Pi Alpha celebrates three
new graduates in May 2024

Clemson University conducted its 2024 Spring Graduation Ceremonies this week (May 7-10, 2024), with undergraduate ceremonies being streamed on YouTube on Thursday (May 9th) and Friday (May 10th). The event was held in Littlejohn Coliseum and was the first in-person graduation held since the Pandemic in 2020.  More than 5,000 graduates were awarded degrees over a four-day period. 

Clemson, South Carolina -  Pi Alpha celebrated three new Clemson graduates at the Spring Commencement ceremonies on May 9th and 10th, 2024. 

Brother Taj Ross Blair (Spring 2022, Architecture) on Thursday and on Friday, May 10th, Bro. Nasir Tomlin (Spring 2023, Computer Sciences) and Bro. Ilerioluwa Benjamin Dosunmu (Spring 2022, Industrial Engineering).  

Pi Alpha Membership is currently nine brothers and elections for Fall 2024 will happen shortly.  Pi Alpha Alumni memberships are 268 brothers with 243 Initiates, 18 transfers, 9* Advisors / Graduates, and 54 lines.

Congratulations to all three new graduates, and we expect great things from them in the future. The cemenories were streamed live on youtube.com and available for viewing on the platform.