These metal bands are used for conservation purposes by paddlefish biologists. Paddlefish are captured with nets in Oklahoma lakes and the bands are installed. Each band is individually coded (i.e. G12345), which provides tracking capability. When an angler harvests a banded fish, we ask that the angler report the harvest. Band recoveries allow biologists to estimate population abundance and stability, calculate individual growth, track movements, and monitor angler exploitation.
We ask that you please do not remove bands from fish that you plan to release. Having fish in the population with "missing bands" causes difficulties with our population modeling calculations.
See the Oklahoma Fishing Regulations HERE. (Paddlefish regulations are found on page 16.)
Looking for up-to-date status info on river flows? See below.
Planning a trip? See real-time river and lake data below:
Neosho River at Commerce, OK (north of Miami) - CLICK HERE
Spring River at Quapaw, OK - CLICK HERE
John Redmond Lake levels and discharge - CLICK HERE
Grand Lake levels and discharge - CLICK HERE
Hudson Lake levels and discharge - CLICK HERE
Ft. Gibson Lake levels and discharge - CLICK HERE
NOAA Hydrograph forecast for the ENTIRE Neosho River (approx 200 miles from Council Grove Lake, KS to Commerce, OK) - CLICK HERE
NOAA Hydrograph forecasts-
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