Jinhyung Park (박진형, 朴珍亨)

Associate Professor
Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST

Address: E2 Room 3202, Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea

e-mail: parkjh13_at_kaist_dot_ac_dot_kr

CV [link]

Previously, I was an Assistant Professor at Sogang University (March 2019 - February 2022) and a Research Fellow/Assistant Professor/CMC Fellow at KIAS (September 2014 - February 2019), where my mentor was Prof. Jun-Muk Hwang. I obtained my Ph.D from KAIST in August, 2014 under the supervision of Prof. Sijong Kwak.

I'm Jinhyung Park(박진형) not Jinhyun Park(박진현). There is an extra "g" at the end of my name. We are both algebraic geometers in the same department, but our research interests are different.

Research Interests

Algebraic Geometry - positivity of line bundles and syzygies of algebraic varieties

Publication List

1. Cones of divisors of blow-ups of projective spaces (with Salvatore Cacciola, Maria Donten-Bury, Olivia Dumitrescu, Alessio Lo Giudice),
Le Matematiche (Catania) 66 (2011), 153-187 [journal]

2. Characterization of log del Pezzo pairs via anticanonical models (with DongSeon Hwang),
Math. Z. 280 (2015), 211-229 [journal] [arXiv

3. Redundant blow-ups of rational surfaces with big anticanonical divisor (with DongSeon Hwang),
JPAA 219 (2015), 5314-5329 [journal] [arXiv]

4. Factorization of anticanonical maps of Fano type variety (with Sung Rak Choi, DongSeon Hwang),
IMRN 2015 no. 20, 10118-10142 [journal] [arXiv]

5. Geometric properties of projective manifolds of small degree (with Sijong Kwak),
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 160 (2016), 257-277 [journal] [arXiv]

6. Cox rings of rational surfaces and redundant blow-ups (with DongSeon Hwang),
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 368 (2016), 7727-7743 [journal] [arXiv]

7. Potentially non-klt locus and its applications (with Sung Rak Choi),
Math. Ann. 366 (2016), 141-166 [journal] (see also [arXiv] for update)

8. Hilbert functions of Cox rings of del Pezzo surfaces (with Joonyeong Won),
J. Algebra 480 (2017), 309-331 [journal] [arXiv]

9. Okounkov bodies associated to pseudoeffective divisors II (with Sung Rak Choi, Joonyeong Won),
Taiwanese J. Math. 21 (2017), 602-620 (special issue for the proceedings of the conference "Algebraic Geometry in East Asia 2016") [journal] [arXiv]

10. Log Fano structures and Cox rings of blow-ups of products of projective spaces (with John Lesieutre),
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (2017), 4201-4209 [journal] [arXiv]

11. A Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity bound for scrolls (with Wenbo Niu),
J. Algebra. 488 (2017), 388-402 [journal] [arXiv]

12. Okounkov bodies and Zariski decompositions on surfaces (with Sung Rak Choi, Joonyeong Won),
Bull. Korean. Math. Soc. 54 (2017), 1677-1697 (special volume for Magadan Conference) [journal] [arXiv]

13. Asymptotic base loci via Okounkov bodies (with Sung Rak Choi, Yoonsuk Hyun, Joonyeong Won),
Adv. Math. 323 (2018), 784-810 [journal] [arXiv]

14. Okounkov bodies associated to pseudoeffective divisors (with Sung Rak Choi, Yoonsuk Hyun, Joonyeong Won),
J. London Math. Soc. (2) 98 (2018), 170-195 [journal] [arXiv]

15. A product formula for volumes of divisors via Okounkov bodies (with Sung Rak Choi, Seung-Jo Jung, Joonyeong Won),
IMRN 2019 no. 22, 7118-7137 [journal] [arXiv]

16. A bound for Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity by double point divisors (with Sijong Kwak),
Adv. Math. 364 (2020), 107008 [journal] [arXiv

17. Classification and syzygies of smooth projective varieties with 2-regular structure sheaf (with Sijong Kwak),
Math. Nachr. 293 (2020), 1378-1389 [journal][arXiv]

18. Singularities and syzygies of secant varieties of nonsingular projective curves (with Lawrence Ein, Wenbo Niu),
Invent. Math.  222 (2020), 615-665 [journal] [arXiv

19. Okounkov bodies and Seshadri constants revisited (with Jaesun Shin),
JPAA 255 (2021), 106493 [journal] [arXiv

20. Regularity of structure sheaves of varieties with isolated singularities (with Joaquín Moraga, Lei Song),
Commun. Contemp. Math. 23 (2021), 2050039 [journal][arXiv]

21. On blowups of secant varieties of curves (with Lawrence Ein, Wenbo Niu),
Electron. Res. Arch. 2021, 29 (2021), 3649-3654 (special issue on birational geometry and moduli of projective varieties) [journal]

22. A remark on global sections of secant bundles of nonsingular projective curves (with Lawrence Ein, Wenbo Niu),
Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. 15 (2022), 163-171 (special issue on the occasion of Professor Fabrizio Catanese's 70th birthday) [journal]

23. A Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity bound for threefolds with rational singularities (with Wenbo Niu),
Adv. Math. 401 (2022), 108320 [journal][arXiv]

24. Local numerical equivalences and Okounkov bodies in higher dimensions (with Sung Rak Choi, Joonyeong Won),
Michigan Math. J. 71 (2022), 347-372 [journal][arXiv]

25. Asymptotic vanishing of syzygies of algebraic varieties,
Comm. Amer. Math. Soc.  2 (2022), 133-148 [journal][arXiv]

26. Singularities of pluri-fundamental divisors on Gorenstein Fano varieties of coindex 4,
Birational Geometry, Kähler-Einstein Metrics and Degenerations, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 409 (2023), 681-692 (Proceedings of Moscow-Shanghai-Pohang Conferences) [book][arXiv]

27. On subadditivity of Okounkov bodies for algebraic fiber spaces (with Sung Rak Choi) ,
to appear in IMRN [journal][arXiv]


1. Okounkov bodies associated to abundant divisors and Iitaka fibrations (with Sung Rak Choi, Joonyeong Won) [arXiv]

2. Comparing numerical Iitaka dimensions again (with Sung Rak Choi) [arXiv]

3. Syzygies of tangent developable surfaces and K3 carpets via secant varieties [arXiv]

4. Asymptotic nonvanishing of syzygies of algebraic varieties [arXiv]

5. Syzygies of secant varieties of smooth projective curves and gonality sequences (with Junho Choe, Sijong Kwak) [arXiv]

6. A note on an effective bound for the gonality conjecture (with Alexander Duncan, Wenbo Niu) [arXiv]

7. K-polystability of the first secant varieties of rational normal curves (with In-Kyun Kim, Joonyeong Won) [arXiv]

Last update: December 6, 2023