Oscar Erixson

Associate Professor                                                     Email: oscar.erixson@ibf.uu.se 

Researcher                                                                        Phone: +46(0)704 676 110

Institute for Housing and Urban Research

Uppsala University                                                                    CV


Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies (UCFS), Uppsala University  

Urban Lab,  Uppsala University  

HEFUU, Uppsala University                                                              

Fields of interest: Public economics, Urban economics, Health economics, Behavioral economics

I am Researcher at the Institute for Housing and Urban Research, Uppsala University. The focus of my research is on empirical work, descriptive as well as causal, in public economics and its subfields of intergenerational transfers, inequality, taxation, and charitable giving. It also touches upon a broad range of additional fields, including urban, labor, and health economics as well as other disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, biology, and law. I have published in leading scientific journals, field economics journals and popular science journals and my  research has been covered in many of the most notable international news media outlets. 

Peer reviewed publications

"The impact of inheritances on heirs’ labor and capital income" (with Mikael Elinder and Henry Ohlsson), The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (Contributions) 12(1): article 61 (2012) 

    Media: Dagens Industri, Dagens Nyheter

"Gender, social norms, and survival in maritime disasters" (with Mikael Elinder), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 109(33): 13220-13224 (2012)

    Media: New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Freakonomics, BBC, The Daily Mail, The Daily Telegraph, CBS, Frankfurter Allgemeine, The Hindu, and many more. 

"Health responses to a wealth shock: Evidence from a Swedish tax reform" Journal of Population Economics, vol. 30, iss. 4, pp. 1281-1336.

"Inheritance and wealth inequality: Evidence from population registers" (with Mikael Elinder and Daniel Waldenström) Journal of Public Economics, vol. 165, pp. 17-30. 

"Equal sharing, exchange motives, and Cinderella effects"  (with Henry Ohlsson) Journal of Population Economics, 2019, vol. 32, pp. 1437-1480 .

Deathbed tax planning(with Sebastian Escobar)  Journal of Public Economics, 2020, 185 (with Sebastian Escobar) 

The last will: Estate divisions as a testament of to whom altruism is directed(with Mikael Elinder and Per Engström)  PLOS ONE, 2021, 16(7): e0254492.

"Where Would Ukrainian Refugees Go if They Could Go Anywhere" (with Mikael Elinder and Olle Hammar) International Migration Review, 2023, 57, pp. 588-602.

"Cognitive ability, public policy and the heterogeneity of Covid-19 vaccine up-take” (with Mikael Elinder and Mattias Öhman) Forthcoming in Journal of Health Economics

Unpublished working papers

Estates, Bequests and Inheritances in Sweden. Alook into the Belinda databases” (with Mikael Elinder, Sebastian Escobar, Henry Ohlsson)

An Inquiry into the Relationship between Intelligence and Prosocial Behavior: Evidence from Swedish Population Registers”  (with Mikael Elinder), R&R Economic Journal

Toxic Metal Injustice? Socioeconomic Status at Birth and Proximity to Airborne Contamination.” (with Linuz Aggeborn, Jenny Jans and Mattias Öhman), R&R Journal of Urban Economics

Policy writing and popular science 

"Mindre arbete, högre inkomster - arvingens lott" (with Mikael Elinder and Henry Ohlsson), Ekonomisk Debatt 39(4): 70-78 (2012)

"Rädde sig den som kan!" (with Mikael Elinder), Ekonomisk Debatt 40(7): 26-35 (2012)

Förmögenhet – mina pengar eller släktens?” (with Henry Ohlsson), Ekonomisk Debatt, No 2. 2015, Vol. 43 

"Arvens betydelse för förmögenhetsfördelningen" (with Mikael Elinder and Daniel Waldenström), Ekonomisk Debatt, No 1. 2017, Vol. 45 

”En beklaglig förlust? En ESO-rapport om erfarenheter och lärdomar av arvsskatt” Rapport till Expertgruppen för studier i offentlig ekonomi 2021:2. 

”Hur många kommer fly från Ukraina och vilka EU-länder kommer de söka sig till?” Delmi Policy Brief 2022:3 (with Mikael Elinder and Olle Hammar) 

"Under ytan: hur många och vilka vill lämna sina länder för att flytta till EU och Sverige?" Delmi Rapport 2023:4 (with Mikael Elinder and Olle Hammar)

"Vart vill ukrainarna ta vägen? Migrationspreferenser i Ukraina" Ekonomisk Debatt , 2023, 51(4) (with Mikael Elinder and Olle Hammar)


Check out my TEDx talk: Women and Children First or Every Man for Himself?