Call for Lighting Talks/Posters
PASTE 2011 is the tenth workshop in a series that brings together the program analysis, software tools, and software engineering communities to focus on applications of program analysis techniques in software tools.
This year, PASTE will include both a lightning talks session and a poster session. Lightning talks and posters can describe early research ideas or results, research perspectives or positions, and other topics of interest to the PASTE community. Tool demonstrations are also welcome. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in the poster session, which will be held during lunch. Lightning talks will be allocated 10 minute slots, which will consist of 5 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Researchers who would like to present a lightning talk should send the following information to by Friday, June 24, 2011:
- Presenter name, affiliation, and email address
- Proposed title
- A short paragraph describing the talk
- Please include "PASTE lightning talk submission" in the email title
Researchers who would like to present a poster should send the following information to by Friday, June 24, 2011:
- Title, author names, and affiliations
- Name and email address of the presenter
- A PDF abstract of the research to be described in the poster. The abstract should be at most 1 page in the normal PASTE submission format.
- Please include "PASTE poster submission" in the email title
Lightning talks and posters will be accepted based on relevance to the workshop.
Selected presenters will be notified via email by July 1, 2011. Presenters may, at their option, have their abstract included in the official PASTE proceedings.