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New paper about forming the four terrestrial planets in the solar system! (Paper 1 below).

The discovery of two new moons of Neptune has been announced! (In Japanese. Please check my X (twitter) account above for the details in English).

Please check KBP (←click) for more information about the Kuiper Belt Planet scenario (a hypothetical planet in the distant outer solar system first proposed in 2008 and recently revisited/improved in Paper 2).

Two key papers have been published in 2023! (Papers 2 and 4 below). These studies have profound implications for forming the terrestrial planets, the asteroid belt, and the orbital structure beyond 50 au in the so-called distant Kuiper Belt.


Papers - latest 10 publications

1. Lykawka P. S., and Ito T. 2024. Formation of the four terrestrial planets in the Jupiter-Saturn chaotic excitation scenario: fundamental properties and water delivery. Accepted for publication in Icarus.🆕

2. Lykawka P. S., and Ito T. 2023. Is there an Earth-like planet in the distant Kuiper Belt? The Astronomical Journal 166:118 (20 pp).🆕

3. Ashton, E., Chang C.-K., Chen Y.-T., Lehner M. J., Wang S.-Y., Alexandersen M., Choi Y.-J., Fraser W. C., Contreras A. P. G., Ito T., JeongAhn Y., Ji J., Kavelaars J. J., Kim M.-J., Lawler S. M., Li J., Lin Z.-Y., Lykawka P. S., Moon H.-K., More S., Muñoz-Gutiérrez M. Ohtsuki K., Pike R. E., Terai T., Urakawa S., Yoshida F., Zhang H., Zhao H., Zhou J.-L. 2023. FOSSIL. III. Lightcurves of 371 Trans-Neptunian Objects.  The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 267:33 (13pp).🆕

4. Lykawka P. S., and Ito T. 2023. Terrestrial planet and asteroid belt formation by Jupiter-Saturn chaotic excitation. Scientific Reports 13:4708 (14pp + extensive SI).🆕

5. Chang C.-K., Chen Y.-T., Fraser W. C., Lehner M. J., Wang S.-Y., Alexandersen M., Choi Y.-J., Contreras A. P. G., Ito T., JeongAhn Y., Ji J., Kavelaars J. J., Kim M.-J., Lawler S. M., Li J., Lin Z.-Y., Lykawka P. S., Moon H.-K., More S., Muñoz-Gutiérrez M. Ohtsuki K., Pike R. E., Terai T., Urakawa S., Yoshida F., Zhang H., Zhao H., Zhou J.-L. 2022. FOSSIL. II. The Rotation Periods of Small-sized Hilda Asteroids.  The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 259:7 (8pp).

6. Chang C.-K., Chen Y.-T., Fraser W. C., Yoshida F., Lehner M. J., Wang S.-Y., Kavelaars J. J., Pike R. E., Alexandersen M., Ito T., Choi Y.-J., Contreras A. P. G., JeongAhn Y., Ji J., Kim M.-J., Lawler S. M., Li J., Lin Z.-Y., Lykawka P. S., Moon H.-K., More S., Muñoz-Gutiérrez M. A., Ohtsuki K., Terai T., Urakawa S., Zhang H., Zhao H., Zhou J.-L. 2021. FOSSIL. I. The Spin Rate Limit of Jupiter Trojans. The Planetary Science Journal 2:191.

7. Lin H.-W., Chen Y.-T., Volk K., Gladman B., Murray-Clay R., Alexandersen M., Bannister M. T., Lawler S. M., Ip W.-H., Lykawka P. S., Kavelaars J. J., Gwyn S. D. J., Petit J.-M. 2021. OSSOS: The eccentricity and inclination distributions of the stable neptunian Trojans. Icarus 361:114391.

8. Lykawka P. S. 2020. Can narrow discs in the inner Solar system explain the four terrestrial planets? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, accepted for publication.

9. Horner J., Kane S., Marshall J., Dalba P., Holt T., Wood J., Wittenmyer R., Lykawka P. S., Hill M., Salmeron R., Bailey J., Agnew M., Carter B., Tylor C. 2020. Solar System Physics for Exoplanet Research. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, accepted for publication (Invited Review).

10. Chen Y.-T., Gladman B., Volk K., Murray-Clay R., Lehner M. J., Kavelaars J. J., Wang S.-Y. Lin H.-W., Lykawka P. S., Alexandersen M., Bannister M. T., Lawler S. M., Dawson R. I., Greenstreet S., Gwyn S. D. J., Petit J.-M. 2019. OSSOS: Constraining migration models with the 2:1 resonance using the Outer Solar System Origin Survey. The Astronomical Journal 158:214 (17 pp).

Please see my CV, NASA/ADS, or Google Scholar for the total records.

Outreach and public releases

🏆For details about outreach and public activities, please refer to my CV.