Creative Document Management

Marketing System Document

Paithoon Songboonketkul

Code for Python language bluid Hash code:

function GetSHA1(input) {

var rawHash = Utilities.computeDigest(Utilities.DigestAlgorithm.SHA_1,input);

var txtHash = '';

for (j = 0; j < rawHash.length; j ++){

var hashVal = rawHash[j];

if (hashVal<0)

hashVal += 256;

if (hashVal.toString(16).length == 1)

txtHash +="0";

txtHash += hashVal.toString(16);


return txtHash;


Data with Hash Code: Google Drive

Code in html code from python language

Review changes and Publish:


## Inspiration in Retail CBDC can be specific innovation in any process by owner. Wholesale cannot be creating in sanction. The opportunity manages in challenge as offering to statement. Marketing system document exists in weakness in documentation which it records without communication each other, or less. Politic this implies in writing any codes any programs, it really motivates in confidential documents, solving to being innovation.

## What it does in Retail CBDC keeps record both Pros and Cons in business time., it demonstrates in the important of process. Progress in business arranges in various documents. It exists in first priority of negotiation that it offers to bet of business. Point of view it can assists in perfect management, creative persuades in capital fund to being entrepreneur as favorite potential.

## How we built it with Hash codes activates in writing program, as well as it includes with any process of documents. It offs to various documents. Safe and firm documentation inspirates in customers in confidential document. 1. Deposit in double duplex 2. Digital money in notify 3. Trade in requirement 4. Advantage in sharing 5. Approval in velocity

## Challenges we ran into on confidential of Marketing System Document: 1. Norm in marketing system 2. Inspiration in customers 3. Management in solving readiness, 4. Digital Document in Double Duplex, 5. Successfulness in goal.

## Accomplishments that we're proud of successfulness goal: The Key features of effective marketing objectives follow the SMART philosophy to being effective.

S -Specific: Specific metrics should be used in your marketing objectives.

M - Measurable: Objectives must be measurable, goal increase brand awareness,

A - Attainable: Make sure the benchmarks set to being reasonable and attainable

R - Relevant: One of the major drawbacks of goals. Objectives should be relevant to the overarching purpose of business.

T - Time-Based: Finally, objectives should include a reasonable time frame for reaching the specific benchmark.

## What we learned creates Double Duplex Digital Document system from each of Central Bank Digital Currency: both Retail and wholesale keep in sign signature, Certificate warrantee, and various Codes. It exists in reality processes on various documents.

## What's next for CBDC Solving Politic successes in goal of owner in enrichment of documentation. It can be demonstrating in Retail CBDC for users or customers. Whose capital manages in business without mistake documents or error data. Achieve to success to being Successfulness.