Our Exam Preparation courses cover a variety of exams including: PAA, SAT, GMAT, GRE, TOEFL, IELTS, and ELASH. These courses have been designed to break the exams down into individual concepts and question types. Students quickly gain confidence and knowledge in each question type and are then able achieve their maximum potential score.

TOEFL Registration Guatemala

TOEFL Preparation Private

Classes at any time.

Students work with a private tutor who will design classes to help them work on their weak areas and maximize their scores. A course for ensuring success on the TOEFL program. Students do exercises based directly on the TOEFL or TOEFL tests. Their performances are analysed for weaknesses that the teacher then corrects.

Call 2368-1332 / 2368-1231 to schedule a simulated TOEFL exam.

PAA Preparation Private*

Classes at any time.

PAA English Preparation This course will focus on the specific areas of grammar, writing, and reading that make up the PAA.

PAA Math Preparation This course focuses on the different mathematical concepts which are tested on the PAA and on questions of the most difficult level.

*PAA evaluates the academic potential of the student to continue college. Similar to the SAT but in Spanish.

SAT Registration Guatemala

After School Group SAT English & Math

Monday - Thursday 4:30-6:30

This course is for students who have more than a year to prepare for the SAT.

SAT English For an introduction to the SAT. This course will give students a strong base of grammatical knowledge and reading comprehension skills as well as a thorough introduction to the various parts of the test. Such a foundation will be invaluable in building up to a great score.

SAT Math This part of the course is designed to help build basic math skills for younger students who will take the SAT in the future and to assist students who are falling behind in their regular math classes. Although this class is focussed on the SAT, it is very helpful for math students in general because it focuses on problem solving, logical thinking, and mastering the central concepts of mathematics

SAT Preparation Private

Classes at any time. Students can choose either preparation or a combination for maximum results. This course is for students who are taking the SAT in a year or less.

SAT Verbal PreparationThis course will focus on the specific areas of grammar, writing, and reading that make up the SAT. The course also includes a great deal of testing to build endurance and confidence under pressure.

SAT Math Preparation This course is an in-depth focus on the different mathematical concepts which are tested on the SAT and on questions of the most difficult level.

GMAT Registration Guatemala

GMAT Preparation Private

Classes at any time.

Students work with an experienced private tutor who designs classes to help them work on their weak areas. They have the opportunity to review math concepts and strategies and to learn formulas and strategies in every part of the test to help increase their scores.

GRE Registration Guatemala

GRE Preparation Private

Classes at any time.

Students work with an experienced private tutor who designs classes to help them work on their weak areas. A complete introduction to and preparation for the GRE exam. These classes cover the mathematical concepts tested in GRE , give problem-solving strategies for all parts of the exam, and introduce formulas to help rapidly improve scores.

University Admissions Course

Work one on one with one of Oxford’s college counselors to prepare your US college applications.

  • University Selection
  • Scholarship Search
  • Formulation of Personal Message
  • Brainstorming and Planning of Essays and Applications
  • 5 Step Essay Revision and Improvement process
  • Professional Grammar and Spelling Check (for all applications and essays)
  • Parent Meetings (scholarships, paying for tuition, ways to support your child in the process)
  • Accelerated TOEFL Course (4 hours private tutoring and a practice TOEFL Exam)

During the process, parents and students have constant email access to the college counselor