Math 369

Class time: Tuesday, Thursday 11am-12:15pm, E104. Office Hours: Wednesday 9-10am (Weber 130), Thursday after class.

Click here for the syllabus.

Midterm 1: October 9, Tuesday.

Midterm 2: November 13, Tuesday.

Week 1: Introduction to Linear System of Equations, Gaussian Elimination.

Worksheet 1.

Week 2: Matrices and Matrix Operations, Properties.

Worksheet 2, worksheet 3

Week 3: Matrix Multiplication, Finding the inverse of a Matrix, Elementary Matrices,

Worksheet 4, Worksheet 5

Week 4: Determinants, Adjoint of a Matrix, Cramer's Rule

Worksheet 6, Worksheet 7

Week 5,6: Vector Spaces

Worksheet 8, worksheet 9, worksheet 10.

Row Space, Column Space, Null Space, Kernel of a Matrix transformation.

Worksheet 11, Worksheet 12


Worksheet 13


Worksheet 14.

Midterm 2: ( the content of worksheet 13 is included.)

Worksheet 15.