Publications by type
Authored books
Pacherie, E. (1993). Naturaliser l'intentionnalité: Essai de Philosophie de la Psychologie, Coll. Psychologie et Sciences de la Pensée, Paris: P.U.F., 320 p.
Edited books and journal special issues
Mylopoulos, L. & Pacherie, E. (eds) (2021). Skilled action control. Special issue. The Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 12, 3.
Alami, E., Clodic, A., Pacherie, E. & Vesper, C. (eds) (forthcoming). Special issue on "SI: Towards a framework for Joint Action", International Journal of Social Robotics.
Pacherie, E. & Proust, J. (eds.) (2004). La Philosophie Cognitive, Gap: Ophrys. (Contributeurs: Jérôme Pelletier, Stephen Stich, Pierre Jacob, Jean-Michel Roy, Pascal Engel, Alvin Goldman, Gloria Origgi, Marco Panza, Elisabeth Pacherie, Joëlle Proust, Jean-Pierre Dupuy & Marc Jeannerod.)
Pacherie, E., Ed., (2002). Emotion and Action, European Review of Philosophy, vol. 5., 165 p. (Contributors: David Pears, Nico Frijda, J. Roessler, P. Livet, S. Lemaire, J. Levinson, C. Tappolet and E. Pacherie).
Pacherie, E. Ed. (1995) Fonctionnalismes, Intellectica, 21, 2. (Contributeurs: J. Dubucs, J. P. Dupuy, O. Houdé, P. Jacob, D. Laurier, P. Livet, D. Memmi, A. Palma, J. Proust, F. Rastier, G. Rey, J.-M. Roy & J. Schröder).
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Pacherie, E. (forthcoming). Cognitive infrastructures and social superstructures of collective intentionality. Australasian Philosophical Review.
Chung, V., Mennella, R., Pacherie, E., & Grezes, J. (2024). Emotional intensity supports social bonding independently of emotional similarity during shared experiences. Royal Society Open Science, 11, 10: 240048.
Battich, L., Pacherie, E., & Grezes, J. (2025). Social perspective-taking influences on metacognition. Cognition, 254: 106956. (link)
Chung, V., Grèzes, J., & Pacherie, E. (2024). Collective emotion: a framework for experimental research. Emotion Review, 16(1), 28-45.
Pacherie, E. (2023) Learning action hierarchies. A comment on “An active inference model of hierarchical action understanding, learning and imitation” by Riccardo Proietti, Giovanni Pezzulo and Alessia Tessari. Physics of Life Reviews.
Fernández Castro, V. & Pacherie, E. (2023) Commitments and the sense of joint agency. Mind and Language, 38,3, 889-906.
Sahaï, A., Caspar, E., De Beir, A., Grynspan, 0., Pacherie, E. & Berberian, B. (2022). Modulations of one’s sense of agency during human-machine interactions: a behavioral study using a full humanoid robot. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 33, 5: 736-751.
Le Bars, S., Bourgeois-Gironde, S., Wyart, V., Dilan-Sari, I., Pacherie, E., & Chambon, V. (2022). Interplay of motor coordination and strategic reasoning on explicit and implicit sense of agency in joint action. Psychological Science.
Belhassein, K., Fernández Castro, V., Mayima, A., Clodic, A., Pacherie, E., Guidetti, M., Alami, R. & Cochet, H. (2022). Addressing joint action challenges in HRI: Insights from psychology and philosophy. Acta Psychologica, 222, 103476.
Mylopoulos, L. & Pacherie, E. (eds) (2021). Editorial: "Skilled action control." The Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 12, 3: 469-480.
Pacherie, E. (2021). Motor imagery, inhibition and action execution:When motor imagery goes rogue. Ergo Symposia. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. & Mylopoulos, M. (2021). Beyond automaticity: The psychological complexity of skill. Topoi. Topoi, 40(3), 649-662. DOI: 10.1007/s11245-020-09715-0 (link)
Fernández Castro, V. & Pacherie, E. (2021) Joint actions, commitments and the need to belong. Synthese, 198: 7597–7626. doi:10.1007/s11229-020-02535-0 (link)
Le Bars, S., Devaux, A., Nevidal, T., Chambon, V. & Pacherie, E. (2020). Agents' pivotality and reward fairness modulate sense of agency in cooperative joint action. Cognition 195. (pdf)
Grynszpan, 0., Sahaï, A. , Hamidia, N., Pacherie, E., Roche, L., Saint-Bauzel, L. & Berberian, B (2019). The sense of agency in human-human vs human-robot joint action. Consciousness and Cognition. (link)
Martin, J.R. & Pacherie, E. (2019). Alterations of Agency in Hypnosis: A New Predictive Model. Psychological Review, 126(1): 133-152. (link)
Sahaï, A., Desantis, A., Grynszpan, O., Pacherie, E., & Berberian, B. (2019). Action co-representation and the sense of agency during a joint Simon task: Comparing human and machine co-agents. Consciousness and cognition, 67, 44-55.
Pacherie, E. (2018). Solution Thinking and Team Reasoning: How Different Are They? Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 48, 6: 585-593. (link).
Mylopoulos M, Pacherie E. (2018) Intentions: The dynamic hierarchical model revisited. WIREs Cognitive Science 2018;e1481. (link)
Sahaï, A., Pacherie, E., Grynszpan, O., Berberian, B. (2017) Predictive mechanisms are not involved the same way during human-human versus human-machine interactions: a review. Frontiers in Neurorobotics. doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2017.00052
Chambon, V., Domenech, P., Jacquet, P. O., Barbalat, G., Bouton, S., Pacherie, E., Koechlin, E. & Farrer, C. (2017). Neural coding of prior expectations in hierarchical intention inference. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1278. (link)
Chambon, V., Farrer, C., Pacherie, E., Jacquet, P. O., Leboyer, M., & Zalla, T. (2017). Reduced sensitivity to social priors during action prediction in adults with autism spectrum disorders. Cognition, 160, 17-26.
Mylopoulos, M. & Pacherie, E. (2017). Intentions and motor representations: the interface challenge. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 8, 2: 317-336. DOI 10.1007/s13164-016-0311-6. (link) (pdf)
Khamassi, M., Girard, B. Clodic, A., Devin, S., Renaudo, E. Pacherie, E. Alami, R. & Chatila, R. (2016). Integration of action, joint action and learning in robot cognitive architectures. Intellectica, 65: 169-203.
Michael, J. & Pacherie, E. (2015). On Commitments and Other Uncertainty Reduction Tools in Joint Action. Journal of Social Ontology,1(1): 89-120. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2015). Modest sociality: Continuities and Discontinuities, Symposium on Michael Bratman's Shared Agency, Journal of Social Ontology, 1(1): 17-26. (pdf)
Martin, J. R., Dezecache, G., Pressnitzer, D., Nuss, P., Dokic, J., Bruno, N., Pacherie, E. & Franck, N. (2014). Perceptual hysteresis as a marker of perceptual inflexibility in schizophrenia. Consciousness and cognition, 30, 62-72.
Dewey, J. A., Pacherie, E. , Knoblich, G. (2014). The phenomenology of controlling a moving object with another person. Cognition, 132,3: 383-397.(link)
Pacherie, E. (2014). Can conscious agency be saved? Topoi, 33:33-45. (link) (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2014). How does it feel to act together? Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 13, 1: 25-46. DOI: 10.1007/s11097-013-9329-8 (link) (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2013). Intentional joint agency: shared intention lite. Synthese, 190, 10: 1817-1839 (DOI) 10.1007/s11229-013-0263-7 (link) (pdf)
Martin, J.-R. & Pacherie, E. (2013). Out of nowhere: thought insertion, ownership and context-integration. Consciousness and Cognition, 22: 111-122. (pubmed) (pdf)
Bruno, N. Sachs, N., Demily, C., Franck, N. & Pacherie, E. (2012). Delusions and metacognition in patients with schizophrenia. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 17, 1: 1-18. (pubmed) (pdf)
Chambon, V., Domenech, P., Barbalat, G., Pacherie, E., Jacquet, P., & Farrer, C. (2012). Reply: The Bayesian equation and psychosis. Brain, 135: e218.
Chambon, V., Pacherie, E., Barbalat, G., Jacquet, P., Franck, N & Farrer, C. (2011) Mentalizing under influence: abnormal dependence on prior expectations in patients with schizophrenia. Brain, 134, 12: 3725-3738. (pubmed)
Pacherie, E. (2011). Framing Joint Action. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 2, 2: 173-192, DOI: 10.1007/s13164-011-0052-5. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2011). Nonconceptual representations for action and the limits of intentional control. Social Psychology. 42(1): 67-73. (pdf)
Chambon, V., Domenech, P., Pacherie, E. Koechlin,E., Baraduc, P. & Farrer, C. (2011). What Are They Up To? The Role of Sensory Evidence and Prior Knowledge in Action Understanding. PLoS ONE 6(2): e17133. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017133. (pubmed) (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2008). The phenomenology of action: A conceptual framework. Cognition, 107, 1:179-217. (pdf)
Bayne, T. & Pacherie, E. (2007). Narrators and comparators: The architecture of agentive self-awareness. Synthese, 159:475–491. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2007). The anarchic hand syndrome and utilization behavior: A window onto agentive self-awareness. Functional Neurology, 22, 4: 211-217. (pdf)
Dokic, J. & Pacherie, E. (2007). Too much ado about beliefs. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 6: 185-200. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2007). Sense of control and sense of agency. Special issue on the Phenomenology of Agency, S. Siegel (Ed.), Psyche, 13, 1.(pdf)
Pacherie, E., Green, M. & Bayne, T. (2006). Phenomenology and delusions: Who put the 'alien' in alien control?. Consciousness and Cognition, 15: 566-577. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. & Dokic, J. (2006). From mirror neurons to joint actions. Cognitive Systems Research, 7: 101-112. (pdf)
Bayne, T. & Pacherie, E. (2005) In Defence of the Doxastic Conception of Delusions. Mind and Language, 20, 2: 163-188. (pdf)
Bayne, T. & Pacherie, E. (2004). Bottom-up or top-down: Campbell's Rationalist Account of Monothematic Delusions. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology, 11, 1: 1-11. (pdf)
Bayne, T. & Pacherie, E. (2004). Experience, Belief, and the Interpretive Fold. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology, 11, 1: 81-86. (pdf)
Bayne, T. & Pacherie, E. (2004). L'approcio empirista al delirio: un chiarimento e una difesa. Sistemi Intelligenti, 16, 2: 223-236.
Jeannerod, M. & Pacherie, E. (2004). Agency, Simulation and Self-identification. Mind & Language, 19, 2: 113-146. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2003). La dynamique des intentions. Dialogue, XLII, 3: 447-480. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2002). Naturalistic epistemologies and normativity, Croatian Journal of Philosophy, 2, 6: 299-317. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2002). The role of emotions in the explanation of action. European Review of Philosophy, 5: 55-90. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2001) Agency lost and found. Philosophy, Psychology and Psychiatry, 8, 2-3: 173-77.
Dokic, J. & Pacherie, E. (2001). Shades and Concepts. Analysis, 61, 3: 193-202. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2000). Levels of perceptual content. Philosophical Studies, 100: 237-254. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2000). Conscious experience and concept forming abilities. Acta Analytica, 26: 45-52. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2000). The content of intentions. Mind and Language, 15, 4: 400-432. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (1999). Action monitoring: lower, higher and intermediate levels. Developmental Science, 12: 3: 288-290. (pdf)
Daprati, E. Franck, N. Georgieff, N. Proust, J. Pacherie, E. Dalery, J. & Jeannerod, M. (1997). Looking for the agent: an investigation into consciousness of action and self-consciousness in schizophrenic patients. Cognition, 65: 71-86. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (1997). Peut-on penser l’objectivité sans l’espace? Cahiers de Philosophie analytique, 1: 107-127.
Pacherie, E. (1996). La schizophrénie comme déréglement de l’action — Compte rendu critique de C. D. Frith, Neuropsychologie cognitive de la schizophrénie. In La raison dans la place, sous la direction de I. Joseph & J. Proust, Raisons pratiques, 7: 285-295.
Pacherie, E. (1995). Attitudes propositionnelles, intentionnalité et évolution. Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, 3: 339-371. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (1995). Do we see with a microscope? The Monist, 78, 2: 171-188. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (1995). Externalisme, Rationalité et Explanandum de la psychologie intentionnelle. Dialogue, XXXIV, 2: 237-257. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (1995). Théories représentationnelles de l’intentionnalité perceptive et Leibhaftigkeit de l’objet dans la perception. Archives de Philosophie, 58: 1-12. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (1995). Le fonctionnalisme: État des lieux. Intellectica, 21, 2: 9-37.
Pacherie, E. (1994). Holophobia. Acta Analytica, 12: 105-112. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (1993) L'hypothèse de la structuration des connaissances par domaines et la question de l'architecture fonctionnelle de l'esprit.Revue Internationale de Psychopathologie, 9: 63-89. (pdf)
Book chapters
Fernández Castro, V. & Pacherie, E. (2023) “Robots and Resentment: Commitments, recognition and social motivation in HRI” In C. Misselhorn, T. Poljansek and T. Störzinger (eds.) Emotional Machines. Perspectives from Affective Computing and Emotional Human-Machine Interaction (pp. 183-216). Dortrecht: Springer.
Mylopoulos, M. & Pacherie, E. (2020). Self-control as hybrid skill. In A. Mele (ed.), Surrounding self-control (pp. 81-100). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Butterfill, S. A. & Pacherie, E. (2020). Towards a blueprint for a social animal. In A. Fiebich (ed.), Minimal cooperation and Shared Agency (pp. 111-125). Dordrecht: Springer.
Pacherie, E. (2018). Motor intentionality. In A. Newen, L. de Bruin & S. Gallagher (eds), The Oxford Handbook of 4e Cognition (pp. 269-388). Oxford; Oxford University Press.
Khamassi, M. & Pacherie, E. (2018). L'action. In T. Collins, D. Andler et C. Tallon-Baudry (Eds.), La Cognition - Du neurone à la société (pp. 270-313). Paris: Gallimard.
Pacherie, E. (2017). Collective phenomenology. In K. Ludwig & M. Jankovic (eds), The Routledge Handbook on Collective Intentionality (pp. 162-173). New-York: Routledge. (pdf)
Clodic, A., Pacherie, E. Alami, R. & Chatila, R. (2017). Key Elements in Human-Robot Joint Action. In R. Hakli & J. Seibt (eds.), Sociality and Normativity for Robots: Philosophical Inquiries into Human-Robot Interactions (pp.159-177). Springer.
Pacherie, E. (2016). Conscious Intentions - The Social Creation Myth. In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences in the 21st Century. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, vol. 2, pp. 1165-1183.(link) (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2016). The Causal Role(s) of Intentions. In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences in the 21st Century. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, vol. 2, pp. 1197-2004.
Pacherie, E. (2015). Time to act: the dynamics of agentive experiences. In Patrick Haggard & Baruch Eitam (eds), The sense of agency. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 3-24. (pdf)
Bayne, T. & Pacherie, E. (2014). Consciousness and agency. In Jens Clausen & Neil Levy (eds.), Springer Handbook of Neuroethics. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 211-230. (link)
Pacherie, E. (2013). Sense of Agency: Many facets, multiple sources. In H. S. Terrace & J. Metcalfe (Eds.), Agency and joint attention. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 321-345.
Pacherie, E. (2012). The Phenomenology of Joint Action: Self-Agency vs. Joint-Agency. In Axel Seemann (ed.), Joint Attention: New Developments, Cambridge MA: MIT Press, pp. 343-389. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2012). Action. In K. Frankish & W. Ramsey (eds.), The Cambridge handbook of cognitive science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 92-111. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2010). Self-Agency. In S. Gallagher (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Self. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 440-462.(pdf)
Pacherie, E. & Haggard, P. (2010). What are intentions?. In, L. Nadel & W. Sinnott-Armstrong (eds.) Conscious Will and Responsibility. A tribute to Benjamin Libet. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 70-84. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2008) Perception, emotions and delusions: Revisiting the Capgras Delusion. In. T. Bayne & J. Fernandez (eds.), Delusions and Self-Deception. Hove, UK: Psychology Press, pp. 107-126. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. & Proust, J. (2008). Neurosciences et compréhension d'autrui. In Des neurones à la philosophie : Neurophilosophie et philosophie des neurosciences, sous la dir de E. Ennen, L. Faucher, P. Poirier et É. Racine, Paris: Syllepse, pp. 295-328. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2007). Is collective intentionality really primitive?. In M. Beaney, C. Penco & M. Vignolo (Eds.), Mental processes: representing and inferring, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, pp.153-175. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2006). Towards a dynamic theory of intentions. In S. Pockett, W.P. Banks & S. Gallagher (eds) Does Consciousness Cause Behavior? An Investigation of the Nature of Volition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 145-167. (pdf)
Dokic, J. & Pacherie, E. (2006) On the very idea of a frame of reference. In M. Hickmann & S. Robert (eds), Space in Languages: Linguistic systems and cognitive categories. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 259-280. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2005). Perceiving intentions. In J. Sàágua (ed.), A Explicação da Interpretação Humana. Lisbon: Edições Colibri, pp. 401-414.(pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2004). L’empathie et ses degrés. In L'empathie, sous la dir. de A. Berthoz & G. Jorland, Paris: Editions Odile Jacob, pp. 149-181. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2004). Naturaliser l'intentionnalité et la conscience. In La Philosophie Cognitive, sous la dir. de E. Pacherie & J. Proust, Gap: Ophrys, pp. 17-34.
Pacherie, E. (2003). Modes de structuration des contenus perceptifs visuels. In Philosophies de la Perception, sous la dir. de J. Bouveresse & J.-J. Rosat, Paris: Éditions Odile Jacob, pp. 263-289. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2002). Leibhaftigkeit et théories représentationnelles de la perception', in Leibhaftigkeit et théories représentationnelles de la perception', in Naturaliser la phénoménologie, sous la direction de J. Petitot, F. J. Varela, B. Pachoud & J.-M. Roy, Paris: CNRS Editions, 2002, pp. 191-206.
Pacherie, E. (2002). Reply to John Campbell on Joint attention and simulation. In J. Dokic et J. Proust (eds.), Simulation and Knowledge of Action. Johns Benjamins, pp. 255-60.
Pacherie, E. (2001). Peut-on penser l'objectivité sans l'espace? In Philosophes en liberté - Positions et Arguments 1, sous la direction de F. Wolff, Paris : Ellipses, pp. 46-66. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2000). Leibhaftigkeit and representational theories of Perception. In J. Petitot, F. J. Varela, B. Pachoud & J.-M. Roy (eds), Naturalizing Phenomenology. Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 148-160.
Pacherie, E. (2000). Les différents niveaux de contenu perceptif. In De la perception à l’action, sous la dir. de P. Livet, Paris: Vrin, pp. 57-79.
Pacherie, E. (1999). Qualia and Representations. In D. Fisette (ed.), Consciousness and Intentionality: Models and Modalities of Attribution. Dortrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 119-144. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (1998). Représentations motrices, imitation et théorie de l'esprit. In Subjectivité et Conscience d'Agir: Approches Cognitives et Cliniques de la Psychose, sous la dir. de H. Grivois & J. Proust, Paris, PUF, pp. 207-248. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (1997). Du problème de Molyneux au problème de Bach-y-Rita. In Perception et Intermodalité, Approches actuelles du Problème de Molyneux, sous la dir. de J. Proust, Paris, P.U.F, pp. 255-293. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (1997). Faut-il avoir peur du holisme sémantique?. In Catégorisation, Représentation et Systèmes Symboliques, sous la dir. de D. Dubois, Lyon, Kimé, pp. 190-208. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (1997). Troubles de l'agentivité et troubles de la conscience de soi. Quelques hypothèses sur leurs liens dans l'autisme. In Les neurosciences et la philosophie de l'action, sous la dir. de J.-L. Petit, Paris, Vrin, pp. 363-386.
Pacherie, E. (1997). Limites de la rationalité et rationalité des limites. In La raison et la question des limites, Casablanca, sous la dir. de A. Benmakhlouf, Editions Le Fennec, pp. 185-198.
Pacherie, E. (1997). Motor images, self-consciousness, and autism. In J. Russell (ed.), Autism as an executive disorder. Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 215-255.
Pacherie, E. (1996). Domaines conceptuels et modularité. In Penser l’esprit - Des sciences de la cognition à une philosophie cognitive, sous la dir. de V. Rialle et D. Fisette, Grenoble, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, pp. 175-187.
Pacherie, E. (1993). Une théorie naturaliste de l'intentionnalité est-elle possible? In Le Cerveau: la Machine-Pensée, sous la dir. de B. Andrieu, Éd. de l'Harmattan, pp. 73-86.
Pacherie, E. (1991). Aristote et Rosch: un air de famille? In Sémantique et Cognition: Concepts, Catégories, Typicalité, sous la dir. de D. Dubois, Paris: Éditions du CNRS, pp. 279-294.
Conference Proceedings
Clodic, A., Alami, R., Vesper, C., Pacherie, E., Mutlu, B., & Shah, J. A. (2015, March). FJA@ HRI15: Towards a Framework for Joint Action. In Proceedings of the Tenth Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Extended Abstracts (pp. 259-260). ACM.
Sahaï, A, Pacherie, E, O. Grynszpan, O. and Berberian, B (2017), "Co-representation of human-generated actions vs. machine-generated actions: Impact on our sense of we-agency?," 2017 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Lisbon, Portugal, 2017, pp. 341-345, doi: 10.1109/ROMAN.2017.8172324.
Fernández Castro, V., Clodic, A., Alami R., Pacherie, E. (2019) “Commitments in Human-Robot Interaction“. In AI-HRI 2019 Proceedings. AAAI Fall Symposium Series.
Dictionary and encyclopedia entries
Pacherie, E. (2017). Neurosciences Cognitives et agentivité. Encyclopedia Universalis.
Pacherie, E. (2009). Action and Consciousness, Philosophical issues. In P. Wilken, T. Bayne, & A. Cleeremans (eds) The Oxford Companion to Consciousness. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pacherie, E. (2003). Articles "apprentissage", "béhaviorisme", "problème du cadre", "argument de la chambre chinoise", "concept", "connaissance", "connexionnisme", "conscience", "contenu", "émotion", "évolutionnisme", "externalisme/internalisme", "fonctionnalisme", "imagerie mentale", "individualisme", matérialisme", "mémoire", "neurosciences", "perception", "qualia", "réduction", "représentation", " téléosémantique", "théorie". In Grand Dictionnaire de la Philosophie, sous la direction de Michel Blay, Paris, Bordas, 2003.
Pacherie, E. (2002). Intention. Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Londres: MacMillan, pp. 599-604.
Pacherie, E. (1999). Philosophie et Sciences Cognitives. In Encyclopédie Philosophique Universelle, sous la dir. de J.-F. Mattéi, Paris, PUF.
Pacherie, E. (1999). Articles "Dennett", " Intentionnalité", "Réductionnisme". In Dictionnaire d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences, sous la dir. de D. Lecourt, Paris, PUF.
Pacherie, E. (1998). Articles "Aveugle", "Condillac", "Descartes", "Perception subliminale", "Sensation". In ABCdaire des Cinq Sens, sous la dir. de C. Ehm, Paris, Flammarion.
Pacherie, E. (1998). Articles «Attitude propositionnelle", "Cognitivisme", "Conscience", "Domaine", "Individualisme", "Module, modularité", "Morphologie". In Vocabulaire des sciences cognitives, sous la dir. de O. Houdé, D. Kayser, O. Koenig, J. Proust & F. Rastier, Paris, PUF.
Pacherie, E. (1994). Articles "Daniel Dennett" and "Eleanor Rosch". In Dictionnaire des Philosophes, sous la dir. de D. Huisman, Paris: P.U.F.
Book reviews
Pacherie, E. (2017). Review of John M. Doris, Talking to our selves. Ethics, 127, 3: 772-777.
Pacherie, E. (2006). Review of Shaun Gallagher, How the Body Shapes the Mind, Mind, 115, 459: 760-765. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (2004). Looking for the agent in action. Review of Berent Enç, How we Act: Causes, Reasons, and Intentions, Trends in Cognitive Science, 8, 2: 54-55. (pdf)
Pacherie, E. (1999). Compte rendu de P. Boyer, La religion comme phénomène naturel, La Recherche, n° 37.
Pacherie, E. (1998). Compte rendu de P. Engel, Philosophie et psychologie, Dialogue, 37, 2: 414-419.
Pacherie, E. (1996). Compte rendu de M. Seymour, Pensée, Langage et Communication, Dialogue, 35, 3: 641-645.
Pacherie, E. (1993). Compte rendu de J. Petitot, Physique du sens, Revue Philosophique, 4: 732-734.
Pacherie, E. (1992). Compte rendu de F. Cayla, Routes et Déroutes de l'Intentionnalité, Critique, 538: 226-28.
Pacherie, E. (1992). Compte rendu de G. Kleiber, La sémantique du prototype, Intellectica, 13-14: 343-351.
Pacherie, E. (2005). "Peut-on agir librement?", Cerveau et Psycho, n° 9, mars 2005, pp. 51-53.
Pacherie, E. (2004) "Un droit au féminin?" Cerveau et Psycho, n° 5, mars 2004: 56-57.
Pacherie, E. (2004) "Maîtriser ses émotions" Cerveau et Psycho, n°6, juin 2004: 61-63.
Pacherie, E. (2004). "La moralité objective des chimpanzés", Sciences et Avenir, Hors-Série, n° 139, juin-juillet 2004, p. 25.
Pacherie, E. (2003). Illumination mystique et lumière de la raison. Cerveau et Psycho, N° 3: 26-27.
Pacherie, E. (2003). La douleur a-t-elle un sens?. Cerveau et Psycho, N° 4: 50-51.
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