Parama Chaudhury


Email: p dot chaudhury at ucl dot ac dot uk

I am an economist at University College London

My discplinary research interests are in labour economics, specifically inequality and technological change. Recently, most of my work is in economics education especially the role of technology in higher education. I am Founding Director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning Economics and serve on the Teaching and Learning Committee of the CORE Project and the Royal Economic Society's Education and Training Committee.

Since June 2022, I have also been working as Pro-Vice Provost (Education - Student Academic Experience) at UCL.

Before coming to UCL, I taught at the University of Oxford, Dartmouth College and Yale University.

In my free time, I follow cricket no matter who's playing and no matter where! Some more random facts about me in this UCL Policy Lab #WhyIResearch series interview from October 2022. 


My co-edited (with A. Al Bahrani and B Sheridan) book Teaching Economics Online is being published by Elgar in August 2024.

I chaired the 2023 QAA Economics Subject Benchmark Statement Review, the new statement was issued in March 2023.

My paper on Asynchronous Learning Design was published in the Journal of Economic Education in February 2023.