Version History

0.4.8 (17/07/2012)

workaround to fix microsoft DataGridView bug

bug fix in Export Pages to Images

bug fix in Extract Selected Images

0.4.7 (15/07/2012)

bug fix in extracting images proces

duplicate images are been removed from extracting images proces

added new selection buttons in Extracting images form

changed thumbnails control

bug fix in waitform progressbar

set "fit to screen" as default

optimized selection rectangle drawing

bug fix selected page after new operation

0.4.6 (05/07/2012)

add white border to Pdf text in icon image

fix "save as..." bug

Ribbon Tooltip text Color forced to Blue (indipendent from windows style)

fix setup project (Set Framework 2.0 as prerequisites in place of Framework 4.0)

bug fix in loading files

0.4.5 (22/06/2012)

first version released