
Using Open Site Builder Tools to build a sample site

Since all the elements of our structure are in place the final step is to build the destination site from our sources. So we check out the existance of a target folder (/users/stas/sites/osbtools in our case) and load a osb.php script in our browser. We get a form with some controls like prompt for a config file path, functioning mode and build parameters. We will only provide a full path to our config.xml file (/users/stas/tpl/osbtools/config.xml) and leave other fields with their default values. Checking Verbose will show us information on each file processed while leaving it blank will only show updated/copied files and totals for each directory. If the sitemap id is defined in the config file we may provide its code here to receive the sitemap.xml file in the root of our target folder.

After submitting the form osb.php is reloaded with needed parameters and parses our config file. It assembles a target site (which is our objective). The assembling process is visible: parameters from config.xml are displayed and all the folders processed are shown with subtotals for all the files listed/copied/built. Since form method used to pass parameters is GET you can bookmark the resulting page to reload it later when you need to rebuild the site. When actively working on your project it's recommended to have two tabs open in the browser -- a osb.php page to rebuild target and a current page showing the updates when reloaded.

Unix users don't forget to set permissions on the target folder to let Apache create and update files.

Well now you seem to get the point on using Open Site Builder in your development process. To dive into all the great features (mentioned and left apart) you can now check the Commands Reference document.