Principles of Microeconomics (Spring 2021)

University of Houston, Department of Economics


Course topics

Ch. 2: Economic Models and the PPF

Ch. 3: Interdependence and Trade

Ch. 4: Supply and Demand

Ch. 5: Elasticity

Ch. 6: Price Controls and Taxes on Goods

EXAM 1 (click to download study materials)

Ch. 7: The Efficiency of Markets

Ch. 8: Application: The Costs of Taxation

Ch. 9: Application: International Trade

Ch. 10: Externalities

Ch. 11: Public Goods and Common Resources

EXAM 2 (click to download study materials)

Ch. 13: Production and Cost Functions

Ch. 14: Profit Maximization Under Perfect Competition

Ch. 15: Monopoly

Ch. 16: Monopolistic Competition

EXAM 3 (click to download study materials)