BMW E38 bluetooth audio DIY

Idea describes connection of cheap Bluetooth audio module with original 16:9 Board Monitor (with tape deck).

Audio output is connected to tape audio circuit, so the system "thinks" it's playing tape, but in reality it plays audio from Bluetooth.

Because working tape deck makes some noise (working motors, mechanism) , in this DIY application, motor is disconnected, and fake "tape rotation" signal is provided to deck, to fool the deck visor.

Using arduino we have simple control of played audio (play/pause/next/previous) over Ibus protocol (right board monitor knob works as controller)

More or less that's it, the whole idea is shown below:

BMW E38 audio bluetooth DIY diagram

PCB board I designed needs to solder 9 wires inside Board monitor.

If you want to try, be ready for small challenge :)

If you are not used to soldering, better ask a friend. It is always better to drink a beer with friend than buy new board monitor!