
Book Chapters

Janette Cardoso, Patricia Derler, John C. Eidson, Edward A. Lee, Slobodan Matic, Yang Zhao, and Jia Zou, " Modeling Timed Systems," chapter in Claudius Ptolemaeus, ed., System Design, Modeling, and Simulation using Ptolemy II,, 2014.

Christopher Brooks, Joseph Buck, Elaine Cheong, John S. Davis II, Patricia Derler, Thomas Huining Feng, Geronica Galicia, Mudit Goel, Soonhoi Ha, Edward A. Lee, Jie Liu, X iaojun Liu, David Messerschmitt, Lukito Muliadi, Stephen Neuendorffer, John Reekie, Bert Rodiers, Neil Smyth, Yuhong Xiong, and Haiyand Zheng, "Software Architecture," chapter in Claudius Ptolemaeus, ed., System Design, Modeling, and Simulation using Ptolemy II,, 2014.

Patricia Derler, Elizabeth A. Latronico, Edward A. Lee, Man-Kit Leung, Ben Lickly, and Charles Shelton, "Ontologies," chapter in Claudius Ptolemaeus, ed.,System Design, Modeling, and Simulation using Ptolemy II,, 2014.

S. Resmerita, P. Derler, W. Pree, K. Butts, The Validator tool suite: filling the gap between conventional software-in-the-loop and hardware-in-the-loop simulation environments, In Real-time Simulation Technologies: Principles, Methodologies, and Applications. To appear.

S. Resmerita, P. Derler, W. Pree and A. Naderlinger, Modeling and Simulation of TDL Applications, In Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Real-Time Systems (MBEERTS'07), LNCS, 2010.

Technical Reports

S. Wolff, K. Pierce and P. Derler, 2013. Multi-domain Modelling in DESTECS and Ptolemy - a Tool Comparison, Department of Engineering, Aarhus University. Denmark. 19 pp. - Technical report ECETR-15.

P. Derler, E. A. Lee, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Addressing Modeling Challenges in Cyber-Physical Systems, Technical report, EECS Department University of California, Berkeley, UCB/EECS-2011-17, March, 2011.PDF

S. Resmerita, P. Derler and E. A. Lee, Modeling and Simulation of Legacy Embedded Systems, Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2010-38, EECS Department, UC Berkeley, April 2010.

S. Resmerita, P. Derler, W. Pree, Timing Definition Language (TDL) Modeling in Ptolemy II, Department of Computer Science, University of Salzburg, Tech. Rep. 21, June 2008.

P. Derler, T. H. Feng, E. A. Lee, S. Matic, H. D. Patel, Y. Zhao, and J. Zou, PTIDES: A Programming Model for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2008-72, May 2008.


P. Derler and S. Resmerita, Relaxing Scheduling Constraints for Systems with Logical Execution Time Specifications, Poster presentation at the ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES), June 2009. PDF

S. Resmerita and P. Derler, APES-LESS: Access Point Event Simulator for Legacy Embedded Software Systems, Poster presentation at the 2009 Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium, UC Berkeley, February 2009. PDF

PhD Thesis

P. Derler, Efficient Execution and Simulation of Time-Annotated Embedded Software, PhD Thesis, University of Salzburg.