


Penn Area Neighborhood Association (PANA), established in 1954, is comprised of households, institutions, and businesses based in east Germantown. A voluntary membership organization to promote the general welfare of the community, PANA provides a forum to advocate for and respond to concerns to ensure the neighborhood’s physical and cultural growth and development, as well as preservation and stabilization. We encourage actual and potential members interested in PANA to join and participate in our efforts to foster neighborliness, mutual respect, goodwill, and cooperation.



Revised & Approved by Membership, April 13, 2004

Revised by By-Laws Committee on July 25, 2017

Approval by Membership September 12, 2017


The name of the association shall be the Penn Area Neighborhood Association (PANA), established in 1954. It is a non-profit, non-sectarian, non-political civic organization.


PANA shall function in that area of Germantown bounded by Wister Street to the east, from Belfield Avenue to Chew Street; by Chew Street to the north, from Wister Street to Chelten Avenue; by Chelten Avenue to the northwest, from Chew Street to the SEPTA railroad tracks; by the SEPTA tracks to the west, from Chelten Avenue to Belfield Avenue; and by Belfield Avenue to the south, from the SEPTA tracks to Wister Street. PANA operates within the 19144 Philadelphia zip code.


  1. To unite in one local association all persons who are residents of and who have interest in the community of the PANA.
  2. To provide ways and means in which all neighbors and interested persons can work together in deciding what can be accomplished in the area for the common good—to accomplish together what no one person can do alone.
  3. To identify problems in the area and seek solutions which will be of greatest common benefit.
  4. To promote projects, programs, and improvements for the growth and development of the area which will make it a desirable place in which to live.
  5. To provide opportunity for discussion and decision for action on neighborhood affairs.
  6. To give expression of neighborhood needs, opinions, and concerns to appropriate public officials.
  7. To cooperate with public and voluntary organizations which tender community services and function for community improvements.
  8. To foster understanding and friendliness within the neighborhood of PANA.
  9. To fulfill the function of an RCO (Registered Community Organization) for this community.


  1. Any person, 18 years or older, living, working, or having a property interest in the PANA area shall be eligible for membership in PANA.
  2. Membership is established by payment of annual dues.
  3. Membership establishes voting privileges on all business requiring a vote.
  4. Businesses and institutions may be included in group memberships. Groups are entitled to one vote and will appoint a proxy to carry out voting privileges.


  1. Annual dues shall be set by a vote of the membership (Motion Carried from April 13, 2004).
    1. Individual dues are set at $5.00; group membership dues are set at $25.00.
    2. No person shall be excluded because of inability to pay dues. A hardship fund has been established for individuals wishing to join PANA who are unable to afford the dues. Any PANA member can contribute to the hardship fund by paying dues at a $10.00 rate. Acceptance of hardship shall be approved by any two (2) PANA members.
  2. Donations, in addition to annual dues, may be accepted from individuals, businesses, and institutions.
  3. The membership year is the same as the calendar year. That is, dues are payable January 1 of the calendar year and are good until December 31 of the calendar year.
  4. Dues may be changed by majority vote of the membership. A quorum is required for such a vote. The issue will be reviewed annually in January at the first meeting of the year.
  5. Dues and donations are used to support the PANA (e.g. administrative costs, newsletter, legal fees, projects, programs, etc.).


  1. The officers of PANA consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, to be elected by the membership.
  2. Elected officers shall serve two (2) year terms, but may not serve for more than two consecutive two year terms.
  3. The President shall be the chief executive office, whose duties shall include presiding at all PANA meetings, including those of the Executive Board (described in Article VII). The President has general supervisory power of the affairs of PANA, and towards that end may spend up to $100 without prior approval of either the membership or the Executive Board. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all Committees of PANA. It is the President’s responsibility to see to it that all resolutions and orders of the membership and/or the Executive Board are carried out.
  4. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President when the President is absent, sick or disabled.
  5. The Treasurer is responsible for the collection of all money due or donated to the PANA from any and all sources. The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of receipts and disbursements, and shall be responsible for the PANA bank account. The Treasurer and President shall sign all checks (except as noted in Article VI Section 3 above), according to authorization by the membership.
  6. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping accurate minutes of membership meetings. In conjunction with the Treasurer, the Secretary shall keep an official list of members, which will control who can vote at meetings. In the absence of the Secretary, the Vice President will assume the duties of the Secretary.
  7. The Secretary shall prepare written documents as needed, including correspondence as required by the Officers and/or Executive Board.


  1. The Executive board of PANA shall consist of officers, and standing and ad hoc committee chairpersons.
  2. The Executive Board shall set the agenda for general membership meetings, shall have power to establish committees for specific purposes, and shall act upon directives received from the general membership.
  3. The Executive Board shall meet as often as is necessary, but no less than twice a year, which includes the combined officer transition meeting (noted in Article X Section 6).


  1. All committees shall be reviewed annually by the Officers/Executive Board, which has the power to create them. Those no longer serving a purpose shall be discontinued by majority vote of the Officers/Executive Board.
  2. Committees may not officially represent the whole of the membership, but may engage in activities as a committee which accomplishes its purpose.


  1. There shall be one general membership meeting per month, presently the second Tuesday of the month. The meeting night shall be changeable by 2/3 vote of the membership.
  2. Special meetings of the membership may be called at any time by the Executive Board. Such meetings shall be announced at least five (5) business days in advance by written notice to all members.
  3. A quorum of twelve (12) members, or 2/3 of the membership, whichever is less, shall be required at membership meetings to conduct a vote on business concerning expenditure of funds exceeding $100, election of officers, changes to the by-laws, or taking an organizational position on a community-wide issues. Routine business such as approval of minutes and Treasurer’s reports or approval of correspondence stating a previously approved organizational position may be with fewer members present.
  4. Approval of all issues is by majority vote.
  5. In case of a dispute, as to procure, the meeting shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order as interpreted by an ad-hoc parliamentarian to be designated by the President.
  6. Proxy and absentee votes (paper and electronic), submitted to the Secretary prior to the “absentee voting deadline” defined wherein as 24 hours before the scheduled meeting start time, may be used on particular issues to achieve a quorum or to incorporate wider representation.
  7. Meetings shall be governed in principle by Robert’s Rules of Order except where superseded by the PANA by-laws.


  1. Nomination for elected Officers shall be made at the April membership meetings in even-numbered years. To be eligible for nomination, one must have been a member of PANA for six (6) months and have attended three (3) monthly meetings.
  2. Nominations may be made from the floor and must be seconded.
  3. Nominees must agree to serve if elected before nomination.
  4. Candidates shall submit a short statement and biographical information to be distributed to the membership before the election meeting.
  5. Elections shall take place at the May membership meetings in even-numbered years. Election requires a majority vote of the membership, with a quorum present.
  6. A joint meeting of old and new Officers shall be held in June, following the election meeting.


  1. An Officer may leave office at any time for any reason, including—but not limited to:
    1. Voluntary resignation
    2. Inability to serve (i.e. health, relocation)
    3. Vote of “no confidence”. Such vote may be taken at any meeting. The quorum (12) or 2/3 membership must be present and at least 2/3 vote in favor.
  2. If the removed Officer is the President, the Vice President shall become President. The office of Vice President then becomes vacant, and is to be filled as provided in Section 3 of this Article.
  3. A vacant officer position shall be filled by a special election, which shall be held as soon as practical after the vacancy occurs. At the latest, the special election must be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
  4. Any Officer who leaves office in accordance with Section 1 of this article cannot be elected to any PANA office until the next regularly scheduled election.


PANA may expel any member upon “good cause shown” [this was requested by membership to be expanded upon for the next bylaws revision]. Expulsion must be by 2/3 vote of the membership attending the general membership meeting at which such motion is made. A quorum is required for such a vote. The expelled individual shall be notified in writing, by a PANA Officer, of this action.


  1. Recommendations for amendments to the By-Laws may be made at any time during any meeting.
  2. Proposed amendments shall be announced and discussed at the next general membership meeting. However, voting upon proposed amendments shall not take place until the general membership meeting following said discussion.
  3. Adoption of amendments shall be by 2/3 vote of members present. A quorum is required for such vote.