Professional experience

2015 - Associate Professor of Finance - IESEG School of Management

2014 - 2015 Assistant Professor of Finance - IESEG School of Management

2013 - 2014 Visiting Researcher at Cass Business School – City University of London. Supervisor: Ian Marsh.

2013 – 2014 Postdoctoral researcher ARC Research Fellow – Louvain School of Management – Université catholique de Louvain

2010 – 2013 PhD candidate ARC Research Fellow – Louvain School of Management – Université catholique de Louvain

2010 – Member of the CEnter for Studies in Asset Management (CESAM).

2008 – 2010 Performance Analyst - Dexia Asset Management (Team Benchmarks – Performance Analysis and Reporting). Tasks : Management of the benchmarks perimeter for funds and mandates, calculation and supplying of data to the asset managers, management of the index perimeter, Internal fund reporting, performance reports, …

Further information can be found in my Curriculum Vitae.

Copyright: Dr. Paolo MAZZA, PhD, Associate Professor of Finance, IESEG School of Management.