Konferenzen und Zeitschriften
Pascal Schweitzer und Patrick Schweitzer - Minimal asymmetric graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 127: 215-227, 2017. (link)
Barbara Kordy, Marc Pouly und Patrick Schweitzer - Probabilistic reasoning with graphical security models, Information Sciences, 342: 111-131, 2016. (link)
Barbara Kordy, Ludovic Piètre-Cambacédès, und Patrick Schweitzer - DAG-Based Attack and Defense Modeling: Don't Miss the Forest for the Attack Trees, Computer Science Review, 13-14: 1-38, 2014. (link), (pdf).
Brendan McKay, Pascal Schweitzer und Patrick Schweitzer - Competition Numbers, Quasi-Line Graphs and Holes, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 28(1): 77-91, 2014. (link), (pdf).
Barbara Kordy, Marc Pouly und Patrick Schweitzer - A Probabilistic Framework for Security Scenarios with Dependent Actions, 11th International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (iFM 2014), LNCS 8739: 256-271, 2014. (link), (pdf).
Barbara Kordy, Sjouke Mauw, Saša Radomirović und Patrick Schweitzer - Attack-Defense Trees, Journal of Logic and Computation, 24(1): 55-87, 2014. (link), (pre-print pdf).
Barbara Kordy, Piotr Kordy, Sjouke Mauw und Patrick Schweitzer - ADTool: Security Analysis with Attack--Defense Trees (Tool Demonstration Paper), International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST 2013), LNCS 8054: 173-176, 2013. (link), (technical report pdf).
Tim Muller und Patrick Schweitzer - On Beta Models with Trust Chains, IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference on Trust Management (IFIPTM 2013), IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 401: 49-65, 2013. (link), (technical report pdf).
Tim Muller und Patrick Schweitzer - A Formal Derivation of Composite Trust, International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS 2012), LNCS 7743: 132-148, 2013. (link), (pdf).
Barbara Kordy, Sjouke Mauw und Patrick Schweitzer - Quantitative Questions on Attack-Defense Trees, International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ICISC 2012), LNCS 7839: 49-64, 2013. (link), (technical report pdf).
Alessandra Bagnato, Barbara Kordy, Per Håkon Meland und Patrick Schweitzer - Attribute Decoration of Attack-Defense Trees, International Journal of Secure Software Engineering, 3(2): 1-35, 2012. (link), (pdf).
Barbara Kordy, Marc Pouly und Patrick Schweitzer - Computational Aspects of Attack-Defense Trees, Security and Intelligent Information Systems (SIIS 2011), LNCS 7053: 103-116, 2012. (link), (pdf).
Barbara Kordy, Sjouke Mauw, Saša Radomirović und Patrick Schweitzer - Foundations of Attack-Defense Trees. Seventh international Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST 2010), LNCS 6561: 80-95, 2011. (link), (pdf).
Barbara Kordy, Sjouke Mauw, Matthijs Melissen und Patrick Schweitzer - Attack-Defense Trees and Two-Player Binary Zero-Sum Extensive Form Games Are Equivalent, Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec 2010), LNCS 6442: 245-256, 2010. (link), (pdf), (technical report pdf).
Frank C.Krysiak und Patrick Schweitzer - The optimal size of a permit market, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 60(2): 133-143, 2010. (link).
Pascal Schweitzer und Patrick Schweitzer - Connecting face hitting sets in planar graphs, Information Processing Letters, 111(1): 11-15, 2010. (link), (pdf).
Doktor- und Diplomarbeiten
Doktorarbeit - Informatik: Attack-Defense Trees, 2013. (pdf).
Diplomarbeit - Wirtschaftsingenieurswesen: On Fast Convergence Consensus Algorithms (Betrachtungen über die schnelle Konvergenz von Konsensalgorithmen), 2009.
Diplomarbeit - Mathematik: Berechnung elliptischer und hyperelliptischer Kurven für paarungsbasierte Kryptografie, 2008.