NONE of the material posted on this personal website necessarily represents the views of the Deutsche Bundesbank, the Eurosystem or its staff.

Working Papers

Global monetary and financial spillovers: Evidence from a new measure of Bundesbank policy shocks with James Cloyne and Alan M. Taylor, NBER Working Paper 30485. Also available as: Bundesbank Discussion Paper 34/2022, CEPR Working Paper 17587. Summaries: Bundesbank Research Brief No. 54: [de] / [en], VoxEU. 

On the empirical relevance of the exchange rate as a shock absorber at the ZLB with David Finck and Mathias Hoffmann, Bundesbank Discussion Paper 10/2023.

Do exchange rates absorb demand shocks at the ZLB? with Mathias Hoffmann, Bundesbank Discussion Paper 13/2021. 


Are Tax Cuts Contractionary at the Zero Lower Bound? Evidence from a Century of Data, with James Cloyne and Nicholas Dimsdale, accepted at Journal of Political Economy, pdf coming soon. 

Zero-risk weights and capital misallocation with Takuji Fueki and Todd B. Walker, Journal of Financial Stability, Volume 72, June 2024, 101264. Other: Bundesbank DP 16/2024. Summary: VoxEU

Expectations formation, sticky prices, and the ZLB with Elizabeth Bersson and Matthias Paustian, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Volume 56, Issue 2-3, pp. 365-393, March-April 2024. Older: Bundesbank DP 34/2019. Summary: Bundesbank Research Brief No. 31: [de], [en].

Fiscal space in the COVID-19 pandemic, Applied Economics, Volume 53, Issue 39, pp. 4517-4532. OlderBundesbank DP 35/2020.

Disagreement about inflation expectations and monetary policy transmission with Elisabeth Falck and Mathias Hoffmann, Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 118, March 2021, pp. 15-31. Older: Bundesbank DP 29/2017. Summary:  VoxEU, Bundesbank Research Brief No. 15: [de], [en].

The macroeconomic effects of monetary policy: A new measure for the United Kingdom with James Cloyne, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Volume 8(4), pp. 75-102, October 2016. Older:  BoE WP No. 493. Summary: VoxEU. 

Inflation expectations, disagreement, and monetary policy with Mathias Hoffmann, Economics Letters, Volume 146, pp. 59-63, September 2016. 

Sovereign default risk and state-dependent twin deficits with Ronald Rühmkorf, Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 48, pp. 357-382, November 2014. Awards: ZEW Heinz König Young Scholar Award 2013.

Consumer misperceptions, uncertain fundamentals, and the business cycle, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 40, pp. 279–292, March 2014.