inequality and Democratization. 2014, with Michael Dorsch.  

Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 

Currency Crises and the Labor Share. 2013, with Elsa Orgiazzi.  


online appendix (model + robustness checks)


Working Papers

Less but Better? The Influence of Gender on Political Activity. 2023, with Nicolas Frémeaux. R&R Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 

Demographic and Political Transitions. 2023, with Redha Chabat, Michael Dorsch and Victor Hiller

Can donors prevent aid misallocations? Evidence from Chinese and World Bank aid. 2022, with Pierre André and Fatoumata Tapo. R&R World Development

Routine-biased technological change and wages by education levels: Occupational downgrading and displacement effects. 2020, with Clément Bosquet and Elliot Moiteaux. 

Ethnic Favoritism: Winner Takes All or Power Sharing?. Evidence from school constructions in Benin. 2018, with Pierre André and Fatoumata Tapo