
Y9 Chemistry

Links to interesting sites


Balancing Equations

Explanation and online exercises

More exercises on balancing

Compound names and Formulas exercise

Periodic Table

Reactions of alkali metals

Flame tests

Physical properties of halogens

Noble gases - some properties

Chemical calculations

Extra exercises

Explanation on exercise moles to mass

Acids and Bases

On line lesson on acids, bases and salts

Whiteboard presentation - acids, bases and salts

Exercise on Acids, alkalis and pH

Exercise on Acids, alkalis and indicators

Exercise on Acids, alkalis and salts

Exercise on salts

Indicators- you can see the change in colour with pH of different indicators (habilitar macros y mover el cursor de pH)

Notes on this topic by Dr. brown

Color of hydrangeas affected by pH


Simulated titration

Testing acids and bases


Reactions of acids with metals and carbonates

Precipitating salts


Acids and bases

Acids reacting with metals

neutralisation reactions

making salts

Rates of reaction

Rates of reaction powerpoint

Collision theory simulation


Rates of reaction

Measuring rates of reaction

Collision theory


Effect of concentration

Effect of surface area

Effect of catalysts

Simulation e chalk

Identification of gases and ions


Identification of gases

Identification of cations

Identification of anions


Identification of gases

Identification of cations

Identification of anions


water treatment process

Proceso tratamiento aysa

Oils and Polymers

On line lesson on oils, hydrocarbons and polymers

Whiteboard presentation - useful organic compounds

Whiteboard presentation - alkanes and alkenes


fractional distillation

burning hydrocarbons

using crude oil as fuel

alkanes and alkenes



Products of combustion

fractional distillation of crude oil


Test for gases and ions

Test for gases

Test for cations

Test for anions

Concentration demo

Practice Exercises on Moles

Revision Acids and Bases

Revision Summary DPT (Acids and bases, moles and water)

Interactive presentation (acids and bases)

Practice Exercises on Acids and Bases