Agape (Giving)

Agape is God's love given freely without expectation or hesitation. Team members have the privilege of creating and sending expressions of agape and encouraging others to send expressions of God's love to the Brothers in Christ inside the prison.

Way's you can help with Agape:

To sponsor a meal, inmate or to just donate as you feel led, you can:

OR mail checks to:

Kairos Pack Unit, PO Box 6871, Bryan, TX 77805-1700

Who can give?


Of course, gifts of any amount are appreciated and needed. We welcome you into this ministry through giving. The cost of a weekend ranges from $8,000 to $12,000 for the food, cookies, etc.   Sponsoring Levels can range from an Individual Participant ($150) to an entire Table Family of 6 ($900).

Kairos, Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and contributions are deductible as provided in section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. The tax ID is 59-1970458