You can download my full academic CV here: CV

Short CV


10/2019 - 02/2015: Ph.D. Program in Finance (Dr. rer. pol.), with Distinction ("summa cum laude"), Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management (GSEFM), Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

09/2011 – 02/2012: Visiting Scholar at the Finance Division, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada

10/2004 – 09/2009: Diplom in Mathematics (M. Sc. Equivalent), Goethe University Frankfurt

09/2006 – 12/2006: Visiting Bachelor Student at the University of Wisconsin, Superior, USA

Professional Experience:

Since 10/2021: Principal Economist, Monetary Research and Forecasting Division, Latvijas Banka (Bank of Latvia), Riga, Latvia

08/2018 – 12/2021: Research Fellow, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania

09/2015 – 06/2021: Principal Economist, Center for Excellence in Finance and Economic Research (CEFER), Lietuvos Bankas (Bank of Lithuania), Vilnius, Lithuania

10/2018 – 04/2019: Visiting Researcher, Schuman Programme, Monetary Policy and Forecasting Division, Latvijas Banka (Bank of Latvia), Riga, Latvia

09/2015 – 12/2018: External Researcher, Research Center SAFE, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

09/2015 – 07/2018: Senior Economist, Center for Excellence in Finance and Economic Research (CEFER), Lietuvos Bankas (Bank of Lithuania), Vilnius, Lithuania

03/2013 – 08/2015: Research Assistant, Research Center SAFE, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

Awards, Scholarships, and Third-Party Funding:

06/2019 – 12/2021: Principal Investigator at the Lithuanian Council of Science-funded Project “Circular economy modelling and empowerment perspective in a small open economy”

09/2014 – 08/2015: Researcher at the Research Project "International Models of Growth", funded by the Research Center SAFE

12/2014: Best Ph.D. Student Paper Award (21st Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF) and 13th Symposium on Finance, Banking, and Insurance)

03/2013 – 08/2014: Researcher at the Research Project "General Equilibrium with Contagion Effects", funded by the Research Center SAFE

03/2012 – 02/2013: Ph.D. Scholarship, Goethe University Frankfurt

09/2011 – 02/2012: Doctoral Scholarship from DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)

10/2009 – 08/2011: Ph.D. Scholarship, Goethe University Frankfurt