
Matrix Models

Random matrices are a quite broad subject that is still very active. It has applications from number theory, mathematical statistics and physics to neuroscience and finance. My focus has been:

1) The development of a cosmological toy model in two dimensions through a matrix quantum mechanics description. This exploits a well studied duality between Liouville theory or non-critical string theory and matrix models. Together with my collaborators, we applied the aforementioned duality into the description of a Euclidean time orbifold with the idea that the string theory states at the endpoints can capture the physics of Big-Bang, Big-Crunch singularities. In a sense this gave us the possibility to microscopically describe the initial wavefunction of this toy Cosmology.

2) A toy microscopic model of a two dimensional black hole, described by an explicit Hamiltonian of a dynamical Spin-Calogero type. We are currently trying to analyse the thermodynamic and real time properties of this model, with a focus on matching and extending computations that have been performed in Liouville theory. The ultimate goal is to understand puzzles about quantum black holes such as the information paradox and the resolution of a spacelike singularity in a lower dimensional example. See more below.

Black Holes

A very well known paradox related to black hole physics is the so-called information paradox. Stephen Hawking famously showed that black holes radiate with a thermal spectrum. This is hard to square with the basic Unitarity principle of quantum mechanics that demands that pure states cannot evolve into mixed states. Most researchers believe that in fact there is no paradox, all information is stored in the emitted quanta but an explicit calculation that pinpoints the exact mechanism responsible for the preservation of information that falls into the black hole has not yet been performed.

Black Holes and Matrix Models

More recently I have been trying to understand toy models of Black Holes using microscopic Matrix Quantum Mechanics models. The particular model I developed in collaboration with Olga Papadoulaki, includes non-singlet representations sourced by extra dynamical matter fields and in a certain limit has similar physical properties to those of a non-supersymmetric Black Hole in two dimensions (and in an asymptotically flat spacetime).

Such a Black Holes is a lower dimensional version of those that exist in the universe, and the powerful technical machinery of matrix models could allow a deep first principles investigation and resolution of the aforementioned puzzles. This culminates to a synthesis of mathematical ideas such as group representation theory with physical concepts, and could allow for a microscopic understanding of the physics of the Black Hole interior and singularity.


Another exotic type of objects present in gravitational systems are wormholes, ''tunnels'' that connect different regions of space and time. I am particularly interested to understand Euclidean wormholes either through the use of Holography or any other method. The reason is that such objects -in their Euclidean version similar in some respects to instantons and merons of Yang-Mills theory - can in principle affect the gravitational vacuum structure. In the past I have worked on a novel interpretation (using an antipodal identification map) of such solutions as ''holes of nothing'' - regions of space that have been excised - One can imagine interesting effects coming from such a gas of ''bubbles of nothing'' such as a renormalisation of coupling constants - in a sense while the vacuum is full of virtual particles, a bubble of nothing could dilute the vacuum energy potentially resulting in a mechanism able to solve various hierarchy problems -

On the other hand I have been recently working into developing a Holographic interpretation of such solutions. In my recent publications, a detailed bottom up study of several kinds of wormhole solutions was undertaken. In this work we focused on universal features that correlation functions of both local and non-local operators placed on distinct wormhole boundaries should have. In particular these cross-correlation functions of local operators should decay in the UV and have no short distance singularities, while growing strong in the IR. The correlation function of loop operators exhibits a phase transition as one increases the size of the loop, from a configuration that involves exchanges of bulk supergraviton and other perturbative modes to a connected configuration of cylindrical topology. These properties reveal that the holographic dual should be a theory with two sectors that are weakly cross-coupled in the UV and become strongly cross-coupled in the IR with a confining type of behaviour (gapped system). Later on, Mark Van Raamsdonk proposed some concrete microscopic constructions of such systems. With our team we analysed in detail some specific microscopic systems of that kind - QFT's that are coupled by a higher dimensional topological "messenger" QFT, - verifying the results of our previous bottom-up analysis.

The Black Hole S-matrix

My research focused on the S-matrix approach for the description of quantum black holes based on earlier work by Gerard 't Hooft. In this approach one is able to show that strong gravitational backreaction effects (from the point of view of the external observer) cause the ingoing particles to affect the outgoing ones in a precise manner so that the resulting scattering matrix is unitary. Together with my collaborators we found an explicit dynamical quantum mechanical system that results in the same S-matrix, whose Hamiltonian is related to a Dilation operator in a partial wave basis. Moreover this construction pinpoints where to find the lost information. One has to look at antipodal correlations between asymptotic Hawking quanta. This line of research looks really exciting and the next step is to incorporate all the Standard Model forces and particles into the picture.

In more recent work together with my collaborators, I motivated a local form of this identification that takes into account the symmetries of the Dilation Hamiltonian and the phase space structure. This provides a natural condition for a discretisation of the black hole spectrum, that is shown to coincide with the zeros of the Riemann zeta and Dirichlet beta functions. It strengthens the proposal that the proposed quantum Hamiltonian captures the dynamics of modes on a Schwarzschild black hole, given the rich chaotic spectrum. It also explains why the spectrum appears to be erratic despite the unitarity of the scattering matrix.

Applied AdS/CFT correspondence

This is a phenomenological application of the aforementoned dualities between QFT's and gravitational theories in higher dimensions, with an effort to understand complicated strongly coupled condensed matter systems.

During my PhD, I focused on applications of a semi-holographic technique in the study of Weyl semimetals. In particular together with my collaborators, we computed vertex corrections to the conductivity of these semimetals and we discovered some novel effects coming from interactions (such as Rashba effect and anomalous magnetic moment) that could in principle be experimentally detected.

Quasi-normal modes of Black Holes

These are modes that describe how Black Holes ''ring'' and dissipate energy and matter that is thrown at them. Using Holography this process is dual to a similar dissipative process for a model of a strongly coupled material whose properties we wish to describe and understand. Such materials could find interesting technological applications in the future.

Emergent Gravity and the Standard Model

The impetus behind this project is to investigate the implications of Gauge/Gravity duality to the physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) of fundamental interactions and their coupling to gravity. The main idea is that gravity, as observed in nature, is emergent by being the avatar of a (hidden) large-N QFT that interacts with the SM. Such a setup has interesting phenomenological implications and could in principle provide a novel perspective to attack hierachy problems or problems related to cosmology. Together with my collaborators, we first analysed the properties of emergent axions (related to hidden sector instanton densities) and U(1) gauge fields (related to currents of the hidden theory) in this context. Depending on the properties of the hidden sector and the energy scale at which one probes the SM, such emergent fields can have similarities and differences with those of more conventional axions and U(1) fields studied in the literature. For example we have analysed the phenomenological viability of the emergent axion models using current experimental (exclusion) data. In a recent work, we achieved the main goal: that is to develop a general formalism to study models where gravity emerges together with the standard model at low energies. In this construction the emergent graviton is associated to the (dynamical) expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor of the hidden theory. The propagators of both the spin-two and spin-zero modes are positive and well defined, if the dual hidden QFT is a unitary theory. So far one can only access the non-linear regime by performing a low energy IR derivative expansion of the Schwinger functional. The effective IR theory is that of Einstein gravity in the presence of a cosmological constant, but with the additional feature that the original metric on which the combined QFT system is defined, appears as an additional dark energy contribution to the stress energy tensor of the SM. In the future, we would like to ``carve the phenomenologically viable landscape" of the possible SM+Gravity theories that emerge from our construction using present experimental data.