

Spillovers in Childbearing Decisions and Fertility Transitions: Evidence from China, with Yun Xiao, Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 22(1), pp.161-199, 2024.

Working Paper  VoxChina  The Economist

The Old-Age Security Motive for  Fertility: Evidence from the Extension of Social Pensions in Namibia, with Mathilde Godard, AEJ: Economic Policy, Vol. 14(4), pp.1-33, 2022.

Working Paper  VoxTalks  VoxDev  Polytechnique Insights  ILO Monitor (part 2)

Private Health Investments under Competing Risks: Evidence from Malaria Control in Senegal, with Paola Villar, Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 73, 102330, 2020.

Working Paper

Strategic Choices in Polygamous Households: Theory and Evidence from Senegal, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 86(3), pp. 1332-1370, 2019.

Working Paper

Sons as Widowhood Insurance: Evidence from Senegal with Sylvie Lambert, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 120, pp.113-127, 2016.

Working Paper

Gender Preferences in Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Fertility Choices with Léa Rouanet, World Development, Vol. 72, pp.326-345, 2015.

Working Paper Science et Vie 

Working Papers

The negligible effect of free contraception on fertility: experimental evidence from Burkina Faso, with Pascaline Dupas, Seema Jayachandran and Adriana Lleras-Muney.  NBER Working Paper

Long-run impacts of forced labor migration on fertility behaviors: evidence from colonial West Africa, with Pascaline Dupas, Camille Falezan and Marie-Christelle Mabeu. NBER Working Paper  CEPR Working Paper  

Malaria control and infant mortality in Africa, with Denis Cogneau. TI Working Paper

Work in Progress

Left over or opting out? Squeeze, mismatch and surplus in Chinese marriage markets, with Yun Xiao. Draft available upon request.