2 – Installing OverSim

First, installing OverSim in Windows and Linux is discussed. Second, we will discuss how to run some of the examples in OverSim. According to many discussions on OverSim mailing list, users seems to have had some issues while installing OverSim on Windows. However, when properly installed there should not be any difference whether you are using it on Windows or Linux. Instructions for Linux should also apply for Mac OS X. Following discussion is based on OverSim-20101103 version. For specific instructions on newer versions see installation instructions at OverSim.org and mailing list. Users are advised to read the respective license agreements as most of the following software is free only for academic and personal use.

2.1 Installing on Windows

Before installing OverSim you need to install OMNet++ and INET packages.

Following instructions are based on a Windows 7 machine; however, they should be readily applicable for other versions as well.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:

Step 7:

Suppose we want to install the simulator inside Simulators directory. First create the directory as follows (assuming your are using DOS prompt):

C:\mkdir Simulators

C:\cd Simulators

Download OMNeT++ 4.1 win32 (source + IDE + MINGW, zip) file to the Simulators directory. This file contains everything that you need to install OMNet++ in Windows. (Please note that the current version of Oversim only supports Omnet++ 4.1, and not Omnet++ 4.2 or later.)

Extract the directory using your favorite data decompression tool.

Then go to the omnetpp-4.1 directory and double click on mingwenv.cmd

This will open up MinGW (i.e., a minimalist development environment for native Microsoft Windows applications) window.


64-bit compilation

The simulation of large scale systems might require more than 3 GB of memory. It is not possible to address more than 3 GB of memory on a 32 bit system. A 64 bit system will, therefore, be required for large scale simulations. Although OMNet++ can compile as a 64 bit system, the MinGW compiler used to compile OMNet++ in Windows is a 32 bit compiler. It is, therefore, not possible to compile Omnet++ as a 64 bit application in Windows, which means the no Omnet++ Windows simulation can use more than 3 GB of memory.

Run the configuration to set installation parameters.

$ ./configure

If you get the following warning message, ignore it as we do not need those packages.

WARNING: The configuration script could not detect the following packages:

MPI (optional) PCAP (optional) Akaroa (optional)

Scroll up to see the warning messages (use shift+PgUp), and search config.log

for more details. While you can use OMNeT++ in the current configuration,

be aware that some functionality may be unavailable or incomplete.

You should see a message similar the following if your configuration is correct:

Your PATH contains c:/Simulations/omnetpp-4.1/bin. Good!

Use make command to compile OMNet++ (you may have to wait couple of minutes depending on the speed of your machine)

$ make

If installation is successful following message should appear:

Now you can type "omnetpp" to start the IDE

Next download patched version of the INET framework INET-OverSim-20101019.tgz and extract it to Simulators directory.

Go to the INET directory and compile it using make:

$ cd ..

dilum@mypc /c/Simulations

$ cd INET-OverSim-20101019/

dilum@mypc /c/Simulations/INET-OverSim-20101019

$ make

Finally download the latest OverSim version from OverSim.org. Suppose latest version is OverSim-20101103.tgz. Extract the files to Simulators directory.

Go to the OverSim directory and compile it using make:

dilum@mypc /c/Simulations/INET-OverSim-20101019

$ cd ../OverSim-20101103/

dilum@mypc /c/Simulations/OverSim-20101103

$ make

By default OverSim enables debugging features. If you want to compile without debugging features use:

$ make MODE=release

If there are no error messages installation is complete.

2.2 Installing on Linux and Mac OS X

Note icon

Make sure the following packages/libraries are already installed before your begin

Linux (Ubuntu or Fedora)

    • Tcl/Tk 8.4 with BLT and libgmp
    • Use following command to install
      • Ubuntu – sudo apt-get install tk8.4-dev libgmp3-dev blt-dev
      • Fedora – yum install tk8.4-dev libgmp3-dev blt-dev

Mac OS X 10.5

    • Xcode 3.x and Fink (includes libgmp)
    • First install Fink. Then open a terminal and install libgmp using
    • sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev

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