CV - Short Version

Academic degrees

PhD in Geography (1999).

Full Professor since 2018.

Habilitation degree since 2013.

Co-coordinator of Investigation Group "Space and Representations (SpaceR)" of Lab2pt (Laboratory of Landscape, Heritage and Territory) at University of Minho.Head of the Geography and Planning Research Unit (2000-2004; 2006-2007; 2008-2015), University of Minho.

Co-ordinator of the research field called “Organizations, Development and Territory” of the Social Sciences Research Centre (2010-2014), University of Minho.

Director of the Master Program in Geography (Planning and Management of Territory) of the University of Minho (2013-2015), Braga, Portugal.

Co-ordinator of the investigation group called “Space and Representations (SpaceR) of the Lab2pt (Laboratory of Landscape, Heritage and Territory (2015-2017), University of Minho.

Director of the PhD Program in Geography of the University of Minho (2015-2017), Braga, Portugal.

Director of Geography Department of the University of Minho since 2017.

Director of Lab2PT (Laboratory of Landscape, Heritage and Territory), with Very Good by FCT Foundation and since 2017.

Research interests

Geography, Geography of Tourism, Cultural Tourism; Regional and Local Development; Health Geography.

Supervising experience

Has supervised 37 master dissertations, 15 PhD thesis and 2 Pos-Doc, successfully concluded.

Participated in 96 master and PhD evaluation panels.

Is supervising 5 master dissertations, 8 PhD thesis in Geography and 3 Pos-Doc in Local and Regional Development, Cultural/Creative Tourism and Impacts of Cultural Mega Events.

Participation in research projects

Until nowadays, participated in 26 national and international research projects. A few of the more recent and next future ones are:

2005 to 2009 – Expert of the European Gender and Well-Being Network (project integrating 24 European countries). Made part of the Working Group 1 (COST A-34), untitled Gender and Well-being: interaction between work, family and public policies. This Project was financed by the European Union (E.U. Framework Programme).

2008 to 2009 – Co-director of the research team in the Project untitled Eight Ways to Change the World, financed by Ministry of Foreigner Business (I.P.A.D.) in partnership with U.C.C.L.A..

2009 to 2011 – Member of the team of the research project untitled The residents’ perception of cultural tourism benefits and the touristic destination image: the study case of Guimarães. The research team was co-ordinated by Professor J. Cadima Ribeiro (School of Economics and Management, University of Minho).

2011 to 2013 — Director of the research team in the project untitled Residents’ and tourists’ perceptions of the impact of the 2012 Guimarães European Capital of Culture and their participation in the event. The research team is co-directed by Professor J. Cadima Ribeiro (School of Economics and Management, University of Minho).

2012 until 2015 – Member of the team of the research project untitled Does gender equality have a say in the boost of innovative forms of economic growth? Reviving the economy through networks and internationalisation in the tourism sector. The research team is co-ordinated by Professor Carlos Costa (University of Aveiro). Rating: Excellent by FCT, Ministry of Education and Science.

2012 until 2015 – Member of the team of the research project untitled Portuguese emigrant entrepreneurship in Andorra, London, Nice and Monaco. The research team is co-ordinated by Professor Ortelinda Barros (University of Oporto). Rating: Excellent by FCT, Ministry of Education and Science.

2014 until 2016 – Member of the team of the research project untitled Evaluation of events and public urban policies. The research team is co-ordinated by Professor Yoná Dalonso (University of Univille, Brazil) and has colleagues from University of S. Paulo (Professor Alexandre Panosso Netto) and from the Centre for Tourism Studies, Finland (Professor Anja Tuohino).

2015 until 2017 — Coordinator of the team of the research project untitled Contributions to the touristic sustainability of Boticas municipality, funded by Lab2PT (Laboratory of Landscape, Heritage and Territory).

2016 until 2019 – Coordinator in the Lab2PT of the Project CREATOUR – Creative Tourism Destination Development in Small Cities and Rural Areas, coordinated by Nancy Duxbury from University of Coimbra founded by European Commission funds (Compete 2020 Program).

2016 until 2017 – Coordinator of “PÓVOAPLUS - Novos rumos para o turismo no concelho da Póvoa de Varzim”, funded by Póvoa de Varzim Municipality Council.

Publications (Books and journals)

She is the author or co-author of 73 papers published in Portuguese and international journals. Published also 11 books (four of which are international ones) and participated in other 22 books has author or co-author of book chapters (12 chapters are in international books).

Some of the more recent publications are:

2005 — “Os desafios da Saúde Materno-Infantil nos inícios do século XXI”, Cuadernos Geográficos, nº 36, pp. 553-561 (co author). Scopus.

2006 — “Beliefs and traditions related to a child’s first year of life: a study on the Northwest of Portugal”, Anthropology and Medicine, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London, Dec., 13(3), pp. 253-264 (co-author). Scopus.

2007 — “Mythes et croyances pendant la grossesse dans la Région Nord-Ouest du Portugal et ses implications dans la santé des femmes”,Recherche en Soins Infirmiers, Lyon, Association de Recherche en Soins Infirmires, 90, Sept., pp.76-85 (co-author). Scopus.

2008 –The origins, scenarios and behaviours in infertility, Collection of Social Sciences, nº 9, Afrontamento Editions, Porto, 201 pp. (co-author).

2008 – “Some characteristics of infertility in a municipality of the northwest of Portugal”, in – Geography and Health Problems, Barcellos, Christovam (org.), ABRASCO Editions, Série Saúde & Movimento, nº 6, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Chapter XVII, pp. 363-384 (co-author).

2009 — “Gender & Well-being in Europe: historical and contemporary perspectives”, Incomplete women and strong men – accounts of infertility as a gendered construction of well-being, Harris, B., et al. (eds.), Ashgate Publishing, London, Chapter 12, pp. 223-242 (co-author).

2010 — Geographic Views of Health, Colibri Editions, Lisbon, 155 p. (co-author).

2010 — “Health Geography in the Iberian Peninsula: a view since the John Snow map”, Acta Geográfica, 4(7), Jan./Jul., pp. 7-23 (co-author).

2011 — “Daily mobility, transportation and sustainability in Portugal”, Regional and urban development in Portuguese speaking countries, Valença, M.M., Cravidão, F.D. and Fernandes, J.A., (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, New York, Chapter 9, pp. 143-162.

2011 – “Cultural heritage and tourism development policies – the case of a portuguese U.N.E.S.C.O. world heritage city”, in Tourism planning and development), “Economics and Management of Tourism: Tendencies and Recent Developments, Coelho, M.M.S.; Matias, Á.A. (orgs.), Universidade Lusíada Editora, Colecção Manuais, Chapter 4, Lisboa, pp. 199-223 (co-author).

2011 — “Residents’ perception of the benefits of cultural tourism: the case of Guimarães”, in Kultur als Touristischer Standortfaktor – Potenziale – Nutzung – Management, Steinecke, A.; Kagermeier, A. (orgs.), University of Paderborn, Germany, Paderborner Geographische Studien zu Tourismusentwicklung und Destinationsmanagement (Paderborn Geographical Studies), Institute series nº 23, pp. 187-202 (co-author) .

2011 — “Mercadotecnia Social en Salud: Teoría y Práctica”, Priego, H. and Remoaldo, P.C. (Orgs.), Collection Julián Manzur Ocaña, Vida y Salud Social, Universidade Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Rede Iberoamericana de Mercadotecnia en Salud (R.I.M.S.) and Centro de Investigação em Ciências Sociais (C.I.C.S.), Mexico, 280 p.

2012 — “La importancia de la mercadotecnia social para la promoción del uso de la lactancia materna”, co-author, chapter 7, in “Mercadotecnia Social en Salud: Teoría y Práctica, Álvarez, H. and Remoaldo, P.C. (Coords.), Collection Julián Manzur Ocaña, Vida y Salud Social, Universidade Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco (México), Rede Iberoamericana de Mercadotecnia en Salud (R.I.M.S.) and Centro de Investigação em Ciências Sociais (C.I.C.S.), pp. 206-242.

2012 — “Las campañas publicitarias en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva, co-author, chapter 6, in “Mercadotecnia Social en Salud: Teoría y Práctica, Álvarez, H. and Remoaldo, P.C. (Coords.), Collection Julián Manzur Ocaña, Vida y Salud Social, Universidade Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco (México), Rede Iberoamericana de Mercadotecnia en Salud (R.I.M.S.) and Centro de Investigação em Ciências Sociais (C.I.C.S.), pp. 169-205.

2012 — “The host-tourist interaction in a world heritage site: the case of Guimarães”, China-USA Business Review, “China-USA Business Review”, Volume 11, Issue 3, March, David Publishing Company, USA, pp. 283-297.

2012 — “Planning considerations about tourism in the Minho-Lima region (Northwest of Portugal, in Tourism Trends, Practices and Case Studies on Sustainable and Responsible Tourism, Parikshat Singh Manhas (Ed.), Prentice Hall India (PHI), New Delhi, pp. 108-123.

2012 — “Sexual and Reproductive Health: the impacts of technological and communicational advances on the male role”, in Handbook of Research on ICTs for Healthcare and Social Services: Developments and Applications, Miranda, I.; Cruz-Cunha, M. (Eds.), IGI-Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 1022-1042 (DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-3986-7) (co-author).

2012 — “Public policies for tourism in Brazil: An analysis of the National Tourism Plan for cities”, co-author, Revista Configurações, nº 10, pp. 185-198 (ISSN: 1646-5075).

2013 — “Residents’ perceptions towards tourism impacts in the Northern Portugal using cluster analysis”, co-author, Current Issues in Tourism, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, United Kingdom and USA, 16(6), pp. 535-551. 2012 impact factor: 1.307 – ranking 9/35 – Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism. ISI Web of Knowledge.

2013 — “Measuring bus stop accessibility for elderly people: The effects of slope and specific elderly walking speeds”, in A. Condenço-Melhorado, A. Reggiani e J. Gutiérrez (Orgs.), Accessibility and Spatial Interaction, Vol. X, London, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 315-327 (co-author - forthcoming).

2014 — “Institutional context and hotel social responsability”, co-author, Kybernetes - The International Journal of Cybernetics, Systems and Management Sciences, Emerald, 43(3/4), 16 p. (ISSN: 0368-492X). 2012 Impact Factor: 0.318. ISI Web of Knowledge.

2014 — “Tourism experience, events and public policies”, co-author, Annals of Tourism Research, 46, pp. 181-184 (ISSN: 0160-7383). 2012 impact factor: 3.683 and 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.616. Ranking 1/38. Number 1 of Journal in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism. ISI Web of Knowledge.

2014 — “Hollistic approach, tourism”, in Encyclopedia of Tourism, Jafar Jafari, J. e Honggen, X. (Eds.), New York, Springer (forthcoming).

2014 — “Principal Component Analysis, tourism”, in Encyclopedia of Tourism, Jafar Jafari, J. e Honggen, X. (Eds.), New York, Springer (forthcoming).

2014 — “Do gender, age and education affect attitudes and motivations towards visiting a World Heritage Site? The case of Guimarães”, co-author, Visitor Studies, 17(1), pp. 89-106. 2012 impact factor: 0.15. Scopus.

2014 — “Perceptions of residents of hosting the 'Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture´: an ex-antes approach”, co-author, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2(2), pp. 71-93 (ISNN: 2183-0800). Scopus.

2014 — "Mapping transport disadvantages of eldery people in relation to access to bus stop: contribution of geographic information", co-author, A. Reggiani and J. Puebla (Orgs.), Accessibility and Spatial Interaction, UK, Edward Elger Publishing, pp. 156-173 (ISBN: 978-1-78254-072-4.

2014 — The Overarching Issues of the European Space - The Territorial Diversity of Opportunities in a Scenario of Crisis, E-book, H. Pina, P.C. Remoaldo, M.C. Ramos e H. Marques (Eds.), CD-ROM, Bucareste, Milena Press, 280 p. (ISBN:978-989-8648-38-9).

2015 — "Obstacles to Portuguese immigrant entrepreneurship in Andorra," co-author, "Internationalization of Entrepreneurial Innovation in the Global Economy", L. Caravalho, Pennsylvania (U.S.A.), IGI-Global, pp. 88-114.

2015 — “Residents’ perceptions on impacts of hosting the Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture: comparison of the pre and post periods”, co-author, Álvaro Matias, Peter Nijkamp (Ed.). Springer (forthcoming).

2015 — “The environmental impacts perceived by the local community from hosting the ‘2012 Guimarães European Capital of Culture’”, co-author, Ambiente y Desarrollo,19(36), Special Issue: Community Organization, Protected Areas, Environmental Impacts and Development, pp. 25-38.

2015 — “Cultural mega events and the enhancement of city’s image: differences between engaged and attendee participants", submitted to Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events. Scopus.

2015 — “Evaluating the Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture: Tourists’ Behaviors and Perceptions”, accepted by Event Management: an International Journal. Scopus (forthcoming).

2015 — “Acessibilidade e SIG no planeamento em saúde: uma abordagem baseada em modelos de alocação-localização”, co-author, Revista Portuguesa de Desenvolvimento Regional, 38, pp. 3-18. Scopus.

2015 — "The influence of low-frequency noise pollution on the quality of life and place in sustainable cities: a case study from the Northern of Portugal", with J. Alves and L. Silva, Sustainability, 7, pp. 13920-13946. Scopus. Thomson Reuters Book Citation Index (Web of Science).

2015 — “The influence of institutional environment on quality management in hotels”, co-author, chapter 18, in M. Peris-Ortiz, J. Álvarez-García, C. Rueda-Armengot (Eds.), Achieving Competitive Advantage through Quality Management, New York, Springer, pp. 279-292 (ISBN: 978-3-319-17250-7; 978-3-319-17251-4 – E-book). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-17251-4.

2015 — Entrepreneurship and innovation: the study case of Portuguese in London”, co-author, chapter 30, vol. 2, in L. Carvalho (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Success and its impact on Regional Development, Pennsylvania (U.S.A.), IGI-Global, pp. 723-753. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9567-2.ch030.

2015 — “Portuguese publication in the aim of regional science: a study of articles published in RPER from 2003 to 2015”, co-author, Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Desenvolvimento Regional, 11(4), pp. 3-26. Scopus.

2015 — “The influence of low-frequency noise pollution on the quality of life and place in sustainable cities: a case study from the Northern of Portugal”, co-author, Sustainability, 7, pp. 13920-13946. DOI:10.3390/su71013920. ISI Web of Knowledge.

2016 — “A methodology for definition of Rural Spaces: An implementation in Brazil”, co-author, Ciência Rural (Rural Sociology), 46(2), pp. 375-380. ISSN: 0103-8478. Scopus. Thomson Reuters Book Citation Index (Web of Science). DOI:

2016 — Empreendedorismo emigrante português em Londres, Andorra, Nice e Mónaco, with M.O. Gonçalves (coord.), PJ.A. da Cunha, J. da Silva Ribeiro, A. Silva, J. Coelho, E. Duque, J. Arroteia, S. Magalhães, J. Menezes, F. Pinho and A.M. Romão, Porto, Centro de Estudos da População, Economia e Sociedade (CEPESE), with the support of FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) and of Programa COMPETE (Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade), 224 p. (ISBN: 978-989-8434-34-0). URL:

2016 — “Residents’ perceptions on impacts of hosting the Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture: comparisons of the pre- and post- periods”, with L. Vareiro, J.C. Ribeiro and F. Santos, in A. Matias, P. Nijkamp e J. Romão (Eds.), Impact Assessment in Tourism Economics, Springer Series, pp. 229-246 (ISBN: 978-3-319-14919-6). Thomson Reuters Book Citation Index (Web of Science).

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-14920-2

2016 — “Perceived impacts of the European Youth Capital 2012”, with E. Duque and J.C. Ribeiro, Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 43, pp. 21-34. URL:

2016 — The overarching issues of the European space - Rethinking socioeconomic and environmental problems, and territorial development policies / Grandes problemáticas do Espaço Europeu - Repensar os problemas sócioeconómicos e ambientais e as políticas de desenvolvimento territorial, E-book, H. Pina, P.C. Remoaldo e M.C. Ramos (Eds.), Fundação Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Porto, 425 p. (ISBN: 978-989-8648-61-7). URL:

2017 — O legado de Guimarães Capital Europeia da Cultura de 2012: a leitura dos residentes e dos visitantes, with J. Ribeiro, Coleção Textos, nº 128, Porto, Edições Afrontamento, 162 p. (ISBN: 978-972-36-1529-6).

2017 — “Applying an Augmented Reality tool to the Camino de Santiago in Portugal”, with M. Pereira, M.P. Otón and J.M. Yáñez, in J. Rodrigues, C. Ramos, P. Cardoso e C. Henriques (Eds.), Technological Developments for Cultural Heritage and eTourism Application,Pennsylvania (U.S.A.), IGI-Global, pp. 120-139. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2927-9.ch006.

2017 — “Novas abordagens na Geografia da Saúde Portuguesa”, em co-autoria com J. Alves, L. Silva e S. Rodrigues, in M. Priscila, B. Pereira e S.C.M. Magalhães (Org.), Pesquisa em Geografia da Saúde: entre a teoria e a prática, Editora Unimontes, Universidade de Montes Claros – Minas Gerais, pp. 9-28.

2017 — “Desenvolvimento regional e a ideologia de segurança nacional no Brasil”, with M. Santos, Revista de Geopolítica, 8(2), pp. 32-47.

2017 — “Cultural mega events and the enhancement of a city’s image: differences between engaged and attendee participants", with J.F. Santos, L. Vareiro and J.C. Ribeiro, Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, Routledge, Taylors & Francis, 9(2), pp. 129-151.

2017 — “The planning of tourism on rural areas: the stakeholders` perceptions of the Boticas municipality (Northeastern Portugal)”, with I. Freitas, O. Matos, H. Lopes, S. Silva, M.D. Sánchez-Fernández, J.C. Ribeiro and V. Ribeiro, European Countryside, 9(3), pp. 504-525 (ISSN: 1803-8417).

2017 — “Geographic Information Systems: The past, present and future”, with V. Ribeiro, H. Lopes and S. Silva, in M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 4th edition, Pennsylvania (U.S.A.), IGI-Global, pp. 3460-3472.

2017 — “Changes in the Guimarães visitors’ profile and the city attributes perceptions in the post hosting of the 2012 European Capital of Culture”, with L. Vareiro and J.C. Ribeiro, Tourism & Management Studies, 13(4), pp.43-53 DO: 10.18089/tms.2017.13405. Web of Science (Thomson Reuters). Impact factor: 0.97.

2017 — “O conceito de modo de vida: entre traduções, definições e discussões”, Sociologias, 19(45), pp. 348-374. ISSN: 1517-4522; ISSN on-line: 1807-0337. DOI: Scopus.

2017 — “The planning of tourism on rural areas: the stakeholders` perceptions of the Boticas municipality (Northeastern Portugal)”, with I. Freitas, O. Matos, H. Lopes, S. Silva, M.D. Sánchez-Fernández, J.C. Ribeiro and V. Ribeiro, European Countryside, 9 (3), pp. 504-525 (ISSN: 1803-8417). DOI: 10.1515/euco-2017-0030. Scopus, Elsevier – Geobase, Elsevier – Reaxys and CAB International.

2018 — “Access to infertility consultations – What women tell us about it?”, Current Women's Health Reviews, 14, pp. 1-8. Scopus. DOI : 10.2174/1573404814666171207154544. Scopus.

2018 — “Os rurais e a cidade: a mobilidade socioespacial dos habitantes do campo em pequenos municípios de economia agrícola”, Ra’e Ga - O Espaço Geográfico em Análise, 44, pp. 242-257. DOI: 10.5380/raega

2018 — “A mobilidade campo-cidade em pequenos municípios: em análise os deslocamentos rotineiros em Araponga, MG”, with N. Gomes, A. Louise de Carvalho and N. Pinto, Geografia, 43(2), pp. 279-296.

2018 — “Percepción de familia entre mujeres embarazadas del norte de Portugal”, with M.F. da Silva and M. Pulido-Fu, Horizonte Sanitario, 71(1), pp. 31-38. DOI: 10.19136/hs.a17n1.1974

2018 — “Eurostat methodology applied to the characterization of rural and urban Brazilian spaces”, with G.B. Braga and A.L. Fiúza, Bulletin of Geography – Socio-economic Series, 42, pp. 151-162. Scopus and Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index.

2018 — "Impacts of low frequency noise exposure on well-being: a case-study from Portugal", with J. Alves and L. Silva, Noise & Health, 20, pp. 131-145. Impact factor: 1.842. Scopus and Web of Science. DOI: 10.4103/nah.NAH_64_17.

2018 — “Cultural destination’s attributes andtourists’ satisfaction: differences between first time and repeated visits”, with L. Vareiro and J.C. Ribeiro, Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Desenvolvimento Regional, 14(2), 23 p. Scopus.

2019 — "What influences a tourist to return to a cultural destination?", with J. Cadima Ribeiro and L. Vareiro, International Journal of Tourism Research, 24 p. (in edition). Impact factor: 2.449. Scopus and Web of Science.

Papers presented in conferences

Presentation of 201 papers in several national and international conferences, namely in: Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Spain, Germany, Scotland, Brazil, Cape Verde, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panamá, Peru, Turkey and USA.

She was chair in 58 sessions in national and international scientific conferences.

Member of the Scientific Commissions of 65 national and international conferences.


At present, makes part of Board of Scientific Reviewers in 25 Journals. The more important are:

- Cogent Social Sciences (Taylor & Francis) - Leisure and Tourism;

- Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (Sage Publications);

- Tourism Management (Elsevier);

- Tourism and Hospitality Research (Sage Publications);

- Review of International Geographical education on-line (Sage Publications);

- Anatolia – an International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research (Taylor & Francis);

- Cogent Social Sciences (Taylor & Francis);

- Economic Research;

- MEDICC Review – International Journal of Cuban Health & Medicine;

- Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural;

- Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais (RPER).