Steps Involved in the Use of Digital Forensic Software

Digital crimes are rising, but numerous actions have come against them. Digital forensics is one of the actions against such crimes. Digital forensic software is used to confirm the assumptions of a group against an individual. Under this, the digital evidence are collected to reveal them in the court of law. For example, a dissatisfied employee may steal the worth full data of the Company after getting fired from the job. With the help of the digital forensics, the persona can be caught who has theft the information.

Lets’ know the step-by-step procedure of the use of digital forensic tools:


The first step of using digital forensics is identification of data. An investigator needs to find where the data is stored in the system. Generally, the information is stored in hard drives of servers, flash drives, and network equipment.

The investigator first understands the evidence and the environment in which he is processing the information. He can find the artifacts and also their different types to get a view of clear pictures.


Storage of evidence in a proper manner is one of the essentials to get the acceptance for the proofs in the court of law. Without compiling data correctly, it is hard to get the admissibility for it in the court of law. This is why an investigator has to preserve data accurately. Maintenance of proofs supports you to explain in the court why you took several actions.

Recovery of data:

In most of the cases, an investigator has to recover the data to get detailed information. It includes the restoration of normal operating systems deleted files, purposefully deleted files, files with password protection, damaged, and corrupted files. Once, you have identified and recovered data, you are eligible to analyze them.


After recovering the data, now this is the step where you analyze the collection of evidence. Here the solution is to get as many as artifacts. The browser data, and the other files set together and a detailed analysis takes place. Here, a simple Google search is also helpful. Moreover, the use of various artifacts is taken into account in the investigation procedure.

Preparation of report:

After performing all of the above steps, an investigator needs to prepare a report to mention every detail clearly. In the court, you can show a report, so that better decisions can be taken. True identification, storage, recovery, and analysis will make the report valuable, and the results will be in your favor.

Additional information:

In today’s world, most of the individuals operate smart phones, and execute the online malpractices with the use of such devices. This is why Smartphone forensics is widely used for identifying crimes.