Welcome to P4

POSTECH Plasma Physics and Applications GROUP

Laboratory for High Energy Plasmas

Center for Integrated Diagnostics and Control for Burning Plasma

Future-based Accelerator Technology Experts Training Organization

POSTECH-RIST Collaboration on Plasma Applications

Plasma physics involves complex interactions among charged particles, neutral particles, and electric and magnetic fields with many different time and length scales.

The multi-scale nature of plasma physics is responsible for numerous intriguing phenomena both in the laboratory and space.

Our group emphasizes the integration of advanced and innovative diagnostics, plasma physics theories, and numerical modelings to attain a coherent understanding of complex phenomena in plasmas.

We study the physics of magnetically-confined fusion (MCF) plasma, with a focus on (1) the development of advanced plasma diagnostic tools, (2) non-normal hydrodynamics, and (3) the interplay between waves and hydrodynamical modes.

We are exploring the regime of strongly coupled plasma (SCP) using a novel experimental setup that generates long-lived plasma in supercritical fluids. Our main interests are the fundamental collision process and transport phenomena in SCPs.

Another branch of our research is high-pressure (> 1 atm) plasma with topics including (1) source technology (in particular, based on microwave discharge), (2) development of a suite of diagnostic techniques based on laser scattering, optical spectroscopy, mm-wave technology, and chemical probes, (3) transport phenomena in the bulk and at the surface, (4) and industrial applications.

Our team also has collaborative research in beam physics and accelerator science with many experts in the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory.

Location of P4

77, Cheongam-ro, Nam-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea, 37673

Science Bldg III, #105, Research Bldg II #111

Office number : +82 (054) - 279 - 5516

Science Bldg III, #105

Research Bldg II #111