
Working Papers and Work in Progress 

R&R American Economic Review

R&R Journal of Political Economy

(Selected) Publications 

Theoretical Economics (Forthcoming)

Review of Economic Studies (Forthcoming)

Review of Economic Studies, (2022)

Journal of Economic Theory, (2020) 

American Economic Review: Insight, (2020)---for earlier version, NBER Working Paper 23265

Journal of Political Economy, (2019) — Supplementary online appendix (pdf)

Theoretical Economics, (2018)

Theoretical Economics, (2015)

Games and Economic Behavior, (2014)

Journal of Economic Theory, (2012)

Econometrica, (2012) — Supplementary online appendix (pdf)

Quarterly Journal of Economics, (2012) — Supplementary online appendix (pdf) — This builds on two preliminary papers KT09 and AFH09

Japanese Economic Review, (2012)

Theoretical Economics, (2012)

Games and Economic Behavior, (2012)

International Journal of Game Theory, (2011)

Journal of Economic Theory, (2011)

Journal of Economic Theory, (2010)

Journal of Economic Theory, (2009)

International Journal of Game Theory, (2006)

Journal of Economic Theory, (2006)

Games and Economic Behavior, (2006)

Publication in French

Nephrologie et Thérapeutique, (2022) — Version courte (pdf - french version, pdf - english version), Note IPP, n°41, (2019) 

Revue Economique, (2014) — Résumé en FrançaisEnglish Summary

Education & Formations, (2016) — Version courte (pdf), Note IPP, n°24, (2016)

Note IPP, n°41, (2019)

Other Publications

Revue d’Economie Industrielle, Special issue, (2006)

 Revue d’Economie Industrielle, Special issue, (2006)

Mathematical Methods of Operation Research, (2010)

Conference Proceeding

Robust Equilibria under Non-Common Priors Revised - Mar 09 with D. Oyama Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, D. Samet, ed., Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2007, p. 212-221.

Some Additional Works


Associate Editor at the Review of Economic Studies : 2013-2021

Associate Editor at the American Economic Review : 2021-


American Economic Journal: Micro, American Economic Review, Econometrica, Economic Theory, Economics Letters, Games and Economic Behavior, International Journal of Game Theory, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Quarterly Journal of Economics, The RAND Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Social Choice and Welfare, Theory and Decision, Theoretical Economics, ...