
Main Research Interests

Functional Morphology

I am interested in the role of interactions between structure and function in the evolutionary history of vertebrates, particularly of birds. My main goal is to understand why an organism has a given shape.

To disentangle the influence of different factors on morphology, I rely on the conceptual framework of morphodynamics (see Figure adapted from Seilacher 1991). This framework proposes that the morphology of organisms is not simply an adaptive response to selection pressure on one or more functions, but also integrates phylogenetic, structural, and environmental constraints. 


I am committed to reflecting on the improvements that concepts from evolutionary biology and comparative methods can bring to bioinspiration. 

In this way, the results of my work can serve as a starting point for producing bio-inspired objects or structures. For example, understanding how birds sing with a vocal system completely different from that of humans could lead to the production of vocal prostheses for people suffering from laryngeal cancer (photo credit: Mara-Flore Dubois)

Current Projects

Bird vocalisation

With over 10,000 species and almost as many anatomical and vocal variations, birds are the ideal group in which to explore the interplay between the anatomy and biomechanics of sound production. By highlighting the diversity of morpho-functional mechanisms underlying vocal production across the bird group, it is possible to deduce the key evolutionary processes and innovations that have shaped the evolution of vocal communication.

During my previous position as a long-term fellow at CRI I developed a research group to investigate the effects of the shape of the vocal system on sound filtering. We found that the upper vocal tract can act as a filter in the entire range of frequencies they are able to produce (Kazemi et al 2023).

As a permanent researcher in the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle, I will continue to investigate this topic of research, especially the biomechanical aspects associated with bird vocalisation.

Filter feeding in dabbling ducks

I am part of the Nature4Nature consortium (MSCA Doctoral Network) and will supervise a doctoral project (starting in September 2023).

The PhD project will focus on one of the first steps in the bioinspiration process: identifying the architecture of the osteo-muscular system involved in particle filtration in dabbling ducks in an evolutionary context through a functional anatomy study.

The European Nature4Nature project also aims to promote bioinspiration among the general public. The Mnhn, in particular the Funevol team, is involved in setting up an exhibition highlighting the results of the nine theses coordinated by the network and will take part in teaching sessions (modules, summer school) on the theme of bioinspiration.

Previous Research

Foot adaptation to climbing in ovenbirds and woodcreepers (Furnariida)

I have explored the versatility of birds’ hindlimbs through collaborations, for example with A. Galvaõ (University of Rio de Janeiro) to understand how Furnariidae, a micro-order of passerines, use their powerful legs to jump, walk, run, and climb on various substrates

By focusing on the foot, we were able to find subtle morphological adaptations associated with specific ways of climbing (e.g. tail-assisted climbing or not), using state-of-the-art 3D GMM. In general, climbing species tend to have a more robust tarsometatarsus, with highly spread trochlea. The presence of a notch in the first phalanx of digit IV, interlocking with the first phalanx of digit III, associated with dermal syndactyly can be interpreted as functional osteological syndactyly, certainly improving the climbing ability of these birds. Finally, climbing species are more likely to have strongly curved claws on their forward digits (digits II, III and IV).

Intra-oral water flow during suction feeding in fish

I am back at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, where I study the biomechanics of intra-oral water flow generation in fishes (IOFLOW ANR Project). It might seem strange to go from birds to fishes, but the questions I am trying to answer are still linked to functional morphology and I use the same methods and tools as those I learnt during my PhD and postdocs!

We developed a new method, based on a combination of XROMM and Fluid Dynamics to see inside the fish mouth, using hand-made particles! We observed back-and-forth motions of the water, guiding the food to the oesophagus (Provini et al 2022).

Synchronized views of light and X-ray videos, with animated head bones and particles

Hopping or walking?

To learn about the musculo-skeleton anatomy of a wide diversity of birds I worked as a post-doc at the University of São Paulo.
I explored the diversity of birds' anatomy to better understand why some birds are hopping and others are walking. I used CT-scan, geometric morphometrics and quantified dissections (Provini & Höfling, 2020)

Motion capture and Modelling

Because  I am convinced that a multidisciplinary approach is the key to address complex questions, such as the question of the origin of flight, I worked as a postdoc in the Gipsa-Lab and the INRIA in Grenoble, France to learn about modelling and computer science. 

I set up an experiment using Motion Capture System (Vicon), coupled with a Multicamera system to model a moving 3D shape.  This approach allowed me to get familiar with several modelling softwares and approaches, such as Maya (Autodesk) and OpenSim.

Morpho-functional trade-off in birds' legs

To understand the morpho-functional trade-off that occurs in birds using different types of locomotion, I have compared the teal and quail locomotion and osteology. Interestingly, those two birds are able to walk and fly, but the teal is also able to paddle. I wanted to know if this specialized type of locomotion would have an effect on the walking ability of the teal and if its skeleton would differ from a non aquatic bird.

I have studied the 3D kinematics of the quail during walking (Abourachid et al 2011) and of the teal during walking and paddling (Provini et al 2012b), then I have compared the morphology of the tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus of these two species to link the anatomical differences with the kinematic differences (Provini et al 2013).

Turns out the strange waddling gait of the teal is linked to its ability to both walk and paddle!

Tibiotarsus of the quail (a) and of the teal (b)

The origin of avian flight

During my PhD at the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle, I investigated the fascinating question of the origin of bird flight

For that, I studied the locomotion of living birds, especially their take-off and landing.

To understand the shaping of bones as an answer to mechanical, structural, and environmental strains, I have conducted a biomechanical analysis of modern birds, during two challenging phases of flight, i.e. take-off and landing.
For that, a 3D kinematic study of the skeleton, based on high-speed video and cineradiographic recordings, was coupled with dynamical data (Force platform and Particle Image Velocimetry data). This work has been initiated at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, France, in collaboration with the University of Montana, USA. 

It allowed me to quantify the relative contribution of wings and legs during take-off (Provini et al 2012a) and during landing (Provini et al 2014), and to demonstrate the key role of the legs to propel the trunk during take-off (Provini et al 2018)

Take-off of a Zebra finch recorded with synchronized high speed light and X-ray cameras
Streamlines generated by a zebra finch taking-off 

In parallel, morphological analyses of the pelvic system (trunk and legs) of both living and fossil theropod dinosaurs, performed in an explicit comparative framework, provided information on the evolution of the posterior locomotor system during the adaptation to flight. 

Paleontological analyses of feathered theropod dinosaurs have been performed at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of Beijing, China (Provini et al 2009).

This work suggests that the ancestors of birds were likely to use their legs to propel themselves in the air, which is in favor to the ground up theory.

Fossil of Sapeornis, a feathered dinosaur from the Cretaceous