Research - Pablo D'Erasmo

Working Papers

with Dean Corbae and Kuan Liu

with Dean Corbae 

with Selman Erol and Guillermo Ordoñez

with Mitchell Berlin, SungJe Byun, and Edison Yu (R&R European Economic Review)

    with Dean Corbae, Sigurd Galaasen, Alfonso Irarrazabal and Thomas Siemsen

with Dean Corbae

(R&R Economic Inquiry)     


with Igor Livshits and Koen Schoors, Journal of International Economics, Vol 150

with Dean Corbae Heterogeneity in Macroeconomics: Implications for Monetary Policy

edited by Ernesto Pasten and Gianluca Violante

with Dean Corbae and Kuan Liu, Fintech Competition: Law, Policy, and Market Organization

edited by Konstantinos Stylianou, Marios Iacovides, and Bjorn Lundqvist


with Dean Corbae, Econometrica, Vol 89 (6).

(prev. circulated as "Capital Requirements in a Quantitative Model of Banking"

    with Dean Corbae, The Review of Economic Studies, Vol 88 (5).

with Enrique Mendoza, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol 117.

(prev. circulated as "Optimal Domestic (and External) Sovereign Default"

with Dean Corbae Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol 115.

with Hernan Moscoso Boedo, Maria Pia Olivero and Maximo Sangiacomo, IMF Economic Review, Vol 68 (3).

with Ryan A. Decker and Hernan Moscoso Boedo, American Economic Journal Macroeconomics, Vol. 8 (1), pp 148-98.   

    (previously circulated as "Intangible Expenses and Endogenous Firm Volatility over the Business Cycle")

         with Enrique Mendoza, Journal European Economic Association Vol 14 (1), pp. 7-44.

with Enrique Mendoza and Jing Zang, Handbook of Macroeconomics Volume 2 (B) John B. Taylor,  Harald Uhlig (Editors).

Economia, The Journal of LACEA, Vol 16 (2), pp. 143-199.

with Dean Corbae, IMF Economic Review  Vol 63 (4), pp. 830-867.

with Hernan Moscoso Boedo and Asli Senkal, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control  Vol 42, pp 122-14

with Hernan Moscoso Boedo, Journal of Monetary Economics Vol 59, 3, pp 286-302.

with Dean Corbae and Burhan Kuruscu, Journal of Monetary Economics  Vol 56, 1, pp 43-61

Non Refereed Publications

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Economic Insights (Second Quarter).

Media Coverage: "Forcing climate mandates on banks will stifle access to affordable credit," The Hill, February 2022 [link].

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Banking Trends (First Quarter)

Media Coverage: "Mounting commercial real estate losses threaten banks, recovery," Washington Post, Nov 2020 [link].

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Research Brief

with Gabriel Butler, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Economic Insights (First Quarter) 

Work in Progress

with Emine Boz and Bora Durdu

with Javier Bianchi and Enrique Mendoza