Paolo MAZZA, PhD, H.D.R.

I am an Associate Professor of Finance at IESEG School of Management (Rue de la Digue, 3 ; 59000 Lille, France) where I teach Debt Securities (Msc - course coordinator), Data Visualization for Finance (International students) and Global Finance (MIB PGP - course coordinator). In the past, I also used to teach Financial Instruments and Technology (BA3 - course coordinator), Fixed Income, Financial Markets, Technical Analysis, Credit Risk Management, Empirical Asset Pricing, Financial Econometrics, SAS Programming and, Programming in R (MSc Elective - course coordinator) courses. I also published several case studies at the Case Centre. 

Before holding this position, I was an ARC Postdoctoral fellow at the Louvain School of Management (Université catholique de Louvain) and a member of the Center for Studies in Asset Management (CESAM). I was also a Visiting Post-doc Researcher at Bayes Business School (formerly Cass Business School) (London, UK). I also gained experience in the asset management industry. I worked for Dexia Asset Management (now Candriam) for two years, from 2008 to 2010. I also hold a Master's degree in management engineering, with a specialization in finance, and I was granted the Best Master's Thesis Award by the Alumni organization. In 2017, I have successfully defended my Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) in Management Sciences at Université Paris-Dauphine under the supervision of Prof. Carole Gresse.

My research papers have been published in Finance ABS/CNRS ranked journals, including the Energy Journal, the International Review of Law and Economics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Economic Modelling, Applied Economics, The Journal of Small Business Management, Omega, Finance, The International Review of Financial Analysis, Quantitative Finance, Finance Research Letters, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance and, Bankers, Markets and Investors. My doctoral thesis, entitled "Essays on Intraday Liquidity and Price Movements", has been successfully defended in October 2013. 

My research interests include, but are not limited to, market microstructure, traders' behaviors, environmental finance and economics, insider trading, stock return predictability, technical analysis, transaction costs management, cryptocurrencies, commodities and alternative markets.

On this website, you can find more information on my research activities and my papers in progress, as well as my complete CV. See also my pages at Academia, LinkedIn or Google.

Please feel free to contact me in case you want further information on my papers or for any potential collaboration or consulting opportunities.

Copyright: Dr. Paolo MAZZA, PhD, Associate Professor of Finance, IESEG School of Management, Lille.