Scholarships & Awards

    • Donald Berman Best Student Paper Award at ICAIL 2021

    • Best Paper Award at JURIX 2019

    • Awarded TCS Research Scholar Fellowship 2019

    • Received the following travel grants to attend conferences :

      • SIGIR Student Travel Grant to attend SIGIR 2020

      • ACM-IARCS and Microsoft Research India travel grants to attend ECIR 2019.

    • Selected to attend the MSR-ACM Academic Research Summit 2019 on Data Science and AI at IIT Madras

    • Best Paper Award in the track “Shared Task on Mixed Script Information Retrieval” in Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation (FIRE) 2016 held at Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata

    • Recipient of Junior Research Fellowship from the Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD), India

    • Grace Hopper Women in Computing (India) Travel Scholarship awarded to attend the conference in 2012