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Habilitation a diriger des recherches / Habilitation to lead a research program

My habilitation thesis was about the positioning of local firms within the GVC/GPN. I propose an original framework based on the GVC/GPN literature in order to apprehend the capability of local firms to strategically upgrade in GVC.  

My habilitation thesis (in French) is available on request 

PHD - Thesis 

My thesis was about the transition of farms in post-Soviet Russia. I analyzed the coming up of  "agroholding" in this country

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

On the "renewable biomass energy" Global Value Chain

On the "agroholding" in the post-Soviet economies 

On theoretical and methodological aspects of Mesoeconomics concept


Chapters in peer-reviewed books 

On the "renewable biomass energy" Global Value Chain

On the "agroholding" in the Post-soviet Economies 

On the "Business and Employment Cooperatives" in the Social and Solidarity Economy

On theoretical and methodological aspects of Mesoeconomics concept


1. Grouiez P., 2009, "Zvi Lerman (Dir.), Russia’s Agriculture in Transition, Factor Markets and Constraints on Growth, Lexigton Books, 2008.", in Revue de la régulation.  (Available in Open Edition Access in French)

2. Grouiez P., 2015, "Benjamin Coriat (dir.) Le retour des communs", in Revue de la régulation. (Available in Open Edition Access in French)

3. Grouiez P., 2020, "Julien Vercueil. Économie politique de la Russie 1918-2018. Coll. « Points Économie », Paris, Seuil, 368 p.", Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest, 2019/4 (N° 4), p. 126-131. (Available in free access in French)


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