

Home Otley Community Players

Winter 2004 saw otley community players perform Nick Hall's fantastic play inspired by the poem Jabberwocky.

Although hilarious in parts, this was a dark tragedy following the young man who, having won the vorpal blade from the frumious (and very silly) bandersnatch, seeks to slay the Jabberwock. But there is more to this questing youth than than the hero we would have him be, and one ought to be very sure of oneself before facing the Jabberwock...

(Alan Smith)

All the photos from Jabberwocky are here. Sadly, at time of writing, all we have is the artwork. We might try to capture some images from the DVD, if they're sufficiently good quality. Or even some video clips.

If you have any photos from this production, please let us know.

uk site

Page last updated 23.2.07 by Alan