Yet another Git cheat sheet?

Just for the commands I use often…​

Clone repositories and create new branches

Start own copy of repository:

git clone <url>

See branches:

git branch

Change to a different branch:

git checkout <branch-name>

Create new branch from existing branch:

git checkout -b <new-branch-name> <existing-branch-name>

Push new branch to remote repository:

git push origin <branch-name>​

Submit changes

See actual branch and changes to commit

git status

Add new file to Index

git add <filename>

Commit changes to Head

git commit -m "Commit message"

Push changes to remote repository

git push origin <branch-name>​


Merge two branches - e.g. update

git merge <branch-name>

Revert merge

git revert -m 1​

Working with a remote repository and an upstream repository

Get changes from remote repository

git pull origin

Merge changes in master to my branch

git checkout master

git pull origin

git checkout my-branch

git merge master

Getting changes from upstream repository (i.e. from which you forked)

1) Define upstream

git remote add upstream<original>

git remote -v # to see the changes

2) Switch to master

git checkout master

3) Fetch upstream data

git fetch upstream

4) Merge into fork’s master

git merge upstream/master

5) Push changes

git push origin master​